Read Comments of Others!

Mary Branham - 10/14/98 22:20:24
Locality: Severna Park
State/ Prov: MD
Country: USA
Approx. Age: forties
Family, if any: Divorced, 1daughter, 2 sons
Faith, if any: Oneness Apostolic Pentacostal

Your web page is so beautiful! You have undergone such tragedy, yet God is faithful to have seen you through it to as much peace as you have right now. I know the healing process will take a lot of time. When I read your story in the Spiritual Journey list, I purposely kept your email address in my addressbook, because I wanted to contact you myself. My heart goes out to you!! I don't believe that it was the "Will of God" for your precious Debbie to die, but in the face of the fact that she is now gone, I believe that "all things work together for good, to those who love God, who are the called according to His purpose." All things. All things. He can take what's wrong and make it right. I have been accused of belonging to a cult. I moved out of state ten years ago after my husband left me with 3 small children, and I was never happy. When I came back to my home church, I knew I was HOME, if you know what I mean. I have had the opportunity to take a critical look at my church, its teachings, and its leadership, and I am fortunate to say that our freedom to choose for ourselves in our personal lives has always been secure. We can come or we can go. We are encouraged to go to the doctor for diagnosis and treatment, and for confirmation when God heals us. Our pastor never tells us to stop taking medication, even when we all are certain that a healing has taken place - until the doctor confirms that the meds are no longer needed. And yes, sometimes our number is diminished by death, but to my knowledge of 18 years, it's never happened because a member was shamed or brow-beaten into not going to the doctor. I am so sorry that you were in such a controlling atmosphere. It cost you far too much!! I have truly been blessed to never have been subjected to that. Please keep in touch. My email address is posted. I will pray for you, I promise. Your story has touched and saddened my heart, and I want to do the little that I can to ease your burden. Mary Branham

Andrea - 10/13/98 12:58:21
Locality: central
State/ Prov: Maine
Approx. Age: 35
Family, if any: yes

We have chatted before, I loved your web page and hope it may help others. My daughter is doing well and in November, will be a 2 year survivor of Wilms'

madelaine sauk - 10/13/98 07:51:54
Locality: philadelphia
State/ Prov: pa
Country: usa
Approx. Age: 23
Family, if any: engaged, 3 cats
Faith, if any: agnostic

wonderful page... by the way, thank you for joing my list!

debra - 10/12/98 22:41:34
State/ Prov: ms
Country: usa

May YHWH bless you and comfort your heart. May you come to understand His tender mercies and rejoice in YHWH our Redeemer. Shalom to you and your family.

Gary Fuller - 10/10/98 03:49:42
State/ Prov: Wa
Country: USA
Family, if any: Huge
Faith, if any: Christian

God Bless you and may the Lord guide you into all truth as it is in Jesus.

Robyn - 10/09/98 18:08:36
Locality: Michigan
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 37
Family, if any: yes
Faith, if any: Methodist

I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful child and for the fact that it took this awful happening to make you and others see that God works through many people and faiths. The welfare of a child should always come before anyone or anything. I am hopei g that you find comfort in God's word's and now that the truth is here you are doing what you can to let other's know about things like this. God Bless you and keep you.

G.Dennison - 10/09/98 00:17:42
Locality: Munno Para
State/ Prov: South Australia
Country: Australia
Approx. Age: 37
Family, if any: wife and 7 children
Faith, if any: Christian- Independent Baptist

Unfortunatly, leadership abuse is not restricted to "charismatic" extremes. As a pastor God has been teaching me about His style of leadership in the church through studying cult tactics, and through a church nearby whose misunderstanding of leadership h s destroyed what was once a large church. My sympathies to you in the loss of your daughter. However, you have learned a tremendously important lesson. Don't allow any root of bitterness to keep you from fellowship in a good Bible believing church thou h. Another goodf reference on abusive leadership is Gifford Dennison (pastor of Northside Baptist Church)

**Dolly** - 10/07/98 23:35:54


Jesus Loves You!

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."< FONT>

John 3:16(KJV)

Come Visit Our Site!

Rocco - 10/07/98 23:29:59
State/ Prov: Illinois
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 55
Faith, if any: I believe in the risen Savior - Jesus Christ


Author Unknown - share it with all your friends!


Satan called a worldwide convention. In his opening address to his evil angels, he said, "We can't keep the Christians from going to church. We can't keep then from reading their Bibles and knowing the truth. We can't even keep them from conservative values. But we can do something else. We can keep them from forming an intimate, abiding experience in Christ. If they gain that connection with Jesus, our power over them is broken. So let them go to church, let them have their conservative lifestyles, but steal their time, so they can't gain that experience in Jesus Christ. This is what I want you to do, angels. Distract them from gaining hold of their Saviour and maintaining that vital connection throughout their day."
"How shall we do this?", shouted his angels.

"Keep them busy in the non-essentials of life and invent unnumbered schemes to occupy their minds," he answered. "Tempt them to spend, spend, spend, then, borrow, borrow, borrow. Convince the wives to go to work and the husbands to work 6 or 7 days a week, 10-12 hrs. a day, so they can afford their lifestyles. Keep them from spending time with their children. As their family fragments, soon their homes will offer no escape from the pressures of work."

