Yuma Fire Dept LogoYuma Fire Dept LogoYFD Ladies Auxiliary


October, 1999

Volume 1, Issue 3

Help our desert community grow
- support the YFD Ladies Auxiliary.


YFD & YFDLA Welcomes New Firefighters!

Welcome goes out to our new firefighters and their significant others. These firefighters will begin working with the department next Monday, October 25th, 1999.

Please offer a hearty welcome to: Firefighter/Paramedic Robert Rillamas, Firefighter/Paramedic Tony Williamson, Firefighter/Paramedic John “Chris” Moore, Firefighter/EMT John Whitson, Firefighter/EMT Ed Harris, and Firefighter/EMT David Denman.

If you happen to notice these new members of the Fire Department Family, please introduce yourself and make them feel welcome.



Earthquake Awareness… Are You Prepared?

After recent seismic events, it is perhaps a good time to remind everyone that we do live in an earthquake hazard area. The Magnitude 7.0 Hector Mine Earthquake that occurred in Southern California did not affect us too much here, however, we live near some rather large fault lines that are capable of generating an earthquake of equal stature.  With that in mind, everyone should formulate a plan of action to take in the event of such an earthquake. Like planning an escape route for a fire, one should make sure all family members know what to do, where to go, and what supplies to have on hand. Since it is likely that power will be out and phone lines will be down, it is essential that everyone keeps an “Earthquake Kit” handy.  This kit should contain at the very minimum:

  • Enough food & water for each family member for 3 days.

  • A good First Aid Kit—the probability of injuries will be high.

  • Medications - make sure all prescribed medicines are stocked in the kit.

  • A radio, a flashlight and spare batteries for both.

For more information on Earthquakes and how to prepare for such an event, visit: http://www.scecdc.scec.org/recenteqs

For a Seismicity Map of the Hector Mine earthquake visit: http://www.scecdc.scec.org/Pics/hectorday.gif




Fire House Healthy Kids Day

The Fire House Healthy Kids Day is a cooperative undertaking with the City of Yuma Fire Dept, the Yuma County Health Dept and other volunteer and civic organizations throughout the county. The day was a great success! See the fun here.


Calendar of Events

Yuma Reading Council Seeks Volunteers
The Yuma Reading Council is looking for volunteers to read to children during story hour at Barnes and Noble and Hastings on Saturdays. If you are interested, please contact Jenny or Barbara at 343-9363.

YFD Ladies Auxiliary Meeting, November 1st, 1999
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm at Station One in the Training Classroom.  Please attend this meeting. We will be voting on many issues. If you do not attend, you cannot vote.

Breast Cancer Awareness
Since October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Gale would like to share a documentary with all of us. Please attend the above meeting so that a time and place can be set. Also, you can check out the links at: http://health.yahoo.com/health/breastcancer/breast_cancer_awareness.html

The Children’s Festival of Arts, November 13th, 1999
Please come along and show your support for our community’s youths. The festival will be held in the Main Street Plaza from 12 Noon until 5 PM. Come and join the fun!

Diabetes Awareness
November is Diabetes Awareness Month. More information on Diabetes can be found at: http://www.cdc.gov/od/oc/media/fact/diabetes.htm

Flu Season - Have You Had Your Shot Yet?
If you have not had your flu shot yet, consider getting it done quickly. If you need a reminder of why this is important, then visit the Center for Disease Control at: http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/diseases/flu/fluvirus.htm

City of Yuma Christmas Party, December 18th, 1999
The City of Yuma Christmas Party is scheduled for Saturday, 18th December, commencing at 7PM at the Convention Center. The cost will be $5 per person.

Newsletter Contributions
If you have any events that you feel would be appropriate to place in this newsletter, then please contact Lynn at Larabezhrt@aol.com.
Submission deadline for the next newsletter is: Friday, 12th November, 1999.










YFDLA is a non-profit organization. © YFDLA, August, 1999