My new Yamaha Clavinova!!! How wonderful it is to finaly have the FULL keyboard to work with, and to have the WEIGHTED keys that contribute so much to composing fine music... and to have the ability to record my music with nearly every little nuance that I played it with. So I added some strings and other instrumentation to this song as a tribute of the beauty of music! And by giving it the name of "Minuet," it was my way of showing respect to so many of the classical and romantic composers that filled our world with music!
Departing Sorrow
I wrote this song at the end of Summer of 1999, only a couple months after getting my Yamaha Clavinova Digital Piano. I wasn't dating my sweetheart, Mary, yet, and wrote this song on a difficult day when I was thinking a lot about my girlfriend, Sherry. I had broken up with Sherry earlier that year. Although I feel it is a beautiful song, it's also very melancholy. Sherry had been a wonderful girlfriend, and I was still missing her when I wrote this.
Variations on an Unknown Song (Arrangement)
Here is an arrangement I created from a mysterious melody I had once heard during my childhood. But as many things tend to do over time, the wonderful sequence of notes had faded into the recesses of my subconscious memories. But during September of 1999, I stopped at the UVSC ballroom to practice their grand piano. Shortly after I began playing, a foreign exchange student and her friends stopped. She was from Russia, and also played the piano... about the level at which I do. But she had her own technique, as she mostly memorized, and a different repretoire as well. As soon as she was only 3 measures into the song, it surged forth into my memory, my eyes lit up, and I gladly listened to a song long forgotten. For weeks I couldn't get the magical melody from my mind, and thus created my own arrangement of this wonderful song. Please email me if you know the original author's name. :)
Heart 'kills' Soul (Arrangement)
Now here's and interesting piece! Even if you do not recognize this famous duet by name, its familiar tune should be instantly recognizable. Possibly the most played song played by children and teenagers throughout school, it's a wonderful duet! And I recorded this song during finals in Decmeber 1999, when I was stressed from the information I was trying to cram! They say that even the greatest of artists have their bad days. Well, so do musicians! :) If you have the patience to listen through all four minutes of this recording, pay close attention to my style and technique. You can actually "hear" me get stressed! And thus the cute name I gave it! ;) I have placed this song on my site, because it shows what happens to my playing on the rare occasions that I get genuinly frusrated at the piano!
A Breeze in the Meadow
Imagine one of those perfect early summer days, when the sun is providing warmth without blistering. As I sat at my keyboard, the sun came out from behind the clouds, and a shaft of sunlight burst through my window, brightening the section of carpet where my families cat lay. As the sun's light and warmth filled the room, the music to this song found it's way into my conscious mind. I pictured myself on a beautiful hike through the mountains. As I reached the crest of the mossy path I trod, I suddenly found myself overlooking a beautiful valley... a hidden valley! And as I decended into this magical paradise, the music continued to grow!
Hmmm.... Not currently working, because the upload didn't work. I suppose its only been a YEAR this way! :(
The Carnival Fairy
What a jolly little tune! Many of my songs are mysterious or sad, as they are written in the minor key. Its not because I live a sad and depressing life, but because I LIKE songs written in a minor key. But even so, its nice to have a variety of moods associated with my music! :) :) :) Something to be aware of, however, is that this song doesn't sound right on most sound cards. It takes the sustain (i.e. holding a note) and keeps it held down throughout the entire song! Very irritating! But as MIDI sounds widely different according to which musical setup you have, you should be aware that this song may not play correctly. On my Yamaha Clavinova Piano, however, its perfect! :)
Moonlight Pond
Assuming your MIDI sound card or musical setup correctly plays this song, its one of my better compositions. It's a hushed, soft song of a mother swan as she swims out into the moonlight reflecting off a midnight pond. After Mary showed me the movie, "The Swan Princess," it gives even greater meaning to the emotional atmosphere of this sad and forlorn piano and harp.
Return to the Glade
This is the natural sequel to the song that didn't upload correctly. Sometime I'll get the original up! ;) By the way, this is another of my favorites of the compositions I chose to upload to my site.
Medival Memory (Arangement)
Well, as the phrase go's, "Save the Best for Last." This song is also one of my personal arrangements. Unfortunately I can't take credit for the original tune, as it was released on an albumn entitled, "A Winter's Solstace." However, I have greatly modified the original melody, and rewritten it to fit my style. And even though its not my best song, the fact that I have taken time to add in several other instruments, edit out performing errors, and otherwise touching it up, makes it my very best, complete, mistake-free, and most profesional sounding songs. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. :)