Jandie - 12/23/00 00:02:20
How long have you been scrapbooking?: Im just getting started
How did you hear about my site?: i just came upon it
Favorite Scripture Verse:: i dont know??
- 11/07/00 18:05:55
SMS - 10/12/00 18:15:02
How long have you been scrapbooking?: 6 years
How did you hear about my site?: Little Birdie
Favorite Scripture Verse:: Judge not lest ye be judged; people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones...oh wait, that's not the bible; Don't inundate other people with proselytising.
Nice site. Little too religious for me.
rhonda - 09/26/00 03:12:24
My Email:fourlildippers@uswest.net
How long have you been scrapbooking?: 1yr
How did you hear about my site?: search
I really enjoyed your layouts, lots of work went into them. You also have a nice web page.
Would be interested in the craft pins, they are very cute..
Barbara - 08/17/00 22:45:33
My Email:Luv2scrapbk19@aol.com
How long have you been scrapbooking?: 2 years
How did you hear about my site?: Surfing the web
I really enjoyed your web site. You did a great job. I will make sure to bookmark.
alicia - 08/06/00 00:06:04
My Email:aliciae73@hotmail.com
How long have you been scrapbooking?: 2years
sheila - 07/23/00 03:23:51
My Email:madlee67@hotmail.com
How long have you been scrapbooking?: 2 months
How did you hear about my site?: surfing web
Favorite Scripture Verse:: do unto others
I enjoyed your site.
Jessica Terry - 06/29/00 04:09:11
My Email:twojterry@juno.com
How long have you been scrapbooking?: 1 month
How did you hear about my site?: surfing the web
Favorite Scripture Verse:: John 3:16
Roxanne Tucker - 06/20/00 02:47:06
My Email:roxyt@earthlink.net
How long have you been scrapbooking?: 1year
How did you hear about my site?: Mamma.com
Audrey - 06/11/00 13:05:41
My Email:atcggp@peoplepc.com
How long have you been scrapbooking?: Just started
How did you hear about my site?: surfing the net
Favorite Scripture Verse:: It's easy for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to get into heaven.
You have very nice work. I would love to get more ideas from you, as I'm just starting out. Been asked to make a memory book for my mother's 70th b-day celebration. Problem I seem to be running into as far as getting ideas is most people make scrapbooks
for their babies, therefore most of the sample pages I see online are geered for younsters (I just kept baby books, myself). If you have any suggestions as where to look, I'd be very greatful. Thanx!
Jenn - 05/22/00 18:27:10
My URL:http://hometown.aol.com/cataliana/1jenpage.htm
My Email:cataliana@aol.com
How long have you been scrapbooking?: 1 year
How did you hear about my site?: Search engine
Favorite Scripture Verse:: Proverbs 25:29 Whoso ever trusts in the Lord shall be safe.
You have some very cute layouts. I'm always looking for new ides!
Gretchen Heath - 04/30/00 12:35:45
My Email:jdheath@uswest.et
How long have you been scrapbooking?: 6 months
How did you hear about my site?: looking under scrapbooking
Favorite Scripture Verse:: John 3:16
I enjoyed the poems.
Judy Bromer - 04/14/00 11:59:04
My URL:/Heartland/Pines/9865/
My Email:jujubeans_@hotmail.com
How long have you been scrapbooking?: about 2 years
How did you hear about my site?: search for scrap booking on msn
Favorite Scripture Verse:: Ps.100
I loved meeting you and your lovely family through your pictures ! thank you for the visit ! ~smiles and Gods grace for a peaceful Easter~
Kay Rice - 04/12/00 22:16:39
My URL:http://www.voyager.net
My Email:khvlr@voyager.net
How long have you been scrapbooking?: 3 yrs
How did you hear about my site?: on the internet
I signed into your guest book before I looked at anything on your site. Sorry.
Stacey Watts - 03/22/00 17:18:53
My Email:pictureperfect204@hotmail.com
How long have you been scrapbooking?: 2 years
How did you hear about my site?: search
I just opened a new scrapbooking store in Michigan, and was looking around. A good scrapper always wants new ideas! This is a really nice site!!
