The herb elecampane used to be known as "horse-heal" because it was belived to be a cure for mange
The worlds first mounted police were formed in 1825 in NSW (New South Wales on the East coast of Australia) to deal with bushrangers
The heaviest horse in history weighed over 1,440 kg and stood 19.2hh (hands high). He was a Belgian Dutch stallion called Brooklyn Supreme and he died in 1948 aged 20
Adult male horses have 40 or 42 teeth while mares only 36-38. The age of a horse is estimated fairly accuratly from it's teeth up until the age of eight. After then, only a rough calculation is genrally possible.
Arabian blood (blood lines) has been used at one stage or another to improve the quility of nearly every major horse breed that exits. Arabs are the oldest reconised breed, reportably dating back as early as 500BC.
Did you know that a racehorse runs faster than a robin flies?
Most of the biblical horses were cavalry mounts. Not beasts of burden.
The hock Joint's range of motion is nearly 160 degrees.
Horse Fighting was a popular sport in Scandinavia until Christian times. Needless to say, heaps of beautiful horses would have been hurt but it is stopped now
Phillip Astley was the founder of the first circus in London in 1779. He owned a horse called Billy that could perform acts like unsaddling himself, waiting on tables and washing his own feet in a bucket! Clever horse!
Horses were so rare in Australia's early days that their deaths were reported in the news paper!
Banjo Patterson (the famous Aussie poet) wasn't actually named Banjo.Bajo was hte name of his horse.
In an experiment, a horse had to pick a pair of cards, each with a picture of a horse shoe on it, out of many cards with pictures on them, to get an apple as a reward. Months after the hors had been taught, they tried doing it again and the horse still knew which cards to get.
Who has the most horses? China. China has about 10.2 MILLION horses! Then Brazil has 6.3 million. The USA was fifth with 5.7 million and Australia wasn't in the top ten!!