"Overstimulate their minds so that they cannot hear that still small voice. Entice them to play the radio or cassette player whenever they drive, to keep the TV, the VCR, and their CD's going constantly in their homes. And see to it that every store and restaurant in the world plays music constantly. This will jam their minds and break that union with Christ."
"Fill their coffee tables with magazines and newspapers. Pound their minds with the news 24 hrs. a day. Invade their driving moments with billboards. Flood their mailboxes with junk mail, sweepstakes, mail order catalogues, and every kind of newsletter and promotional offering, free products, services, and false hopes."  
"Fill their coffee tables with magazines and newspapers. Pound their minds with the news 24 hrs. a day. Invade their driving moments with billboards. Flood their mailboxes with junk mail, sweepstakes, mail order catalogues, and every kind of newsletter and promotional offering, free products, services, and false hopes."

"Even in their recreation, let them be excessive. Have them return from their recreation exhausted, disquieted and unprepared for the coming week. Don't let them go out in nature. Send them to amusement parks, sporting events, concerts and movies instead. And when they meet for spiritual fellowship, involve them in gossip and small talk so that they leave with troubled consciences and unsettled emotion."
"Let them be involved in soul-winning. But crowd their lives with so many good causes they have no time to seek power from Christ. Soon they will be working in their own strength, sacrificing their health and family unity for the good of the cause."
It was quite a convention in the end. And the evil angels went eagerly to their assignments causing Christians everywhere to get busy, busy, busy and rush here and there.
"Be still and know that I am God."

Have you taken time to listen lately?

**Dolly** - 10/07/98 23:26:43
State/ Prov: Illinois
Country: USA
Faith, if any: Jesus Christ is my Savior


Jesus Loves You!

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."< BR>
John 3:16(KJV)

You are welcome to our site!

dolores - 10/07/98 13:23:09
Faith, if any: believe in the Lord Jesus

I believe in the bible, but we have to be so careful of all the things out there, remember Adam fell so we are not in a perfect world, there are deseases, sin etc, but God did give us doctors and common sense, I used to listen to CRI HanK Henagraf, in CA not very suttle, but right on about cults, and thing He wrote a book about the cults, I will look it up, and get back to you. You are right God does use science, but sometimes He knows what is best, When I lost my son, i didnot understand but, now I can see God knew the future, and we are blest by the decision. My sister ust had a ruptured apendix, praise the Lord it was contained. a blessing for Me and her, because I would have to take care of her and she is so stubborn, she would not have stayed with me, and staying at her place was impossible, I feel God knew. God Bl ss Dolores

Ralph Dettwiler - 10/06/98 22:07:57
State/ Prov: MI
Country: USA

Thank you for inviting me to your site. I am glad that you put your story up for others to learn from. I am also glad that you did not turn away from God because of the way some people led you.

akkadi - 10/06/98 20:33:53
My URL:/Heartland/Woods/2004
State/ Prov: OH
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 34
Faith, if any: Christian

My faith and my church affiliation in no manner is close to the beleifs held by your former way of life. I would be careful not to entangle all Christianity in that web. There are many GOOD, SOLID Christian Faiths out there. Keep in mind that Satan wou d love to annilhilate Christianity and sow discord and confusion among the brethren. If we stay close to God and never put any MAN on a pedastool we will hold to the Truth of God's Word. God Bless!

10/05/98 11:05:00
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Shirley - 10/04/98 23:27:03
Faith, if any: Mennonite

HI thanks for emailing me about your site. You have some good things to say even if it was under bad situations. I think it happens in more churches than we realize. I wonder how much of it is when the leadership wants control -and gets it .There is a very delicate balance between saying " we believe God can heal " and I DEMAND that God WILL heal the way I want him too. Yes he can heal miraculously ( I have expeereinced that) and he can heal through doctors ( I have expereinced that also ) I hope that throu h this you find healing and peace

Alton - 10/03/98 17:00:29
Locality: Fort Fairfield
State/ Prov: ME
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 26
Faith, if any: Baptist

Hello, I read and bookmarked your page to come back and visit the links that are on your page. I am sorry for your loss. If there is anything that I can do for you please feel free to e-mail me and I shall try to help you out.

Rick L Purcell - 10/02/98 22:31:50
Locality: OHIO
Country: USA
Faith, if any: Follower of Jesus Christ

I hope you have found a good Bible believing church. This is why it is so critical to understand that the sign gifts have ended with the time of the Apostles. Otherwise, shams and counterfits prey on the new or weak Christians. God heals yes, in His ow time...but men no longer have the gift to heal, the sign gifts are no longer needed since we have the final authoritative Word of God in our Bibles. My heart goes out to you. Persevere in the faith of Christ.

Margaret Ann Fox - 10/02/98 22:12:28
Locality: south western PA
State/ Prov: PA
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 16
Family, if any: my parents +3 other kids
Faith, if any: Christian--Conservative Mennonite

I read your page just now, and it reminded me of my family's experience with a group of people who claimed to be a "Christian community of goods". Only after my parents join, did they find out that this community was ruled by a few "toxic" leaders, and t e supposed "unity" in all decisions was created by the leaders. Now, I'm glad to have found the Conservative Anabaptist groups, who, while they take the Bible literally, show no signs of cultism or toxicity as of yet. May the peace of God be with you, Margaret

Mickeal - 10/02/98 12:46:02
State/ Prov: Virginia
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 20's
Family, if any: Husband
Faith, if any: Catholic

Just thought I would let you know that I was here. Sorry about your loss. Keep Smilin'

Sarah - 10/02/98 08:22:57

I received the link for this page through e-mail, and although hesitent at first......I came here. I'm glad I did, although saddened as well. I am so sorry for you loss....what a tragic, tragic experience. I comment you for having the courage to stand p and tell the story and to reach out to others in hopes to avoid another familys pain. I lost my family to a drunk driver...and it is through my web page as well that I hope to tell the story. Good luck and may God continue to Bless you. Thank you for sharing your page.

