If you attended Karachi American School back in the late fifties through the sixties, you may know us.KAS Reunion September 1998About a hundred of us attended a reunion in D.C. Sept. 25 - 27, 1998. We all thank those who put so much work into the event, especially Carol Rogers Naughton (your reunion guide above) and Kathy Rusinak Powell (your Kidz spokesmodel above), who also organized several previous reunions. Our next reunion is planned for fall 2000 in New Haven, Connecticut. (More Info HERE)

The Safar graphic above was graciously donated by Charlotte Amrine. It was used to adorn our reunion tee shirts.  "Charlie", as she was known to us the year I attended KAS (63-64), drew wonderful caricatures of us for the Safar yearbook. These drawings are among the contributions now starting to appear here as "Karachi Kidz" share pictures and memories. One of the camels (above) knows what the Kidz are up to now, others can spin yarns about times past and places far away ... (Photo by Sarah Galotti Waskuch)
Your humble webmeister, Dave Talbott
(KAS Class of 1964).