Rhonda - 08/01/99 05:07:25 My Email:rlmc777@tucomm.net favorite ice cream: HDaaz Caramel favorite movie: Terms Of Endearment favorite food: Lobster | Comments: Hey honey, I love you and enjoyed your site. |
anne - 07/10/99 00:39:47 My URL:/southbeach/strand/6011 My Email:anne.jackson@mailexcite.com real name: anne favorite ice cream: butter pecan favorite movie: i've never stayed awake for an entire movie...lol favotite cartoon: scooby doo favorite food: chinese favorite vice: ;)...the person who needs to know does. | Comments: Nice page....thanks for signing my guestbook...i'm gonna have to start paying people to do that...lol.... |
Betty Boop - 06/06/99 02:43:06 My URL:/Heartland/trail/5066 My Email:steff@townsqr.com real name: Stephanie favorite ice cream: strawberry Cheesecake favorite movie: City of Angels favotite cartoon: what else?BettyBoop favorite food: chicken parmesan favorite vice: ???????? | Comments: I really like the page,cool pics..I'll check back often to check ya out... |
Betty Boop - 06/06/99 02:42:51 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/trail/5066 My Email:steff@townsqr.com real name: Stephanie favorite ice cream: strawberry Cheesecake favorite movie: City of Angels favotite cartoon: what else?BettyBoop favorite food: chicken parmesan favorite vice: ???????? | Comments: I really like the page,cool pics..I'll check back often to check ya out... |
doopilot - 04/15/99 14:27:21 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Pipeline/Shore/2575 real name: vinny favotite cartoon: south park | Comments: Nice page,great pictures! |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Abner Begley - 10/01/98 05:06:44 My Email:abner_kari@yahoo.com real name: Abner favorite movie: Anything with Karate | Comments: You are very cool...Thanks alot for helping me with my page |
Xilar - 09/02/98 05:45:06 My Email:xilar@aol.com real name: David favorite ice cream: rum raisen favorite movie: A Room With a View favotite cartoon: mighty mouse favorite food: green figs, dasheen and salt-fish favorite vice: SEX, SEX AND an occasional cigarette | Comments: Hey: the page is cool but i could not access any pics. |
Donnie Brasco - 07/31/98 04:45:13 My Email:nooney@gte.net real name: donnie noonie favorite ice cream: Hagen Daz Coffee favorite movie: It's a Dog's Life favotite cartoon: no time for fun & toons favorite food: yes favorite vice: giving unsolicited ad(vice) | Comments: U R Amazing! HOW do you do this? i can't even do the simplest thing...I had a hard time signing you guest book. |
- 07/29/98 23:58:23 My Email:DMartin904@aol.com favorite ice cream: hers | Comments: |
Matt - 07/19/98 05:16:25 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Canal/1964 My Email:moorsker@prodigy.net real name: Matt favorite ice cream: I hate ice cream favorite movie: Sling blade favotite cartoon: Simpsons favorite food: Lobster favorite vice: beer | Comments: looking good Skiier! I'll come back often to check on progress! |