YFDLA LogoYuma Fire Department

Ladies Auxiliary

March, 2002

Volume 3, Issue 7


Gale Fisher, President - 343-0777
Tammy Smith, Vice President - 317-1815
Cheri Allen, Treasurer - 344-4664
C.J. Padilla, Secretary - 726-4432
Judy Stroh, Historian - 329-1606


Yuma Fire Department Muster

Normally, last week would have been our stint at the Annual Firemen’s Muster, but no fear, things are in the works to make it bigger and better than ever. The Firemen’s Union is working hard to get the event sanctioned and moved to a high visibility location. This will enable more of the public to enjoy this event with us. Lots of help will be needed and all age groups are welcome to assist. This truly is a family event!



BUNKO was hosted by Susie Dowling in February and we all went away a little bigger (from the feast of food) and a little richer (from the winnings) Even with no sleep, she throws a heck of a party! THANKS :)

This month’s festivities will be hosted by our own two-time loser Lisa. Lisa Linville has consistently lost the majority of games we have planned and has been raking in the bucks ever since. Someone needs to de-throne Lisa soon. Whether you are lucky or a loser, we guarantee you will have tons on fun. We still have permanent seats available with this roaming group of misfits. If you are interested in playing just drop by Lisa’s house on Wednesday, March 20th at 6:30 p.m.

Lisa’s home is located at 1070 Arena Drive, off of Ave A….by the Boys and Girls Club or my favorite place, the Pepsi Plant!

Host Homes are still in demand. If you wish to host the Bunko at your home, please contact Gale at 343-0777. Gale has the schedule for the months still available for this year.


A Member’s Moment

Judy Stroh would like to add a thank you to the Lady's that came to visit her in the hospital. Your thoughts and prayers meant a lot to Mark and Judy. Special thanks for all the get well cards, flowers, balloons and bears.

In last month article I reported incorrectly that Judy was a part-time accountant. In fact, she runs her own business, Judy's Tax Accounting.   April 15th is around the corner and she is OPEN  for your business!



Anyone wishing to purchase a shirt may contact Gale or attend our March 7th meeting

The cost of the shirt is $6.50


Here are a few of the fundraisers we are currently considering...

  •   Krispie Kremes
  •   Cousin Subs
  •   Pizza Kits
  •   Taco Rolls
  •   Pizza Take-over
  •   Ornaments
  •   Firemen’s Muster
  •   Raffles
  •   Crafts Fair


February Auxiliary Meeting

There are still a number of  issues to discuss and decisions to be made about our available funds and the direction in which our organization should take. A questionnaire has been mailed to all of  our members addressing some of these issues. It is important to get your feedback as soon as possible, so please take the time to fill it out and return it.

During our last meeting we voted to acknowledge each new birth with a $25.00 Savings Bond. As the child matures, so does the bond, which will double to a value of $50.00.

Discussion surrounding “supporting our own” entailed setting aside money which could be used by our members in the case of an unexpected emergency. Guidelines for funds and distribution need to be in place before allocation can begin.

Our next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 7th, beginning at 7:00 p.m. and will be located at YFD Station #1. We are still finalizing the proposed Fire/EMS Scholarship Fund to be awarded to a youth interested in seeking a career with the fire department.


Battle of the Badges

Help Support Our Local Youth Programs and cheer on your favorite agency!

The Battle of the Badges is scheduled for March 23rd at 6:00. The cost for this event is $ 10.00 per person and proceeds go to the Yuma Youth Boxing Association. Representatives from each Law Enforcement and  Fire Department Agencies battle it out in three-two minute rounds. The event is held at the Club Latino Building located at 2150 Colorado St.. The crowds are big, so go a little early to get good parking and seating!!!


National Society of Executive Fire Officers

The City of Yuma Fire Department will be hosting the annual meeting of the National Society of Executive Fire Officers (SEFO), October 17-20, 2002 at the Shilo Inn. Members from YFDLA will be needed for the early and late registration of guests attending this event. YFDLA is also working on sponsoring a luncheon for the wives, who accompany their husbands, from out of town. YFD has asked for our assistance with this project and in turn, we are asking for your support. There are several craft projects being purposed (some assembly required) and in the near future a date will be set. If you are a crafty person willing to assist or wish to host this event, please contact Gale at 343-0777.


Check out the site

      Lynn Light works hard to update our WebSite each month. She created this site three years ago and has been maintaining it ever since.

       Thank you** Lynn, for all your hard work ! ! !

**Editor's Note: <Fran Dresher voice over> "Stop... you're making me bluuussshh!"

You're welcome.

Visit us on the web at...  



         http:// www.geocities.com/heartland/trail/9697