Welcome to Mishka's Home Page!

Hello.  My name is Mishka Honey Bear.  I am a Chocolate Labrador Retriever.  I am named Mishka after the Russian chocolate candy bar Mishka Kosylapi (pidgeon-toed little bear) made by the Red October Candy Company.  "Honey Bear" is a direct translation of the roots of the Russian word for bear "Medved".  I used to be a little honey bear.  Now, I am an 85lb little honey bear.  My alpha David asked me to take over his dog-related links because they simply took up too much space.
  • Family Album

  • Labrador Retrievers
  • Dogs help people in many, many ways.  Historically, we have helped tend flocks, pull sleds, and guard the family.  More recently, we have begun working as service dogs to help people who are blind, deaf, mobility impaired, mentally ill, and disabled in just about any other way you can think of.  We also work as therapy dogs visiting the elderly and sick.
  • We find it difficult to understand why dogs (and dog owners) are treated as if they were criminals in many places.
  • Of course, we do know what the problem is.  People have a bad opinion of dogs because of irresponsible dog owners (BAD human, BAD).  For instance, the reason the Madison city council wants to ban dogs from State Street is because of feces.  It seems that this problem could be corrected with old bread bags.  Put your hand in the bag, pick up the dog waste, invert the bag, and carry it to an appropriate trash can.  Most other problems can be solved or avoided by training your dog and yourself.  No dog wants to be bad.  We just don't know what exactly you want.  And if you don't give us direction, we will take it.  The problem is that we will probably take it in a way that you will not like.  It is never too early or too late to train your dog, although earlier is better, and makes the process easier and (yes, it is true) lots of fun.  Please, we need you to be our alpha.
  • Responsible dog owners have trained themselves, in advance, what to do in emergencies.  Below are some good links on first aid:
  • Since you're reading this on the Web, you're probably an egghead nerd like my alpha, David.  He likes microchips in everything.  He's got them in the computer, refrigerator, dishwasher, and the car.  He also had one put in me.  It doesn't hurt much (I hate needles), and it gives permanent identification for my entire life.  It can't come off like a collar, and it isn't ugly like a tattoo.  There are other brands, but we decided on one from Avid.

  • Other dog-related links:
  • I'm fascinated by ducks.  If only David would make the birds hold still, I'd be happy to bring them back.  So, I got him interested in waterfowl hunting.
     Things I like:

    Things I don't like:

    Things I'm not sure about yet:

    Last updated: 4/4/97
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