Cathleen Stadler - 03/14/00 19:58:27
My Email:catstad
How long have you been scrapbooking?: 1 year
How did you hear about my site?: search
Mary - 03/09/00 23:34:07
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/OceanNova/home.htm
My Email:oceannova@home.com
How long have you been scrapbooking?: about 7 years
How did you hear about my site?: search engine
Favorite Scripture Verse:: rev 21:3,4
Thanks for a great site...I'll be back to see what else you have to offer....
Carol Wagner - 02/14/00 22:06:32
My Email:cwagner@visionplus.net
How long have you been scrapbooking?: beginner
How did you hear about my site?: surfing
Favorite Scripture Verse:: Jer 29:11
Shelly - 02/14/00 02:37:08
My Email:Jeffish@prodigy.net
How long have you been scrapbooking?: 7 Months
How did you hear about my site?: My search engine
Favorite Scripture Verse:: Romans 8:28
Great site! One reason I enjoy scrapping SO much is I get to be in fellowship with so many other christians. It's great to get together with other christians and some bewildered unbelievers who decide they want what we got. Praise Jesus!
Laurie - 01/16/00 15:59:18
My URL:http://www.zing.com/cgi-bin/album.cgi?album_id=4294902953
My Email:tlmaiolo@mail.frontiernet.net
How long have you been scrapbooking?: 2yrs
How did you hear about my site?: just surfed in
I really enjoyed looking at your layouts. I am constantly searching for new ideas. You can see some of my layouts at the URL listed above. Take a look and sign my gues books and let me know what you think! Laurie
kris davis - 01/08/00 05:23:16
My URL:http://some_teacher@hotmail.com
My Email:some_teacher@hotmail.com
How long have you been scrapbooking?: about 2 months
How did you hear about my site?: just luck!!!
I just sent you an email, but I am not sure if it went through or not. I am looking for info about the layouts on pages 10, 17, and 19 and also for information about where to find the Journaling Genies. Thanks!
Vicky Lee - 11/29/99 19:27:19
My Email:bostonbull.telus.net
How long have you been scrapbooking?: A year and a half
How did you hear about my site?: Found it by brousing today.
I like this site with all the great ideas for layouts and that I will be able to order also.
jenny Flake - 11/09/99 22:36:49
My Email:honeychick98@hotmail.com
How long have you been scrapbooking?: about 1 year
How did you hear about my site?: i just searched
Favorite Scripture Verse:: anything in the book of mormon
i loved your scrapbook pages. u r so creative. Try to email me some cool stuff if u can.
marilyn ORR - 10/22/99 23:40:19
My Email:howard.orr@worldnet.att.net
How long have you been scrapbooking?: OFF AND ON FOR 2 YEARS
How did you hear about my site?: Ran across it on the internet by accident
Favorite Scripture Verse:: Isaiah 40:28-31
Jackie - 10/22/99 01:38:24
My Email:Angelsjrs@hotmail.com
How long have you been scrapbooking?: Havn't done it yet
How did you hear about my site?: web search
Enjoyed your site... I can see alot of love put in the scrapbooking and hope I can do half as well.
Jackie - 10/22/99 01:16:42
My Email:Angelsjrs@hotmail.com
How long have you been scrapbooking?: Havn't done it yet
How did you hear about my site?: web search
Enjoyed your site... I can see alot of love put in the scrapbooking and hope I can do half as well.
- 10/20/99 06:31:46
- 10/10/99 23:14:30
Nancy - 10/03/99 19:01:39
My Email:ERadministrative@msn.com
How long have you been scrapbooking?: 2 years
How did you hear about my site?: just browsing
Favorite Scripture Verse:: Phil. 4:13
Deb Klein - 09/26/99 02:07:31
My Email:kleindairy@wesnet.com
How long have you been scrapbooking?: 2 mos.
How did you hear about my site?: browsing
Favorite Scripture Verse:: The Lord is my Shepherd
Interested in more information on how you purchase Grossman stickers.
Patrice - 08/27/99 22:23:44
My Email:peaseinapod@earthlink.net
How long have you been scrapbooking?: 3 yrs scrapping and 1 year CM consultant
How did you hear about my site?: onelist.com - CM consultant list
I think you have a great website. I also am glad to find the link to JustMoms.
