News Letter
By Dan
  SSD was formed 1n 1995 by Shelley Lein, Shannon Beisboer, and Dan Lein with Shelley and Shannon as the active owners and operators they were performing Lawn Care, which included snow plowing. In 1999 Shelley decided to discontinue the lawn care and keep only the snow plowing ,it seems plowing in a warm truck with music was a little more appealing.
In 1995 I took the position of facility supervisor for a fortune 100 company, with 40 roof top units, 4 make up air units, full service kitchen, multiple fan systems and 600 perfectly satisfied tenants. Well had that satisfied part been actually true I would have been immediately raised to status of Sainthood and been the patron saint of all building managers throughout the world. That being the case

and a love for sanity I began to at least make the task of attempted Sainthood a little more achievable.
The building had a 3 node Solidyne Clipper System that had all the potential in the world. Well, to make a long story bearable, 5 years and 27 nodes later we were unable to achieve Sainthood however I can count on my hand the amount of climate complaints we had. We were also able to better predict costs and justify/implement several cost saving projects as well as solve some security issues.
In 2000 I joined The Bogot Companies as a project manager and was a key player in the installation of over 1,000 nodes in 2 government buildings in Chicago, totaling over a million square feet and a range of manufactures to long to list no Sainthood but did receive substantial completion the summer of 2001.
In June of 2001 I accepted a position at Teng and Associates as a project manager in their automation division and took a month off. Due to some family issues and the pending travel at Teng I decided to decline the position and take the remainder of the summer off. I went back to Bogot in September and well here I am.
Well Shelley still plows, and I still work with Solidyne as a dealer, I have given up on Sainthood but I bet you would like to count your temperature complaints on one hand while putting money in your pocket with the other.
Speaking of Savings
Savings is something we all strive for both in personal and professional life. From lighting management to climate control real savings can be achieved. Throw in the benefits of reduced down time, lower customer complaints and your staff can become more responsive and efficient. Thats savings!
Contact SSD today to discuss cost reduction plans for your facility.
Control News
The controls industry is growing as fast as the Internet (do I have to credit Al Gore?), and Solidyne is right in front. Not only is the Windows Software available and solid but also keep an eye or their Web site they are currently developing solutions that will certainly lead the way in the industry and at your work site.