Buck Schmidt - 09/29/98 13:45:15
Locality: Columbus
State/ Prov: OH
Country: US
Approx. Age: 31
Family, if any: Yes
Faith, if any: Christian

I appreciate your page. I and my family went through some heavy spiritual abuse, though we did not suffer to the extent that you did. A book that I found helpful and didn't see on your site was "healing spiritual abuse" I think by Ken Blue. We are now in a wonderful church, Vineyard Christian Fellowship of Columbus, OH, and praying to return to Brazil as long-term missionaries. Thanks for your page, may God Bless you. Buck

Bradford - 09/29/98 05:13:26
State/ Prov: CA
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 60
Family, if any: 4children, 8 grandchildren, 1 great gandchild
Faith, if any: Protestant

Thank you for coming into my space. I'm sure that I will visit yours often. God gave us common sense, if only we would use it more often. I've made mistakes because of my beliefs also. Many of us do. we get our eyes off of our Lord and on to man. We forget to take in account the human nature of man. Remember Jim Jones? Tha k God for His GREAT GRACE & MERCY! We need to pray often that people will not be deceived. God bless you! I admire your courage!

isaac - 09/29/98 02:32:55
Locality: Bend
State/ Prov: Or
Country: dechutes
Approx. Age: 27
Family, if any: hey you
Faith, if any: Agnostic

Hey I think you did a wonderfull job. Thank you I think that Debbie would appreciate it. i don't know about the other kids but you hit so much on the button for me. Again thank uyou family for everything. isaac

Jim Stiles - 09/27/98 19:27:42
Locality: Little Rock (Formerly Fresno)
State/ Prov: Ark
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 51
Family, if any: 3 Kids, 1 Grandson
Faith, if any: Christian

Bob, as a former classmate, rallyman and friend from McLane, it was good to hear from you after so many years. I am so sorry it was under these circumstances. I'm sure Debbie is at rest now and very proud of her parents. May God be with you and your fa ily. Jim Stiles (Class of '65)

Laura - 09/27/98 04:07:40
State/ Prov: Wisconsin
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 14
Faith, if any: Christian

I don't really know what to say. But I got your link from an email and I came to it.

Ben - 09/26/98 01:17:41
Faith, if any: born again !

God bless!I will pray for you.(James 4:7)

Jerome Baquilar - 09/25/98 23:33:14
State/ Prov: HI
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 26

Hi... such a hard way to learn, but nevertheless it shouldn't go unheeded. I wish you the best and well as give my condolences

Janna Kuiphof - 09/25/98 23:01:18
Locality: Holland
State/ Prov: Michigan
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 21
Family, if any: My parents, and my sisters Sara (18) and Rachel (15)
Faith, if any: Non-denominational; Born-Again Christian! :)


Hi there! Your testimony was very moving. I am glad you are willing to share it with others. I do not believe that you failed your daughter. But I am glad that you realized that the church you were involved in was a religious cult. That is something that 'm sure is hard to get over. I am delighted to hear that you still have deep faith in God though. He will always be there for you and no matter what happens or what mistakes you make in life, He'll always be there to pick you up and to help you get back o your feet. God bless you and your family. I'm sure Debbie is waiting for you in Heaven.

When Jesus spoke again to the people, He said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." --John 8:12--

Click here to visit my awesome website! :)

Ryan - 09/25/98 20:01:05
State/ Prov: Florida
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 26
Family, if any: YES
Faith, if any: YES

Thank you for the invitation to this site. It's a touching and wonderful tribute page. I write poetry of inspiration and worldly issues. Please visit my web page and feel free to put a link to your healing links if you so desire.

Shari - 09/25/98 17:27:49
Locality: Dallas
State/ Prov: Tx.
Country: usa
Approx. Age: 35
Family, if any: just my husband and I
Faith, if any: non denominational born again Christian

I came to say I am so sorry this happened. And what a shame that it even came about. I certainly can understand how it can happen. You and your family are in my prayers. Thank you for coming forth and telling your story, for there are MANY out there that re being decieved. And if this sites helps another that may find their selves in that same situation, it was well worth creating this site. God Bless you and your family..Love and prayers in Christ, Shari

keith - 09/25/98 14:17:22
Locality: Dallas
State/ Prov: Tx
Approx. Age: 30
Family, if any: wife, Shari
Faith, if any: non-denominational Christian

read mail sent to you :) .....hugs Keith

Teno Groppi - 09/25/98 09:05:39
Locality: Oshkosh
State/ Prov: WI
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 38
Family, if any: n/a
Faith, if any: Baptist

I appreciated your testimony and am glad you got beyond the limitations of the cult you had gotten involved with. With Luke the physician accompanying the apostle Paul throughout his ministry, I can't understand why people can be convinced to forsake medi al science altogether. I'd suggest though, that you don't "throw out the baby with the bathwater" and impugn orthodox Christian beliefs, home schooling, and the King James Bible, by association. There is no connection between such things, and the mistakes of that cult.

Carol Bennett - 09/25/98 03:23:44
Locality: Tahoe
State/ Prov: CA
Country: US
Approx. Age: 41
Family, if any: Mother of 4, grandmother of 4
Faith, if any: Christian

Please stay in the word & in prayer. Jesus will help you with anything that you need. Have faith. You wouldn't be healing if it weren't for Him. Thank you fro e-mailing me with your page address. I was very blessed by your story. Love from your sister in Christ, Carol

Debbie - 09/25/98 02:52:50
My Email:dgrigware@feist
Locality: Wichita
State/ Prov: Ks
Country: USA
Approx. Age: Grandmother
Family, if any: husband, 4 children,2˝ grandchildren
Faith, if any: Pentecostal

I recieved your email today. It does sound like you've learned from Debbie, but don't stop there. Don't look for the bad in others, look for the good that you can do. There is a time and season for everything under the sun. Our time is short, be ready, in tead of trying to see the reasons why. Do everything to glorify God. Your site asks for resources, I'm no expert, I only feel the hand of God leading me. Spend some time in my site & you'll see where I'm coming from. It's very important to receive strengt from the fellowship of other christians. That's why I like our church so much. Everything we hear, whether sermons, bible study, sunday school, whatever, we are encouraged to read it in the bible, search for the truth in whatever source, search our heart , seek His face and 'know' what we 'know'. God bless, you will be in my prayers. "Be on your guard. Stand fast in the faith. Be men of courage, be strong, do everything in love." I Corinthians 16:13,14.

Teri - 09/25/98 00:48:25
State/ Prov: Ontario
Country: Canada
Approx. Age: 32
Faith, if any: Anglican

Thankyou for inviting me to view your page. A beautiful tribute to your daughter. I hope you will visit my page also.

**Dolly** - 09/24/98 02:53:28
State/ Prov: Illinois
Country: USA
Faith, if any: Protestant missionary


Author Unknown - share it with all your friends!


Satan called a worldwide convention. In his opening address to his evil angels, he said, "We can't keep the Christians from going to church. We can't keep then from reading their Bibles and knowing the truth. We can't even keep them from conservative values. But we can do something else. We can keep them from forming an intimate, abiding experience in Christ. If they gain that connection with Jesus, our power over them is broken. So let them go to church, let them have their conservative lifestyles, but steal their time, so they can't gain that experience in Jesus Christ. This is what I want you to do, angels. Distract them from gaining hold of their Saviour and maintaining that vital connection throughout their day."
"How shall we do this?", shouted his angels.

"Keep them busy in the non-essentials of life and invent unnumbered schemes to occupy their minds," he answered. "Tempt them to spend, spend, spend, then, borrow, borrow, borrow. Convince the wives to go to work and the husbands to work 6 or 7 days a week, 10-12 hrs. a day, so they can afford their lifestyles. Keep them from spending time with their children. As their family fragments, soon their homes will offer no escape from the pressures of work."

"Overstimulate their minds so that they cannot hear that still small voice. Entice them to play the radio or cassette player whenever they drive, to keep the TV, the VCR, and their CD's going constantly in their homes. And see to it that every store and restaurant in the world plays music constantly. This will jam their minds and break that union with Christ."
"Fill their coffee tables with magazines and newspapers. Pound their minds with the news 24 hrs. a day. Invade their driving moments with billboards. Flood their mailboxes with junk mail, sweepstakes, mail order catalogues, and every kind of newsletter and promotional offering, free products, services, and false hopes."  
"Fill their coffee tables with magazines and newspapers. Pound their minds with the news 24 hrs. a day. Invade their driving moments with billboards. Flood their mailboxes with junk mail, sweepstakes, mail order catalogues, and every kind of newsletter and promotional offering, free products, services, and false hopes."

"Even in their recreation, let them be excessive. Have them return from their recreation exhausted, disquieted and unprepared for the coming week. Don't let them go out in nature. Send them to amusement parks, sporting events, concerts and movies instead. And when they meet for spiritual fellowship, involve them in gossip and small talk so that they leave with troubled consciences and unsettled emotion."
"Let them be involved in soul-winning. But crowd their lives with so many good causes they have no time to seek power from Christ. Soon they will be working in their own strength, sacrificing their health and family unity for the good of the cause."
It was quite a convention in the end. And the evil angels went eagerly to their assignments causing Christians everywhere to get busy, busy, busy and rush here and there.
"Be still and know that I am God."

Have you taken time to listen lately?

Alfred Mifsud - 09/23/98 16:09:07
Locality: Sliema
State/ Prov: MT
Country: Malta
Approx. Age: 45
Faith, if any: Roman catholic

I read your story and I think you tried your best. Life in that way is still full of love. Try to remember the good times. Bye Take care from Alfred

Todd MacPherson - 09/18/98 06:49:02
Country: Canada

Hi, I was just forwarded your pge from a friend. I am so sorry for the pain suffered by your family at the loss of your precious daughter. I also am grieved at the abuse you underwent at the hand of those who claimed to be of God. I am a pastor in Canada and our church deals quite regularly with individuals and families suffering from spiritual abuse. I don't claim to be any expert -- I would just like to recommend 2 books. 1st -- "The Tale of Three Kings" by Gene Edwards, this b ok deals with God's continuing authority and recovering from abuse. 2nd -- "Naturally Supernatural" by Mark & Patti Virkler, this book deals with a life of joy in God's Spirit, not a life of laws. If you feel that God would lead you to read either of these then wonderful. If god doesn't then disregard the book recommendation. Nonetheless, I pray you and your family find the God of peace to be ever greater in your lives.

Lisa Copen - 09/18/98 00:34:59
State/ Prov: CA
Approx. Age: 30
Faith, if any: Christian

Enjoyed your site. Powerful story!! Please come by Rest Ministries, Inc. for people who live with chronic illness or pain. We'd love to link! God bless!

