January 10th, 2002
January 10th, 2002
Meeting called to order at 7PM
Members Present: Lynn Light, Amanda Stoermer, Tammy Smith, Laurie Grimes, Cheri Allen, Pam Green, Gale Fisher, C.J. Padilla
Minutes: The minutes from our December meeting were read by Gale Fisher and approved as is.
Treasurers Report: Cheri Allen gave the report with a current account balance of $1,059.25
Christmas Family/Adopt-a-Senior: Tammy extends a thank you from the sponsored family for items received during the Christmas Holidays . Warm clothes, toys, stuffed animals, kitchen products, a gift certificate to Julianna's, and baby products were all greatly appreciated.
The adopted female senior received a holiday throw and slippers while the male senior received hats, coffee cups, and a sweater.
Total cost: $177.00
911 Donation: The donation of $500.00 has been sent to the firefighter relief fund set-up in Washington. A letter, which was prepared and read by Gale, was sent expressing our heartfelt sorrow to the victims and their families involved in the September 11th Tragedy.
Burn Camp Support Services: Four members of the ladies auxiliary were present on Saturday, Jan. 5th to assist with registration, sales and information. The annual golf tournament raises money for local burn victims. Thanks go to Claire Tolemia, Cheri Allen, Lenora Torres
Scrap booking: Proposed dates need to be discussed to create a scrapbook composed of events, fund raisers, and activities, which YFDLA has been involved in over the last three years. Julie Ott has donated a binder and some supplies have been purchased. After some discussion, the issue was tabled for consideration at a later time.
SEFO Oct. 17-20, 2002: YFDLA has
been requested to assist with this local event. At least one hundred participants
are expected to attend. Discussion was held about potential activities, fundraisers,
and baskets
additional planning would be required. A phone poll will be
conducted to determine if we have the support of the members to proceed with
this project.
Amanda Stoermer will be willing to translate during this event.
Scholarships: YFDLA would like
to set-up a scholarship fund to be available for the fall 2002 registration.
Everyone agreed on some minimum standards for each applicant applying for the
Applicants must be a high school senior, Co-op participant, or a student enrolled
at AWC, currently maintaining a C- Average, and be involved in community activities
or programs. The proposed amount should not exceed $300.00, to be made payable
directly to the school. The funds are to be used to purchase books or to defray
the cost of tuition for EMS or Fire-Related Courses.
After much discussion it was agreed a phone poll would be conducted to ensure the quorum requirement is met. Deadline on this program has been set for May 1st, 2002 to ensure applications have been distributed throughout the necessary agencies in our community.
Savings Bonds: Tammy Smith was presented with a $25.00 gift certificate for a savings bond. Tammy Smith holds the bond issued to Ema Smith in trust. Discussion for further savings bonds included presenting them to new parents as congratulations from YFDLA. Additionally, the parent named in trust should be an employee of the City of Yuma servicing in YFD Fire Operations or Communications.
Fundraisers: Potential future fundraisers were discussed and need to be decided on soon. Most vendors require donation requests to be submitted by the first of the month. If we plan on participating in the Saint Patrick's Day Block Party, or any other venture, commitments must be secured by members and vendors well in advance. Further discussion has been tabled.
Bunko: A schedule of the host houses and membership will be generated in the next newsletter. Tammy Smith has volunteered to host this months gathering.
Adjourn at 9:05
Our next Meeting is scheduled for Monday February 11th at 7:00 p.m. Station #1