Keep up the good work :)
Michelle Savoy - 08/04/99 13:23:04
My Email:savoyb@eatel.net
How long have you been scrapbooking?: 2 years
How did you hear about my site?: surfing the web
Star in St. Louis - 12/09/98 15:30:05
My Email:star@tvguys.com
How long have you been scrapbooking?: 9.5 years
How did you hear about my site?: Archive list
Favorite Scripture Verse:: Jer. 33:3
Love your site!! Ü
Cindy Urban - 11/05/98 08:03:23
My Email:curban@phonet.com
How long have you been scrapbooking?: 2 years
How did you hear about my site?: 1st from CMC onelist
Favorite Scripture Verse:: The Lord's Prayer
What a site! You have really worked hard on this. Good job, you should be proud. Take care
Arlene - 11/04/98 07:24:41
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Park/1013
My Email:ajacobs@zebra.net
How long have you been scrapbooking?: Want to start!
How did you hear about my site?: Your referal
Favorite Scripture Verse:: Phil 4:4
What a really neat web site :). Makes me want to start scrapbooking -- ah, but I know I don't have the time, or energy right now! Not to mention an area to work with a 4 and 2 year old who just LOVE stickers [g].
{{hugs}} and blessings!
Tina - 10/28/98 00:15:09
My Email:tstewar5@bellsouth.com
How long have you been scrapbooking?: 6 mos.
How did you hear about my site?: I met you in Bartlett
Hi, we met in Bartlett at Janice Wyatt's house a fews ago. You were with your friend Tammy. I have really enjoyed your site. Thanks for putting some of my pages in your layout section. My husband loved it and thought it was so neat to see them on the
Send me some poetry when you get a chance.
Hope to get to scrap with ya soon!
Tina Ü
PJ Orchard - 10/25/98 08:23:11
My Email:pjdusie79@yahoo.com
How long have you been scrapbooking?: Just trying to learn
How did you hear about my site?: I belong to the JM group
Favorite Scripture Verse:: "I can do all things, through Christ Jesus, who saves me."
Neat site!
doris grove - 10/22/98 00:38:55
My URL:http://www.voyager.net
My Email:grannyg@voyager.net
How did you hear about my site?: from Babs
Favorite Scripture Verse:: john 3:15,16 & others
Donna - 10/21/98 15:03:18
My Email:cardon2@flash.net
How did you hear about my site?: your referral
Favorite Scripture Verse:: Psalm 91
Hi, Babs, it's Donna from JM. I finally got into your page. It looks very nice. I am not a "cropper", but I know that a lot of people are either into it or getting into it. You seem to have had quite a few visitors to your page... that is so great. We
l, God bless you in your work. Love, Donna
Kellye Self - 10/21/98 13:56:32
My Email:kself@hoover.k12.al.us
How long have you been scrapbooking?: 1-1/2 years
How did you hear about my site?: from Jenn on RAK
Favorite Scripture Verse:: John 3:16
Glad to find your site Babs! We miss you on RAK! You looked great in that picture in MM--so neat to see what people that you talk with look like! Great site!
cherri wright - 10/21/98 04:56:15
My Email:balloonq@attcanada.net
How long have you been scrapbooking?: 5 years
How did you hear about my site?: Rak list and you personally
Favorite Scripture Verse:: D & C 121:7 My son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment...
What a treat!!! I have always wanted to know about the Journal Genies and the Puzzle Mates! I had never seen them before but had heard. And your graphics are so adorable. But my favorite of course is your poems!! What special and tender ones this time.
I loved them. Always nice to have a reminder of Christ in our lives. I even sent recommendations to about 10 of my friends to see your site. Keep up the good work!
Anita Themer - 10/21/98 03:36:41
My Email:althemer@aol.com
How long have you been scrapbooking?: 2 years
How did you hear about my site?: RAK list
Favorite Scripture Verse:: Psalm 16:11
Love this site
Tammy Bluel - 10/20/98 04:32:20
My Email:TBluel1@aol.com
How long have you been scrapbooking?: 3 months
How did you hear about my site?: Justmoms
Favorite Scripture Verse:: John 3:16
Gail Shanika - 10/20/98 01:51:35
My Email:craftlas@crosslink.net
How long have you been scrapbooking?: 2 years, 3 months
How did you hear about my site?: From you!
Favorite Scripture Verse:: 1 Peter 3:3,4
We have two kinds of beauty. Our outward appearance. Our inward appearance.
Don't be concerned about the outward beauty that depends on jewelry, or beautiful clothes or hair. Be beautiful inside, in your hearts, where the true inner peace with God can be found.
Joanne - 10/19/98 17:43:16
My Email:olivegarden@cafes.net
How long have you been scrapbooking?: many years!
How did you hear about my site?: JustMoms
Favorite Scripture Verse:: Psalm 128
Nice site! I love scrapbooking, but little time for it currently.
~angela~ - 10/18/98 16:36:46
My URL:http://www.angel-wings.com
My Email:angel_wings@earthlink.net
How did you hear about my site?: from you!!
Great Job!! I love it did you do this all yourself? I am very impressed! Keep up the good work.
Bethany =) - 10/08/98 04:49:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/7735
How did you hear about my site?: Just Moms =)
Favorite Scripture Verse:: Phi 4:13
Hey! Great Page! I am leader of JM group #1...saw your link in one of your emails...good job on the page!
KATHY HATLEY - 10/06/98 00:28:51
My Email:khatley@hotmail.com
How did you hear about my site?: justmoms
Hi I really like your page.I like to start my page but I dont know how.I really love it.
God Bless
10/05/98 10:54:03
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Lisa - 10/04/98 02:31:49
My Email:luvmykids_3@hotmail.com
How long have you been scrapbooking?: about 2 years
How did you hear about my site?: Kernmall consultant board
Favorite Scripture Verse:: Mark 9:23
I love your site and your layouts very nice pages!!! I know that you are from Ok what part I am an Okie also!!
Paula Cook - 10/02/98 13:37:48
My Email:cookp@oaks.hsu.edu
How long have you been scrapbooking?: I don't scrapbook, but would like to learn more about it.
How did you hear about my site?: Just Moms
Favorite Scripture Verse:: John 3:16
My daughter has just started a scrapbook, and I have never really been "into" it, but I would like to find out more about what you do. :-)
Monica Cockrell - 10/01/98 05:51:25
My Email:cockrell@telapex.com
How long have you been scrapbooking?: 1 1/2 years
How did you hear about my site?: Just Moms
Favorite Scripture Verse:: Phil. 4:13
I love your home page! Keep up the good work.
Geri Rooklidge - 09/26/98 02:14:52
My Email:gerilynn@teleport.com
How long have you been scrapbooking?: 6 months - I've only just begun to scrap!
How did you hear about my site?: lyriaug@aol.com - just moms
Favorite Scripture Verse:: Jeremiah 29:11
I love your site - the scrapbooking, yes, but
mostly the encouragement! God Bless You Real
Good! Big Scrappin' Sis
ting - 09/25/98 23:26:23
My Email:tingsp@usa.net
How long have you been scrapbooking?: not yet
How did you hear about my site?: from Lysa JM
Favorite Scripture Verse:: Romans 8:28
Thank you so much .
Your site is very refreshing not only to the eyes & much more to the spirit...
God bless you more....
Pam Dauzy - 09/25/98 16:54:27
My Email:pgdauzy@aol.com
How long have you been scrapbooking?: I don't!
How did you hear about my site?: Lyriaug@aol.com - JM
Favorite Scripture Verse:: Romans 12:1-2
Paula - 09/25/98 02:21:46
My Email:lvcrawf@ibm.net
How long have you been scrapbooking?: 5 monuths
How did you hear about my site?: from Audra & you
Favorite Scripture Verse:: PS
Keep you the good work. I enjoy reading and looking at you site.
dee - 09/23/98 22:52:17
My Email:tesswoman@hotmail.com
How long have you been scrapbooking?: 1 year
How did you hear about my site?: cm message board
dee - 09/23/98 22:51:19
My Email:tesswoman@hotmail.com
Lisa Riggle - 09/22/98 16:59:32
My Email:ms_rig@hotmail.com
How long have you been scrapbooking?: 1 year
How did you hear about my site?: from you!
Favorite Scripture Verse:: Phil. 4:6-7
This is great! This will be such a convient way to get fresh ideas when I get stuck on a page.
minnie - 09/21/98 17:16:13
My URL:http://www.Geocities.com/Heartland/Flats/4976/
My Email:skinnymouse@hotmail.com
How long have you been scrapbooking?: i do not
How did you hear about my site?: melagal
Jodi - 09/21/98 05:52:02
My Email:yoda0419@aol.com
How long have you been scrapbooking?: 6 months
How did you hear about my site?: From the owner of it.
