Hannu, Katja, Tanja & Tatu - 06/04/00 00:01:52
My Email:viitikko@gol.com
Congratulations! Great news, a new little explorer has joined us! Can't wait to see all of you, hopefully this summer in Uukuniemi?
Best Regards, Hannu, Katja, Tanja & Tatu
Family Sundell - 05/20/00 21:54:14
My Email:jaana.sundell@iobox.fi
Congratulations to new citizen Jens and his parents. Well done! You really are an exception! A Boy!!!
Best wishes, Jaana, Make, Elisa, Essi and Roope-dog.
satu tuittila - 05/20/00 21:46:32
My Email:stuittila@hotmail.com
Pretty pictures, happy family
hugs and kisses to all of you
love satu
Tuija Pajunen - 05/19/00 11:59:26
My Email:Tuija.Pajunen@cec.eu.int
Welcome to the world, little man and congratulations to all of you.! Show your mum and dad what the parenthood really means.
Paljon onnea Tarja, äitiys on siitä mukava juttu, että se ei lopu ikinä.
Anna Lönnroth - 05/12/00 09:57:10
My Email:Anna.Lonnroth@cec.eu.int
An absolutely lovely little boy (and family!)! I have to give you credit to the webpage as well!
My warmest greetings to you all with many happy years and many more babies to come!!!!
Anna Lönnroth (mother of three boys....)
Kristiina and Jermu - 05/05/00 10:18:44
My Email:kristiina.kuismin@ptagroup.com
Hi little man! While going through your homepages I found out that your mother and father have been waiting for you very anxiously. I bet you have really brought them joy and happiness , that they could never ever dream of. Lots of hugs and kisses fromKri
tiina and Jermu
ps ja Tarjalle oikein suomenkielellä ja tippasilmässä lämmin halaus äidiltä äidille.
Zachari - 05/04/00 20:49:53
My URL:http://www.cyber.be/ahripou/zachari.htm
My Email:zachari@ebrain.be
Hello Jens,
Comen va tu, moi je vé bie,alor tu é bie sorti ?
bravo parceqe ta maman é petite..é tu lui a doné dé cou de pié.
métenan jespér que tu va pas dormir la nui, cé pa bién, essaye de mangé boucou (tou lé 2 eure)
moi je n'arrive plu a tenir 3 eure, il son for papa et maman (alor je doi faire dé provision, surtou quan maman part).
on t'atten avec mario é alexandro pour joué une parti de fotbal.
Mario - 05/04/00 16:05:47
My Email:mbreda@bportugal.pt
Hi, little Jens !
Welcome in this beautiful world !
Let these spring days bring peace and happiness to your life !
Hannele - 04/29/00 12:13:14
My Email:Hannele.pentikainen@inet.ibs.fi
It's happy aunt here. I want to send also that way thousands of halauksia ( is it hugs ? ) to all of you three.
Loving Regards Hannele
Trine B Thalund - 03/07/00 11:27:32
My Email:trine.thalund@skjoldborg-skole. thisted.dk
hva så? ja nu har jeg stemt på en pige, dreng eller et andet dyr, men jeg håber nu stadigt at det bliver en pige.
hej igen Trine
Mario - 02/17/00 15:51:30
My Email:mbreda@bportugal.pt
Tarja, is that baby giving you many kicks ?
SvB - 02/14/00 22:24:15
My Email:svend.balsby@wanadoo.dk
Så lykkedes det endelig at komme inden for!
Det ser vældig fin ud.
Kh SvB
- 02/14/00 22:22:28
Agata & Stefano - 02/14/00 09:47:32
My Email:abonaccorso@statestreet.com
Hi Tarja & Martinus & BalsbyBaby,
We are not going to tell how happy we are for you since we received your message. It is simply a wonderful thing.
We would like to wish you all the best and more than that. We also hope that the baby will decide to come into the world on the 20th of April (Agata's birthday). It would be a nice thing and I (Agata) can tell you it is a good time to be born ;-)
This is for you Tarja:
Tsemppiä !
Rohkeutta odotukselle.
Toivottavasti kaikki sujuu mallikkaasti !
Paljon terkkuja:
Agata & Stefano
and for the father (and also for Martinus):
Glaeder mig til at se din nye familie samlet
PS You have already read this message, but it was nice to put it on the web.
Jose Pastor - 02/09/00 11:30:02
My Email:Jpastor@europarl.eu.int
Si le enfant est de couleur, est-il a cause du poisson tropicaux qui mange Tarje?.
Tarja, felicitations! Je vois que pour une fois tu as fait travailler Martinus.
Iva Kralova - 01/12/00 13:09:18
My Email:kralova@saske.sk
Congratulation Martinus!!! Well done!!! OK Tarja, it is a bit your effort, too. All the best to mother and the Baby Balsby Beauty. Will be happy to see the continuation of this miracle, but the most of all, hope to see this BBB live soon.
Kisses to all 3 of you.
PS Do you know what language will you learn the baby to start with????? Should it be Slovak, you know what au-pair is the best choice!
Roberto & Rosa - 12/09/99 16:16:03
My Email:roberto.pappalardo@cec.eu.int
We have just received the news .... and we are very happy for this wonderful event.
Congratulations to both mother and father, and to Martinus too of course.
Joking aside, we wish you the best and we are impatients to see you and to get more news (from your web site). We'll stay tuned !
Have you already decided how to call her/him ? You should maybe open a forum on your site.
Is he/she Y2K compliant ?
Mari Seppälä - 12/09/99 14:28:33
My Email:mari.seppala@fortum.com
Last weekend I heard from Helmi-grandma that there might be arriving a new member to the family. However, She said that she wasn't absolutely sure, since she doesn't trust her hearing anymore. I decided to check the situation from your webpage and what di
I find out... I must call to grandma and tell her that there is nothing wrong with her hearing.
This modern world is so neat, you can find everything in the web!
I wish you both (and naturally for the small one also) all the best and happy next four months and onwards!
Merry Christmas and Happy Next Millenium!
Alexandra Saridaki - 12/02/99 11:30:29
My URL:http://www.europarl.eu
My Email:asaridaki@europarl.eu.int
Great news.
I am very happy for you.
Jennifer Ahrens Jensen - 12/01/99 21:53:03
My Email:Jan.Ahrens.Jensen@village.uunet.lu
Hej kommende foraeldre,
Jeg haaber at I bliver glade for barnet, og at han ikke laver for mange ulykker ! ! han, - fordi jeg tror at det bliver en dreng. Maaske, hvis jeg faar tid, sender jeg en lille overaskelse.
Kaerlig hilsen
Martinus - 12/01/99 20:20:15
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TTandMB
My Email:ttandmb@yahoo.com
Hey Kid,
I am really proud of you. Your Mom felt your kicking this week for the first time, - in the middle of her first ever yoga-session.
Well done !
See yo