"Here Comes the Sun"


I've been interested in flowers and gardening since I can remember. This is the courtyard in our old house when we had just finished it. Below is a photo of my sister and me 'in the garden' when we were young - I'm on the left.

Perhaps we come by it naturally since our great, great, etc. grandfather was John Bartram, considered by many, the Father of Botany in this country. In fact, the Post Office honored him recently with a stamp! Here's what it looked like

This is a flower I just discovered, that grows all over the place in our town, mostly in the older neighborhoods. I found one at the nursery and scarfed it up, and it's now just about to bloom. It's a hardy amaryllis, or St. Joseph's Lily, Hippeastrum x johnsonii. They like shade, which I have lots of, and multiply like crazy. Yay!

My newly planted herb garden.