Lisa - 09/18/98 00:33:54


Di - 09/18/98 00:19:05
State/ Prov: IL

Thanks for sending me your web page information. This is a very important message, to send to those in much need of Gods help, but have been lead into beliefs that our not His ways. God does work through us all, Pray is to work hand in hand with the medic l profession. I did so enjoyed your site, Well Done!

Trudy - 09/17/98 17:39:25
Country: Canada
Approx. Age: Beyond Age !!!
Faith, if any: Faith in God !!!!

Praise God, for this website and your ministry. May you be encouraged and experience the touch of the Master's Hand. Amen

Please, consider to add my site to your Links page

Ms Angela - 09/17/98 09:31:46
Locality: Jacksonville
State/ Prov: FL
Country: USA

Thank you for visiting my website and your kind comment. Your story about Debbie touched my heart. I thank God that you are sharing your experience to help others. God Bless.

A. G. Brogdon - 09/16/98 22:43:42
My URL:http:/
Locality: Aurora
State/ Prov: CO
Country: US
Approx. Age: 30
Faith, if any: Christian

I am so sorry about your daughter, but glad you have sharec your story with me. I belonged to a Southern Baptist Church and believed and lived by the word of God. Based upon my religious convictions I married this man who I hardy knew right away. That ecision nearly cost me my ife. I suddenly became a battered wife and recently discovered he is a convicted felon (five times over). I am now in divorce proceding, but like you, I am thankful for learning the valuable lesson that was hidden in this crisi . Thanks for sharing your story with me.

Pulpit Confessions: Exposing The Black Church - 09/16/98 19:18:53
Locality: New York
State/ Prov: NY
Country: USA


Antti Lange - 09/16/98 08:27:44
Locality: Helsinki
Country: Finland
Approx. Age: 55
Family, if any: yes
Faith, if any: yes, in Jesus

Lovely home page! It would have been easier for us to understand your daughter's situation as one of us is MD. We think that God's mercy is helping many others through your experiences. God bless!

Penny Chambers - 09/16/98 06:23:37
State/ Prov: Ohio
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 37
Family, if any: 3 children and loving hubby
Faith, if any: Born-Again Christian

Greetings! I wanted to tell you that this story has brought tears to my eyes and I can only begin to feel the lose that you feel. My heart aches when I read stories like this, it's sad that it happens but it does and all in the guise of religion. My God h lp you as you try to bring to light these kind of cults and may He help you with your hurt. My prayers are with you In the Love of Christ, Penny

Chelsi - 09/14/98 01:24:14
Country: Canada
Approx. Age: 38
Family, if any: 2 blessed children and a husband
Faith, if any: Roman Catholic

There are many aspects of the Catholic faith that I do not feel are actually God's wishes - I truly believe that priests who have nothing better to do actually interpret the Bible wrongly. I felt greatly saddened by the loss of your wonderful child - a daily fear that haunts us as parents in all aspects. You are right that God has given us the knowledge and caring in others to help in all matters of illness or hardship. It is greatly unfortunate that there are so many who fall into the rigid, dictorial traps of these cults that certainly do not originate through God!! My thoughts and feelings are with you. God Bless and may you find peace in your hearts in the knowledge that your child is in the hands of God.

Loraine - 09/11/98 07:07:37
Country: South Africa
Approx. Age: 28
Faith, if any: Christian


Sue Stephens - 09/11/98 03:52:08
Locality: Lewiston
State/ Prov: Idaho
Country: usa
Approx. Age: 66
Family, if any: 6 children,10 grandkids and almost 9 great- grand kids
Faith, if any: Charismatic Christian

Am so sorry about your daughter, I have been blessed in that I have never lost a child. The pain must be almost unbearable, but the Lord has told us that He will not allow us to suffer more than we can bear. God bless you for your courage in sharing your tory.People need to know that God can use many ways of healing. Jesus even used mud to heal, and God has given doctors the knowledge to heal also. May God richly bless you. Sue

Sue Stephens - 09/11/98 03:50:10
Locality: Lewiston
State/ Prov: Idaho
Country: usa
Approx. Age: 66
Family, if any: 6 children,10 grandkids and almost 9 great- grand kids
Faith, if any: Charismatic Christian

Am so sorry about your daughter, I have been blessed in that I have never lost a child. The pain must be almost unbearable, but the Lord has told us that He will not allow us to suffer more than we can bear. God bless you for your courage in sharing your tory.People need to know that God can use many ways of healing. Jesus even used mud to heal, and God has given doctors the knowledge to heal also. May God richly bless you. Sue

Rocco - 09/09/98 23:03:36
State/ Prov: Illinois
Approx. Age: 55
Faith, if any: Protestant missionary


Jesus Loves You!

"Great and marvelous are thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are thy ways."
Revelation 15:3b(KJV)
Come Inside!

**Darlene** - 09/09/98 23:01:15
State/ Prov: Illinois
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 55
Family, if any: A wonderful husband,son and daughter-in-law and a beautiful grand daughter
Faith, if any: Protestant


A True Story

A soldier was finally coming home after having fought in Vietnam.
He called his parents from San Francisco. "Mom and Dad, I'm coming home, but I've a favor to ask.  I'd like to bring a friend home with me."

