Addition to On-line Alumni Directory

Welcome to Guestbook! Use this form to add your contact information (e-mail address, home page, etc.) to the alumni directory. If you choose, some or all of these information can be made available on-line from this home page. The on-line directory contains only the alumni whose e-mail addresses we are aware of. Thus, it is not comprehensive . Our entire alumni directory is much larger, and it includes phone numbers and mailing addresses.

Currently, changes and additions to the on-line alumni directory will be used to update the official St. Joe alumni directory. However, changes will not be propagated the other way (i.e. address changes obtained from the Post Office that are used to update the alumni directory will not be reflected in the on-line directory).

Please sign in and become part of the St. Joe Alumni community. To help you and the alum's, please respond to the questions below, and press the SEND button at the end of this page.

Homepage URL:
Years attended St. Joe:
Are you still attending college?:
What kind of work do you do now?:
Would you want help in a personal/professional goal?:
If so, what's the goal?:
What would be a fun group activity?:

Your Comments: