Imperial Valley Fire Chiefs Association Annual Banquet
On the 28th January, 2000, the Imperial Valley Fire
Chiefs Association held their annual banquet at the Naval Air
Facility, El Centro, California. Battalion Chief Hank Green and
his lovely wife Pam, along with Battalion Chief Dennis Light and
his wife Lynn, attended, representing the City of Yuma Fire
We had a special treat. The regional and state recognized
Southwest High School Eagles Color Guard performed "Colors"
for us. This troop of exceptional young men and women will again
be competing at the State level. We wish them luck. Not that they
need it. They are exceptionally good. And after perfoming Colors,
they gave us another excellent performance, trooping to Mambo #5!!
The guest speaker was Assistant Chief Ishmael Messer of OES
Region 1 and a special acknowledgement was given by Eric Corens
of the Muscular Dystropy Association. And by the way, Eric... we
hope the safe didn't cause too much wind resistance on the way
After the wonderful dinner, speeches and awards, which included a
Medal of Valor to a civilian for saving the life of a co-worker,
there was the annual raffle. Once all the prizes are raffled, the
centerpieces from the dinner tables are then raffled - both Pam
and Lynn won centerpieces!! ;o) They were so cute. Little red
fire trucks with flowers.
Thanks again to the Imperial Valley Fire Chiefs Association for another splendid banquet.