Favorite Scripture Verse:: Philipians 4:13
I am totally addicted to scrapbooking. Thats really all I have to say. Since it's1:50 IN THE AM AND I AM STILL AWAKE.
God bless you!!!!
In Christ,
Marcia Prince - 09/21/98 04:35:36
My Email:mprince@galstar.com
How did you hear about my site?: You
Favorite Scripture Verse:: 2 Tim 1:7
Cool Stuff Maynard.
God Bless you sister,
Marina - 09/20/98 03:59:00
My Email:marina@wantree.com
How long have you been scrapbooking?: ???
How did you hear about my site?: ???
Favorite Scripture Verse:: ??
This looks great..I am enjoying it alot..and will come back and check it out some more
Love Marina xo
Daphne/Sunny - 09/19/98 07:33:48
How long have you been scrapbooking?: 3 1/2 years
How did you hear about my site?: from you!!
Thank you so much for this page!! I love it! I'm looking forward to watching your page grow!!
Christee Brauckmann - 09/18/98 22:18:34
My Email:freearewe@aol.com
How long have you been scrapbooking?: don't yet
How did you hear about my site?: you!! :o)
Favorite Scripture Verse:: Mark 9:23 - Everything is possible for him who believes!!
Hi there Miss Babs :o)
ellen - 09/18/98 21:09:22
How long have you been scrapbooking?: 1 year
How did you hear about my site?: stampin & scrappin' BB
Favorite Scripture Verse:: Psalm 119:11
I am a CMC.I visited your site the other night &
found nothing wrong with it...I love the angels..
May god bless you & keep you...
Sharon Marshall - 09/18/98 19:55:56
My Email:marshall@fuse.net
How long have you been scrapbooking?: not long enough
How did you hear about my site?: broswing/talking
Favorite Scripture Verse:: John 3:16
I love this site.How very educational and what
wonderfls layouts.This site is perfect and very
Hetty - 09/18/98 18:13:00
How long have you been scrapbooking?: 1 1/2 yrs
How did you hear about my site?: from LittleBlessing ..
Favorite Scripture Verse:: Micah 6:8
Hi Babs! Your site is looking great - I'm looking forward to coming back regularly to get more idea layouts.
Brenda - 09/18/98 16:58:01
How long have you been scrapbooking?: 25 years
How did you hear about my site?: Kernmall Consultants Board
Favorite Scripture Verse:: "This is the day that that Lord hath made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it..."
Sorry about posting twice...can't get into the site except right here. Please e-mail me re: how to get in to see the layouts. I tried clicking on everything! Thanks so much! -Brenda in Northern CA
Brebda - 09/18/98 16:54:09
My Email:ahodges@jps.net
How long have you been scrapbooking?: 25 years
How did you hear about my site?: Kernmall Consultant Board
Michelle - 09/18/98 06:14:20
My Email:CMmicheleW@AOL.com
How long have you been scrapbooking?: 2 1/2 yrs
How did you hear about my site?: YOu told me!!! LOL!
Favorite Scripture Verse:: Psalm 139:8-9
Nice site! I liked the layouts, and am interested in the link to just moms..... Great christian encouargement..... but for the life of me I dont see what the CMCs are upset about!
Michelle - 09/18/98 06:14:09
My Email:CMmicheleW@AOL.com
How long have you been scrapbooking?: 2 1/2 yrs
How did you hear about my site?: YOu told me!!! LOL!
Favorite Scripture Verse:: Psalm 139:8-9
Nice site! I liked the layouts, and am interested in the link to just moms..... Great christian encouargement..... but for the life of me I dont see what the CMCs are upset about!
Scrappin Suzy - 09/18/98 05:09:23
My URL:http://lolsb.com
My Email:suzy.west@juno.com
How long have you been scrapbooking?: 2 years
How did you hear about my site?: from You babe!
Favorite Scripture Verse:: i love all different ones.
Your website is great!!!!! I love it. congratulations. you are wonderful babs! love you lots!
Scrappin Suzy
Karen Smart - 09/18/98 04:26:09
My Email:getsmart@brightok.net
How long have you been scrapbooking?: 3 years
How did you hear about my site?: YOU!
Favorite Scripture Verse:: Prov. 3:5-6
I love it!