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Illustration is by Hannah, who is 4 years old.
"L'shana tovah tikatevu"
On Rosh Hashanan, The Day of Judgment,
The Book Of Destiny is open
How many will be born? How many will die?
We beg God’s pardon for our tarnsgressions,
Let us give to the poor and be charitable,
So, let us take personal inventory,
The sounding of the Shofar, the ram’s horn,
When Jewish people gather together,
We cry like a child for our sins,
Note: many Jewish people dip bread in honey
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Good work, Hannah...good tears too.
which ends in Yom Kippur,
ten days of repentance begins,
beginning the Jewish New Year.
On Rosh Hashanah, and each of us
stands exposed to God, our Judge.
Who will rest? And who will wander?
Who will suffer and who will prosper?
May it be God’s will to renew to us
A happy and good year.
to have mercy for the new year.
Our Father, forgive our sins…
L’shana tovah tikatevu…
for we are responsible one for the other.
The Book of Life is open – The Lord is our God.
For ten days The Book of Destiny is open.
Then, as the sun sets, it closes.
And rejoice in the bounty of new beginning.
Let us reflect,
Let us ponder and contemplate our past year.
On Rosh Hashanah, arouses us from slumber,
From taking for granted...from lethargy.
It turns our thoughts to our spiritual soul.
Our faith is strengthened.
We go to God in complete abandon
With all the pains in our heart and mind.
It is good to speak very little on this day
as we remember:
God listens and responds,
God rules the world,
God knows what Time it is.
On Rosh Hashanah as a symbol of asking for
A 'sweet' and good new year.
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