www.terrraserver.com |
The Official Terraserver Site. They broke away from Microsoft a few years ago. They have some of the highest quality images, but they come with a price. |
terraserver.microsoft.com |
This is where it all began. Terraserver started off as an experiment by Microsoft to see just how far you could push a massive, data-intensive SQL Database. Thus, the project group chose to create a tile-based SQL database of Satalite Imagry. Thus, the name "TERA" server, meaning TERA-bytes of data. Since Microsoft maintains a USA-only archive of the world-wide data available through the official TerraServer website, you have access to all the USA information free. Now that Microsoft has added the "Urban Areas" section of Terraserver, it's a great place to visit. |
www.mapquest.com |
A great site for street maps and planning trips, they used to have a link to GlobeXplorer's satalite imagry if you had an AOL Instant Messenger ID. |
www.GlobeXplorer.com |
They have some superb, extremely close, detailed satalite imagry. But unless you pay, their name is watermarked heavily across all images. |
www.spaceimaging.com |
I haven't looked through their site a lot yet, but feel free to see what they offer. |