"Sure" They replied. "We'd love to meet him."
"There is something you should know", the son continued. "He was hurt pretty badly in the fighting. He stepped on a land mine and lost an arm and leg. He has nowhere else to go, and I want him to come live with us."
"I'm sorry to hear that, son. Maybe we can help him find somewhere to live."
"No, Mom and Dad, I want him to live with us."
"Son," Said the father," You don't know what you are asking.  Someone with such a handicap would be a terrible burden to us. We have our own life to live and we can't let something like this interfere with our lives. I think you should just come home and forget about this guy. He'll find a way to live on his own. "
At that point, the son hung up the phone. The parents heard nothing more from him.  A few days later, however, they received a call from the San Francisco police. Their son had died after falling from a building. They were told. The police believed it was suicide.
The grief stricken parents flew to San Francisco and were taken to the city morgue to identify the body of their son. They recognized him, but to their horror they also discovered something they didn't know their son had only one arm and leg. He himself was the man he wanted to bring home to his Mom and Dad. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- We are so much like the parents in this story. We find it easy to love those who are good looking or fun to have around, but we don't like people who inconvenience us or make us feel uncomfortable, We would rather stay away from people who aren't healthy, beautiful, or smart as we are. We don't want the inconvience that true love brings into our lives. Jesus said depart from me ... and they replied Lord when did we not love you and help you? And Jesus said when you didn't do it for one of the least of these then you didn't do it to me. God comes in many disguises
The love of God is unconditional and welcomes us into his family forever, regardless of how messed up we are. Because of his great love for us, we are to reach out to others.

Andrew Spreadbury - 09/08/98 03:36:36
Locality: Millersville
State/ Prov: PA
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 50
Family, if any: Wife + three children
Faith, if any: Reformed Baptist

Thank you for sharing your experiences. May I recommend a book which I found extremely helpful? It's simply called "TONY", published by Mayflower Christian Books in England. The ISBN is 0 907821 05 7. I have the publisher's address if it anyone wants it. Every blessing, Andrew.

James Lush - 09/07/98 08:45:24
Locality: London
State/ Prov: Ontario
Country: Canada
Approx. Age: 47
Family, if any: Wife, three kids, one of each, one granddaughter and one hamster
Faith, if any: Christian who adheres to Baptist doctrine

I was really touched by your story. I am so sorry that your daughter died. You have our support and prayers. Only God will be able to answer all your questions and heal your hurt. The fact that he brought you out of this terrible bondage is healing al eady ... I have read all the books you mentioned. You can visit us at

we have an extensive site with numerous search engines, hundreds of links and much more. KEEP THE FAITH AND GIVE IT AWAY! Jim

James Lush - 09/07/98 08:43:18
Locality: London
State/ Prov: Ontario
Country: Canada
Approx. Age: 47
Family, if any: Wife, three kids, one of each, one granddaughter and one hamster
Faith, if any: Christian who adheres to Baptist doctrine

I was really touched by your story. I am so sorry that your daughter died. You have our support and prayers. Only God will be able to answer all your questions and heal your hurt. The fact that he brought you out of this terrible bondage is healing al eady ... I have read all the books you mentioned. You can visit us at

we have an extensive site with numerous search engines, hundreds of links and much more. KEEP THE FAITH AND GIVE IT AWAY! Jim

Sam B. Aaron Sr. - 09/04/98 06:09:56
Locality: Nauvoo
State/ Prov: Alabama 35578
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 55
Faith, if any: Born Again


Ian Johnson - 09/04/98 04:11:31
Locality: Topeka
State/ Prov: KS
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 43
Family, if any: wife & 4 sons
Faith, if any: in Jesus

I also have a similar experience -- similar in that a painful experience led to a realization that God was bigger than the rules my church insisted upon. My story is, however, not as tragic as yours -- no one died, I just suffered a mental illness. Inde d, viewed from the distance of a safe number of years, my experience shows that God has a sense of humor! (Gasp! Isn't He supposed to be like Queen Victoria -- i.e., "we are not amused?") My story is told at the URL listed elsewhere in this entry.

Nannette Serra - 09/03/98 22:01:11
Locality: St. Louis
State/ Prov: MO
Country: US
Approx. Age: 56
Family, if any: husband, 3 children
Faith, if any: Christian

I appreciate you having the courage to put your testimony on the internet. I, too, was helped by the "Toxic Faith" book only when I read it the title was "Faith the Hurts/Faith That Heals" and I like that thought. I'm putting a link to your site on my o n page. Hope you don't mind.

Clayton D. Harriger - 09/03/98 21:49:47
Locality: Belsano
State/ Prov: PA
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 65
Family, if any: Yes - 5 children - 6 grandchildren
Faith, if any: United Methodist

Perhaps our gracious God will use this witness to help many others to avoid the trap into which you fell momentarily. In our area we have had similar tragedies involving children. That God does work through science and medicene etc. is abundantly eviden . At my web site, Circuit Rider's Range, we record our Family Miracle on Range 2 in which my wife, Jean, experienced a massive stroke a year ago. We invite you to read of this experience in which we believe that through our Lord Jesus Christ, a miracle ook place. Address is:

Marilyn Meredith - 09/03/98 19:53:53
Locality: Springville
State/ Prov: CA
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 65
Family, if any: big one, 5 kids, 18 grandkids, 7 greats
Faith, if any: Southern Baptisit (at the moment), Christian always

My heart aches for you all. You know God does heal, and He does miracles too, but sometimes he has different plans than what we do. Just because someone goes to the doctor doesn't mean they'll always be healed either. What we need to do is use both.God works through doctors, we need to pray for healing, but we also must accept the fact that God doesn't always answer our prayers the way he'd like them too. Perhaps God wnated your daughter with him. In any case, don't hate yourselves, because your little girl is in a lot better place than we are. No more pain or suffering. And you will see her again. Love and God bless you, Marilyn Meredith

Midnight Fury - 09/03/98 19:51:39
Approx. Age: 17

Very sad story... Things like that seem to happen more than they should, but you shouldn't blame yourselves. You were misled. That happens to the best of us. I hope all goes well for you now. Take care and God bless you...

