Julie Hansen - 11/02/00 22:43:59
My Email:hansens@journey.com
I could look at dachshund pictures all day! I have a beauty myself-just had back surgery so has a big square shaved off her back, but she's still soooo cute!
Karen Sprang - 04/16/00 19:46:55
My Email:kskrew@bright.net
Just had to leave a message as my Kennel name is Karen's Krew Dachshunds. One Karen to another. I raise miniature longhairs in almost all colors. Nice talking . Karen
Betty Hemerly - 02/22/00 18:55:49
My Email:bhemerly@compaq.net
I had a red smooth doxie, but last June I had to get him put to sleep. It broke my heart and I miss him so much. I would like to get another one, but I don't know if I will feel the same about another dog. My Sparky was very, very special.
Misty - 12/16/99 20:34:57
My URL:/heartland/Park/6968/schnapps.html
My Email:mbateman@ijnt.net
I love you dachshunds and can't wait to own some more.
Diane, Bill & Frederick Smith - 12/13/99 02:26:21
My URL:http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/bigwali
My Email:bigwali@home.com
Karen - Just wanted to thank you again for hosting Able Dogs. We love dachshunds and were quite scared when Frederick became paralyzed. Thanks to surgery, plus advice and support from the group, he is starting to walk! Loved your site. Diane, Bill & F
Kevin - 11/11/99 22:26:23
My Email:Cryptid@aol.com
Hi Karen! I see you and I have some things in common. First, we both love animals. :) I am a volunteer for the Benton-Franklin Humane Society here in WA. And second, we both graduated from Henryetta High School. :) Have a great day and keep up the
ood work!
Phil and Pepper (MY Dachshund) - 10/05/99 20:07:41
My Email:pfie154823@aol.com
Pepper (my dachshund)and I want to say that we love your web page. We both want Sally to have lots of Love and Happiness.
Charles Myers - 09/14/99 01:00:23
My Email:c.myers@prodigy.net
We lost our 8-year-old Dachshund, Anna, three years ago after a long battle with slipped discs, etc. and after a surgery at Ohio State University Vet School. She ended up in horrific pain, with no chance of recovery, so we made the painful decision to ha
e her put to sleep. What sadness.
However, we immediately got another pupply, 6-week old, Heidi, who is now three years and a joy to us.
We absolutely LOVE dachshunds!
Charlie & Jean Myers
Charles Myers - 09/14/99 00:59:34
My Email:c.myers@prodigy.net
We lost our 8-year-old Dachshund, Anna, three years ago after a long battle with slipped discs, etc. and after a surgery at Ohio State University Vet School. She ended up in horrific pain, with no chance of recovery, so we made the painful decision to ha
e her put to sleep. What sadness.
However, we immediately got another pupply, 6-week old, Heidi, who is now three years and a joy to us.
We absolutely LOVE dachshunds!
Charlie & Jean Myers
Jesse N Gunner - 08/05/99 20:34:34
My URL:http://www.wienerweb.com
My Email:wieners@wienerweb.com
We'd like to welcome you as the newest Honorary Meaner Wiener. You are truly our hero Sally!
mother - 06/29/99 06:05:14
loved it.
Mac - 06/28/99 01:44:04
My Email:O29mmMac@aol.com
Very nice. Remind me to tell you about Paddington.
Robert Collins - 04/11/99 03:55:27
My URL:http://www.flash.net/~robertfd
My Email:robertfd@flash.net
We went to HHS together, dont know if you remember me.
Kimberly Brown - 02/23/99 20:16:29
My Email:Kymber29
Karen , Thank You for letting me know how sally is doing, Please keep me up to date.
I really admire your love for Animals. Keep up the good work.
Kimberly Brown - 02/23/99 20:10:06
My Email:Kymber29
Karen , Thank You for letting me about Sally I really admire your love for Animals. Keep up the good work. Kim
Pam French - 12/03/98 15:58:37
Karen your christmas card is so cute! You are
so creative with those pups, keep up the great work you do.
P.S. Nicole loves the pictue too!
Feleshia - 10/16/98 03:18:14
My Email:TexasOkie@aol.com
Cute babies....
Vickie - 08/31/98 06:32:06
My Email:vhempen@uswest.net
Susan & Molly - 08/24/98 14:56:56
My Email:susanwoodard@att.net
You are truly blessed with 3 beautiful doxies.
Their pic's are adorable!!
M Fannin - 08/24/98 03:22:11
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/woods/3606
My Email:Fannin1000@worldnet.att.net
Nice page Karen. It was worth the wait! And don't worry, those big letters work just fine...Mike
Donny from Denver - 08/24/98 02:54:58
Way to go Karen!
blackie - 08/22/98 21:40:45
My Email:sowens@pond.net
Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments:
Hi Karen, you can't have to many animals
Dianna - 08/22/98 18:38:26
My Email:chidi@pobox.com
Hi Karen, it was good to see your babies again! Your page is looking just fine
Cherie & Tuffy - 08/22/98 17:34:11
My URL:http://members.aol.com/A357pi2.html
My Email:Cheriepi2@aol.com
Karen we love the pic of the family!
What a wonderful page! Keep up the good work!
Judy Miller - 08/22/98 14:54:22
My Email:jm@bigfoot.com
Neat beginning, Karen! As always, the "kids" steal the show. Give them all a tummy rub for me.
Annetta - 08/22/98 14:54:14
My Email:Myteespice@aol.com
Hey There!
Great site and love the kids, too!
I'll keep coming back! It works ;-)
East Central Minnesota
Jeanie Smith - 08/22/98 13:35:41
My Email:madison@pgtc.net
Karen, great pictures-and how did you manage to keep doxies in a basket for a picture. Dickens has really grown since you put his picture out there when you brought him home. I like the mohawk-real snappy.
Betsy - 08/22/98 13:05:20
My Email:bdep@ix.netcom.com
Great job!! It was good to see the pups again, and the one of Dickens with the mohawk is darling. I'm looking forward to the next update!