David L. Maxwell

Email: bioguy@cvn.net

Homepage: http://listen.to/bioguy/



Teacher Intern Program, Wilson College, 8/98-5/00

M.S., Plant Pathology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 12/95

B.S., Ecology, Juniata College, 5/92

Shippensburg University, 6/89-8/89


A. J. Riker Memorial Scholarship, 6/92-7/98

Award for Best Poster Presentation, D.C. Arney Day, 7/95

Brumbaugh-Ellis Presidential Scholarship, 8/88-6/92

Annual Alumni Support Fund Scholarship, 8/88-6/92


Long-term Substitute Teacher, Biology, Littlestown High School, 8/00-present. Teaching courses in basic biology and environmental science.

Science Teacher, Cornell-Abraxas Youth Center, 1/99-8/00. Helped at-risk youth to learn science and to develop skills that will enable them to fulfill their potential for intellectual, emotional, and psychological growth and maturation.

Saturday School Teacher, Waynesboro Area School District, 8/99-present. Helping children that are truant to build organizational, time management, communication and other life skills that are necessary to be successful in school.

Substitute Teacher, Waynesboro Area School District, 12/98-1/99. Taught diverse subjects including: biology, genetics, algebra, geometry, Spanish, physical education, and 6th grade.

Teacher, ChildTime Student Aged Child Care, 11/98-12/98. Cared for 1st - 5th grade children in a program designed to enhance their emotional, physical, intellectual, and social development through structured activities and informal care.

Taught Forest Pathology section of Introduction to Plant Pathology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 12/95, 12/96, 12/97. Led discussion based on student presentations; lectured on White Pine Blister Rust; developed and presented web-based lecture on Oak Wilt.

Teaching Assistant, Diseases of Landscape Trees and Shrubs, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 8/96-12/96. Assisted students with identification of diseases of woody plants; assisted with lectures and laboratories.

Teaching Assistant, Introduction to Plant Pathology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 8/95-12/95. Conducted laboratories and proctored examinations on topics in plant pathology including symptoms and signs, diagnosis, nematodes, viruses, bacteria, fungi, and plant defenses.

Directed independent research of Erika Boehm, an undergraduate student, 8/95--12/95. Taught topics including experimental design, computer-based image analysis, and statistics.

Teaching Assistant, Plant Morphology, Juniata College, 1/92-5/92. Conducted laboratories and proctored examinations on the diversity and anatomy of autotrophic organisms from algae to angiosperm trees, and on fungi from slime molds to basidiomycetes.

Teaching Assistant, Plant Systematics and Ecology, Juniata College, 8/91-12/91. Conducted laboratories and proctored examinations on angiosperm identification and sampling of forest communities.


Language Editor, NAUKA publishing house, Moscow, Russia, 1/96-6/96. Edited English language editions of Russian scientific journals covering topics including: plant physiology, natural resources, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, and instrumentation; collaborated with Russian scientists to revise translations.


D.L. Maxwell, E.L. Kruger, and G.R. Stanosz (1997). Effects of Water Stress on Colonization of Poplar Stems and Excised Leaf Disks by Septoria musiva. Phytopathology 87(4):381-388.

D.L. Maxwell, E. Boehm, and G.R. Stanosz (1996). Leaf maturity influences development of necrosis on excised hybrid poplar leaf disks used in bioassay for susceptibility to Septoria musiva. Phytopathology 86(11):S102, abstract #902A.

D.L. Maxwell, R.N. Spear, and G.R. Stanosz (1995). Rapid, accurate, nondestructive estimation of symptom development in a hybrid poplar leaf disk assay of susceptibility to Septoria musiva. Phytopathology 85(10):198, abstract #670.

D.L. Maxwell and G.R. Stanosz (1995). Drought stress has opposite influences on symptom development by Populus hybrid stems and excised leaf disks inoculated with Septoria musiva. Phytopathology 85(10):1197, abstract #665.

D.L. Maxwell and G.R. Stanosz (1994). Water stress and isolate effects on disease development by Septoria musiva on Populus hybrids. Phytopathology 84(10):1095, abstract #243.


President, Community Partnership of Waynesboro 1/00-12/01

Membership Vice President, Waynesboro Area Jaycees 9/98-12/99

Community Development Vice President, Waunakee Area Jaycees 6/98-9/98

Membership Vice President, Waunakee Area Jaycees 9/97-5/98

Web Master, Issues in Life Sciences Education 8/97-8/98

President, Plant Pathology Graduate Council 8/93-8/94

Chief Editor of Kvasir, Juniata College literary magazine 8/90-12/92

Varsity swim team member 8/88-1/90

Juniata College creative writers group 8/88-5/92

Eagle Scout 1986


National Association of Biology Teachers

National Education Association

Pennsylvania State Education Association

Tri-Beta Biological Honor Society


Prof. J. J. McDermott, 717-264-4141, Education Program Director, Wilson College, Chambersburg, PA 17201

Ms. Kristin M. Carroll, 717-530-2733, Assistant Principal, Shippensburg Area Senior High School, Shippensburg, PA 17257

Ms. Teresa Gallagher, 717-749-7440, Science Teacher, Cornell-Abraxas Leadership Development Program, P.O. Box 354, South Mountain, PA 17261

Mrs. Margaret Feiser, 301-824-7101, Science Teacher, Boonsboro Middle School, 13915 Smithsburg Pike, Smithsburg, MD 21783