October 10th, 2001
YFDLA Meeting Minutes 10 October,
Meeting was called to order at
7:20 p.m.
Members present: Monica Rillamas, C.J. Padilla, Julie Ott, Tammy Smith, Lynn
Light, Lucy Padilla, Valerie Bird, Laurie Grimes, Cheri Allen, Judy
Stroh, Carla Waterford.
Dues Collected
Minutes Read and Approved
Treasurer's Report: Cheri gave an update of our bank account, which has a current
balance of $1,628.69. There was some discussion about establishing and
maintaining a petty cash fund. A motion was made to allow our treasurer
to establish a petty cash fund of $50.00 to be used for our day to day
operations. She will maintain receipts and some type of log to track funds.
The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
Bikes: The group was given an update on the status of the bikes to be purchased
the family of four. Gale made contact with the family and was told
someone has already taken care of that need. The family is doing well and
does not need our assistance at this time. (Reported by Tammy)
Healthy Kids Day: This event scheduled
for Saturday Oct. 13th will be held at YFD
Station # 1. Gale will provide a table and some chairs (per Tammy) and will
be available through out the day on Saturday. Cheri Allen has volunteered
to purchase and assemble a basket full of health and safety items. Cathy
Padilla received two packages of pictures and has volunteered to make a
poster outlining some of YFDLA's programs and projects. The raffle tickets
to be used for this event will also be donated by Cathy.
Taco Roll Fundraiser: The taco
roll scheduled for the morning of Saturday, Nov. 10th
will be moved to the afternoon of the same day. The City of Yuma will be
hosting a parade entitled God Bless America on the morning of Nov. 10th and
it was decided the taco roll would be held at 1:00 p.m. after the parade. We
still need to secure a location for this event. We agreed that the most
appropriate facility to hold this event at would be YFD station #2.
Thanksgiving Family: A family
was found through the Salvation Army and Cheri
Allen will try to get all the details before our next meeting.
Token of Appreciation: A basket of assorted goodies from Bath and Body Works
was presented to Lynn Light for the wonderful job she has done with our
website. Thanks again for all your hard work!
Incentives: A new program was
discussed rewarding current members for
promoting new memberships among the spouses and significant others of
the employees. While a reward was not determined, we agreed a ticket
will be given for each member bringing in a new member (each time). The
tickets will go into a pot, to be drawn at a later time, when we determine a
fitting reward.
Thank You: We received a thank
you card from Kimberly and Ed Harris for the
baby gift basket they received from the auxiliary. A follow-up report by
Pam Green (given by C.J. Padilla) says we are now caught up on the
baby baskets with the exception to Emma Smith. It was thought because
she is turning 1 yr old, we would give her a gift certificate to a local store
or a $25.00 savings bond. After much discussion a motion was made to present
Emma with a $25.00 savings bond as soon as possible and that the bond should
be set in trust of Tammy Smith. The motion was seconded and passed.
Sept. 11th Tragedy: A vote was held to send the victims of the tragedy a check
in the
amount of $500.00 to New York. It was further agreed unanimously that Gale
Fisher should compose an elegant and heartfelt letter to accompany the check.
The check is to go directly to aid the families of the firefighters killed on
Adjournment: 8:20 p.m.
Next Meeting: November 10th during the Taco Roll