Brad Newman - 08/31/98 22:12:27
Locality: Soo
State/ Prov: MI
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 46
Family, if any: Yes
Faith, if any: Reformed Baptist

How does one learn that common sense goes hand in hand with following Christ? You can tell them to join a Biblical local church of Christ, but how will the untaught/unchurched know which are Biblical and which teach the doctrines of men? The real proble , as I see it, is that the truth as it is in Jesus is not being taught faithfully from many pulpits in our land today. But even moreso, the professing church does not hunger for the Word of God (the Bible alone!). Oh that God would grant that all would now their Bibles more! Let that be our sincere prayer. That the Word of God would be preached in truth to a people who are desirous to hear it. I have been saved from much confusion, sin, and error by being a faithful member of a good reformed church f r eight years now. Before that, I too fell into much sin and error that had tragic consequences. If anyone is interested in what my church in doctrine and practice, please E-Mail me. I would be glad to share my faith with you.

Mrs. Vicki Lynne Sizemore-Elkins - 08/31/98 03:49:03
Locality: LaPorte
State/ Prov: Indiana
Country: United States of America
Approx. Age: 25
Family, if any: Married with 2 step-daughters
Faith, if any: Christian


Circle of Friends Ministries Banner

What can I say? Definately an etremely emotional testimony. Religon isn't the answer, a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is. People fail and mislead but God never does. Keep your faith in Him. Debbie is with her Father in H aven now. Her experience is a tragic one but her death not in vain. We must keep the other cult members in our prayers that they too will eventually see the light before another tragedy occurs. My prayers go out to you. Too many people try to play god I believe that God has blessed us with docters and modern medicine. Thank you for having the courage to share Debbie's story. I pray that it will help save others who might fall into the snare of other cults out there. May God bless you.

Joe - 08/30/98 02:27:47
My Email:
State/ Prov: NC
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 32
Family, if any: Wife and Child
Faith, if any: Christian

First of all why am I being spammed by your site. Secondly, I do not pity you for the death of your child. I pity the child that has to depend on his/her parents when those parents make irresponsible decisions. I do pity you that you are so self centered and seeking pity worldwide by having this website. GET HELP this is no way to resolve loss issues. This will only prolong it by resorting to the poor pitiful me syndrome. Sorry I'm so rude, just a little Gestalt for you. Seriously, find yourself a therapist that has dealt with families and loss issues.

Linda - 08/30/98 01:32:09
State/ Prov: KY
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 39
Family, if any: three beautiful children
Faith, if any: Christian

Yes God works through others and I'm glad to see that you are allowing God to turn something negative into something positive by reaching out to others. It is not "a Church" that matters; it is your personal relationship with Jesus. God is a loving and forgiving God. God can forgive you, but you have got to learn to forgive yourself! God loves you and He will guide you if you let him. God bless you in all you do. Linda

Cajun Queen - 08/29/98 16:46:26
Locality: Mississippi Gulf Coast
Country: USA
Family, if any: 5 children/2 grandchildren

My heart goes out to you and your family for the lose of your daughter. I know of several religious organizations such as the one you were in, and I must say, they scare me to death. I am a firm believer in listening to God himself and not "man" and his beliefs, because "man" will let you down everytime, but God never will. Your family will be in my prayers. Cajun Queen

Karen Bauch - 08/29/98 16:19:50
Locality: Knoxville
State/ Prov: Tennessee
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 34
Family, if any: Married, no children
Faith, if any: Christian

I am so sorry for what you have been through. Unfortunately there are so many false teachers, false prophets, and false healers. God does have the power to heal, and can with a word. But he have physicians certain skills. As you say on your page, God orks through people as well. And He can pick anyone He wants, even a physician or scientist. Do not blame yourself any longer, God has forgiven you. Don't judge God by what other "believers" do and say. Learn the truth by reading scripture for yoursel and letting God interpret it for you. Don't let any man deceive you. As the Bible says( I can't quote at the moment ) "Every man is a liar but let God be true". Don't give up on God or Jesus. Just get to know who They REAllY are, instead of just list ning to what people say about Them. Again, I'm so sorry that someone deceived you. It's tragic in the worst sense. I feel deeply for your loss and will remember you in my prayers. Be gentle on yourselves. It's what she would want. In Christian Love, Karen Bauch

Maria Maj - 08/29/98 15:55:03

God Bless and best wishes for a happy future! It is wonderul to give Debbie's life such meaning!

