Karin Nakashima - 02/16/00 01:45:52
My Email:karin.nakashima@sympatico.ca
Where are you from?: Pierrefonds, Quebec
Hi Susan, Simon, Megan, Mark and MiyokoLoved your latest photos. You must have had a WONDERFUL Christmas out in Edmonton. Everyone looked so happy! Thanks for sharing.
Sergio J. Jimenez Q. - 01/31/00 23:09:01
My Email:sergio_j@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Edmonton, AB
Dear Simon, Susan, Megan, Mark and Miyoko
Great pictures! I am sorry I missed you all during Christmas '99! I heard you had lots of fun in Edmonton! Thank you for the e-mails that you sent me during my trip to Colombia. Hope to see you sometime this year!
R. Michael Jesweak - 12/26/99 15:51:24
My Email:rjesweak@earthlink.net
Where are you from?: Port Charlotte Fl.
Hi my name Is Michael Jesweak (Ensign) My father Dick Ensign lives in hyder. can
you give him a message for me? Tell him that I found his address again and I will
write, but tell him to contact me by email, I guess he has access to a computer now.
my email is: rjesweak@earthlink.net.
I haven't seen my father is 38 years but I have kept in contact if you can find him I
will be forever in your debt.
thank you
R. Michael Jesweak
mathieu fulleringer - 09/23/99 01:18:05
My Email:fulleringer@infonie.fr
Where are you from?: france (alsace)
i'm french and i don't speak englisch. i'm sorry.
nous sommes de la même famille. connaissez vous vos ancêtres français et alsaciens ?
a bientot
MIndy Brugman - 06/30/99 20:46:29
My URL:/Yosemitie/Campground/3730/
My Email:greatglacier@geocities.com
Where are you from?: Revelstoke
Great pictures, and information.
Please check out our site as well and if you have any coments or suggestions fire them away - and come visit!
Mindy and Yannic
lori branigan - 04/22/99 22:44:56
My Email:loribranigan@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: Temple texas
Kari - 03/18/99 03:15:49
My Email:kari.nakashima@unistudios.com
Where are you from?: Montreal
Thanks for the pics of Lisa's wedding....it's nice to know I can see them here at home ! What a beautiful couple ! Kudos to you and your webpage expertise......
Lise Kojima - 03/11/99 03:22:50
My Email:lise.t.kojima@LMCO.com
Where are you from?: Living in Chantilly, Virginia but hail from MONTREAL, CANADA!!!
Hey Susan, Simon, Megan, Mark and Miyoko! What a great web site! I've been thinking of doing the same thing and your site has inspired me! I promised myself that I would send my next Christmas greetings via URL so stay tuned for www.logendinc.com! Big
hugs and kisses from Virginia!
Siobhan - 01/21/99 04:38:02
My URL:http://www.pulsenet.com/~wsfinke
My Email:wsfinke@pulsenet.com
Where are you from?: Pennsylvania, USA
I found that you had signed a guestbook that a "Secret sis" has made for me, and I wanted to return the favor. I liked the way you set up your photos-- I don't think I've seen it done that way before. I especially liked the photo of Grandfather (?) about
o attack the Christmas turkey. :-) You have a beautiful family. Come see my own website and meet my children!
irene fulleringer - 01/20/99 20:10:00
My Email:ifulleri@fgsr.lan.mcgill.ca
Where are you from?: Lachine
Hi Simon!
I am just checking out your new site. Wow, pretty good! I have a lot to learn. I saw that you have Chris' e-mail address on your site, can I have mine on it too, please? It is ifulleri@fgsr.lan.mcgill.ca.
Thanks and have a good day!
Johanne Brossard - 01/20/99 19:35:46
My Email:johanne@ums.lan.mcgill.ca
Where are you from?: down 2 floors
Wow!!! Does it surprise me coming from you! Your website is absolutely fantastic (and so is your family!). I'll come back and visit some more when I have more time.
Amy Hashimoto - 01/12/99 16:11:34
My Email:amy.hashimoto@sympatico.ca
Where are you from?: Laval
Enjoyed the pictures !!
Lisa - 01/10/99 06:56:17
My Email:llemish@hotmail.com
Great job with your webpage. I didn't know so many people were on e-mail. It looks like Lois and Johnny know more about computers than my mom. At least they don't get "cut off" like my mom does.
Loved the pictures. Hope to make it out to Montreal one of these days with Sergio.
Lois and Johnny Hashimoto - 01/10/99 04:24:49
My Email:lois@cyberglobe.net
Where are you from?: Laval, QC
Thank you for inviting us into your website!
What a cool way to introduce some of us old fogies to the fascinating world of cyberspace!
George Hashimoto - 01/08/99 22:32:04
My Email:hashimotog@bluewin.ch
Where are you from?: Geneva
I enjoyed the New Year's day pictures. Unfortunately for us, we left Montreal to return to Switzerland that afternoon.
George, Pierrette, Philippe & Valerie
- 01/07/99 22:02:17
David, Nicholas, Mom & Dad Fournier - 01/06/99 03:22:11
My Email:wafournier@videotron.ca
Where are you from?: Laval, Quebec
This is really neat guys! Good job keep it up!
Toby - 01/05/99 01:10:05
My Email:toby@execprom.com
Where are you from?: home
Fusako - 01/05/99 01:08:08
Rinko, Pak, Karin and I enjoyed the trip pictures and the party pictures very much. We thank you. You are hereby appointed family
P.S. (from Pak) The pay is not so great but just think of the priceless appreciation from all the families.
Inbal Mizrach - 01/04/99 08:25:34
My Email:inbalxxx@netvision.net.il
Where are you from?: Israel
hi, I'm a relative of Doronws and now of Kathy's too. I'm an artist and web site designere, and would like to maintain contact with family abroad.
margaret - 01/03/99 23:37:30
I don't know what happened but I keep getting cut off - anyway all I really wanted to say was how much we loved your photos. Love to everyone.
- 12/16/98 02:45:30
My Email:mlemish@usa.net
Where are you from?: Edmonton
Mom and I enjoyed looking at your pictures. Simon, you did an excellent job highlighting your trip across Canada. Keep the pictures coming. Will love to see Christmas pics.
Margaret and mom
- 12/16/98 02:41:31
My Email:mlemish@usa.net
Mom and I enjoyed looking at your pictures. Simon, you did an excellent job highlighting your trip across Canada.
Margaret and mom
Lisa - 12/12/98 17:43:15
My Email:llemish@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Edmonton
great pics. looking forward to seeing more!
Christian Messier - 11/11/98 00:14:56
Where are you from?: Temporarily in Victoria
Great idea Simon! I enjoyed the pictures! I will bring the family to my office tomorrow to see them and then we will send you comments!
Ilhan Kudeki - 10/23/98 18:18:20
Where are you from?: Meadowbrook
Mark your cool! The Bell just rang so I have to go! Bye!
Chris Fulleringer - 10/07/98 14:36:09
My Email:chris.fulleringer@ism.londonlife.com
Where are you from?: Lachine, Quebec
Dramatic pictures! I'd like to see more...
Don't forget that you two are supposed to vamoose for 24 hours
someday, Irene sarah & I will look after the family.
MRS. HOPPER +CLASS - 09/30/98 15:50:02
Where are you from?: MONTREAL
Simon - 09/20/98 06:25:00
My URL:/s_fulleringer/
Where are you from?: Montreal
Just testing the guestbook!