YFDLA LogoYuma Fire Department

Ladies Auxiliary

November, 2001

Volume 3, Issue 3

Gale Fisher, President - 343-0777
Tammy Smith, Vice President - 317-1815
Cheri Allen, Treasurer - 344-4664
C.J. Padilla, Secretary - 726-4432
Judy Stroh, Historian - 329-1606


And the BIG WINNER of the YFDLA Health and Safety Basket is...
8 year old Daniel Linares, a third grader from Alice Byrne Elementary School

On Saturday October 13th, the auxiliary manned a booth at the third annual "Healthy Kids Day" event held at YFD station #1.
A beautiful, red basket containing games, coloring books, crayons, bubbles, healthy snacks, outlet plugs and lots of goodies to promote health and safety was made by Cheri and Laurie Allen. From 10:00 am to 1:30 pm, each child was given a ticket to enter in the raffle. At 1:30 Deanna drew the winning ticket #0348606. The winner, 8 yr old. Daniel Linares is a third grader from Alice Byrne Elementary School.
Thanks to all the members that helped with the booth, basket, and poster. Next year we can make it bigger and better!!!


Our very first membership spotlight is shining on Julie Ott. Julie is the wife of Daniel Ott, an Engineer working on A-shift (station 5) What color is that?
This is the Ladies Auxiliary's third year of operation and Julie has been with us since the beginning. Last year she served as our historian and was present at most of our functions and a big supporter of all of our fundraisers. During last year's Taco Roll, we received several large boxes full of donations given by Julie and her friends. The donated toys, clothing and baby items were given to our adopted Families for the Holidays.

Julie is a Registered Nurse at Y.R.M.C. and the mother of two beautiful children; 6 year old Richard and 5 year old Mackenzie. Julie can always be found with both her children at our functions; serving drinks at the Firemen's Muster, working the food booths or helping with the Annual Goodie Baskets.

Julie juggles a hectic schedule of work and play with her family and friends. In her spare time, Julie enjoys reading and surfing the internet.


It's Time to start Counting your Blessings

The Ladies Auxiliary is sponsoring a needy family this year and would like your help! YFDLA is purchasing a pre-prepared Thanksgiving feast for a family we have selected and anyone interested in adding any homemade goodies, please contact any one of the board members.
Thank you!!!


The Ladies Auxiliary is having their Second Annual Taco Roll. This Fundraiser helps to pay for the food and gifts given to the families we sponsor during the Holidays. This year's event will again be held at YFD Station #2. The crew has agreed to allow us to use their spacious kitchen ….THANKS in advance to the B-Shift Crew.

Lucy Padilla will be giving us all free lessons on how to roll tacos… Which side goes up? All orders must be prepaid and the money turned in to Lucy or Cheri by Nov. 1st. Anyone with orders or questions may contact one of our board members.

Gale Fisher 343-0777 President
Tammy Smith 317-1815 Vice President
Cheri Allen 344-4664 Treasurer
C.J. Padilla 726-4432 Secretary
Judy Stroh 329-1606 Historian

We will begin rolling tacos at 1:00 p.m. and continue till all the orders are filled. If you can give an hour or two of your time, please plan to join us. Anyone wishing to bring rice, beans, salsa or a dessert, is encouraged to do so. In appreciation for their support, we will be feeding the crew!


Open enrollment is scheduled for

Station 2 from 1-4 p.m.
Or 11/7
Station 1 from 8:30-11:00/1:00-3:30

Flu Shots:

11/13 station 1

11/14 station 5

If anyone would like to add
anything to the newsletter…

Please summit your articles no
later than the 15th of each month.


Enjoy a safe
Family and Friends