Dreamsharer - 08/29/98 13:29:03
Locality: Atlanta
State/ Prov: Ga
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 40+
Family, if any: Large.
Faith, if any: Christian

Hi! I too believe the Bible is the word of God. And I also am very much a Christian. I think that where I have to draw a line is when a religeon begins to tell me what God is saying, and what He expects and demands. I have seen the joy in the eyes of a do tor when a child was saved. For that doctor was allowed to follow a calling he had been given. We each have our calling, and our place, and no organization can tell us not to respect the calling of another. Such rules are not the rules of God, but of mere men trying to exert a prominence for themselves as between God and His loving people. Do not be led by any but yourself, and hear no voice except the voice God Himself will so clearly fill you with. Allow no one to tell you what God wants, for His plans a d desires are as diverse as those whom He has created and loved. Feel and follow only love and understanding. For those are God in His truest form. He does not take the lives of children to punish parents. He is the Giver of dreams, of children, and of al things good. You followed what others told you was to be the right thing. Were you wrong? I cant say, for it is not my call. But I can say that in what you did you worshipped, and you did as you were led to, by those you chose to let lead you. Let only G d lead you, and walk away from anyone who would put "God's Rules" upon you, for they are only the demands of people who would use them to control you. God has made his own desires known in Ten Commandments. Allow no others, for none are needed. And love, hat you shall be loved. Forgive, so that you can know forgiveness. And most of all, heal, that you may help others to heal. God loves you greatly, and so do I. . . . Dreamsharer. . .Tommy. . .

Judith - 08/29/98 12:05:12
Locality: the south
Country: US
Approx. Age: 40-ish
Family, if any: 5 children, two grandchildren, numerous brothers, sisters, and mother still living at 78.
Faith, if any: Independent Christian

My heart goes out to you, and your family. I know the heartbreak that goes along with having a religious belief "expected" of you, since most of your family is enmeshed in it... though you have questions. I was raised in such a religion, though I prefer n t to mention it. I have since left that belief, and it cost me a lot regarding people's support and "association" with me. Still, I feel I did the right thing. Nothing bad happened to me, mind you. I am a lucky woman... I can't agree with one of your gues book entries here, who stated that the Bible is not the word of God. I believe that it most certainly IS the word of God. I believe, however, that what is written there was not meant to be analyzed and "figured out" so much as it was meant as a spiritual eference to God's intentions for mankind. I'm not really certain what God meant for us to believe, other than believing in HIM. I do believe that a man-made religion rarely holds all truths. I believe that if we have a discerning heart, and we read his wo ds with faith and belief in Him, we will walk the right path. If we fail, I believe he will be there to instruct us, and to protect us. It is not always what is in that book that matters, but what is in our hearts. I know this doesn't help you now, but pl ase do not punish yourself for this horrible mistake. You are not sure how it would have turned out had you taken her to the doctor from day one. Remember that. My heart goes out to you for the loss of your precious one, and I do wish healing and recovery for you and your family. Do not let it make you bitter toward God. I don't believe he takes children, or anyone on earth - for we are but mortal humans... our gift of life is bittersweet, for sometimes our mortal condition (which was not really God's doin !) makes us susceptible to death. This is what I believe, and if it brings you any comfort at all, then I am glad. Thank you for inviting me to this site. It touched my heart very much. Do keep your faith in God! Do pray, and do let yourself find comfort n the fact that you loved your daughter enough to care about her soul as well as her body. That is a lot! You were victims, all of you. My best to you all... Judith

Lynne Boley - 08/29/98 11:39:38
State/ Prov: Virginia
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 50's
Family, if any: three children, two grandchildren
Faith, if any: Faith in Jesus

I too have lost a child to death. I created my homepage to help other bereaved parents deal with their journey through grief. Learn from your experience with this "church" and read the Bible for yourself instead of listening to how others interpret. G d loves you and you can lay whatever guilt you feel at his feet and He will give you peace. He will be with you on your journey through the grief you feel at the loss of your daughter. I know how you feel. Angry, hurt, wanting to scream, and worst of a l you feel fear. I know all these feelings and I know that God can get you through all of them. Sometimes He even uses other people to do this. Find people who have lost a child to death (like the Compassionate Friends, you can find on the net at http:/ There are people there who can help that will not judge you or reject you. Check them out. Feel free to email me and we can talk if you would like. May God give you peace is my prayer for you and your family.

Lisa - 08/29/98 10:39:47
State/ Prov: CA
Country: US
Approx. Age: 18
Family, if any: Mom, Grandfather, and two brothers
Faith, if any: Christian...truly trusting in God's Word.

You can never really know what to say when something like this has happened to someone. People are too precious to just brush off with some pop-psychology "advice". I know I have no right to say anything, realy...I've never known such pain. I've been mole ted, physically and emotionally abused, but I've never known the desperate, horrible pain of a death so close. You are such amazingly strong people for surviving it! Don't you know that? You have what it takes to be strong in God, and are incredible peopl . First, I have to tell you this: those "Christians" were NOT Christians at ALL. They were fakes and liars. The Word of God explains people like them crystal clear, and they probably didn't know (while they were off in their flyaway doctrinal babbaling, a d bible-thumping) that they were the precise thing that they were trying to avoid. How ironic! ...But, you want to know something? Your baby's passing WAS NOT YOUR FAULT. God, how I wish I could somehow express that to you. It wasn't your fault, and it wa not God's. They will have to account for everything. Listen though, you must not forget God. You can't ever hope to get over this without Him. Please, get into the Bible, and ask for HIS understanding. You WILL triumph if you do this. And, you will find ome kind of peace. Your litle girl is with God, and she doesn't hurt anymore. She is okay. I trust that with all of my heart and soul. If you need anything at all, I'm here as a Christian sister. I will be praying for your recovery.

Michael Rippie - 08/29/98 05:47:31
Locality: Tonopah
State/ Prov: NV
Country: usa
Approx. Age: 52
Faith, if any: The Last Church

Don't let the Christians steal your god. Think for your self. The Bible is not the word of God Jesus told the deciples not to leave any written word on earth at their death. Because, the written word will always be corrupted.

Barb Stackpole - 08/29/98 04:03:26
Locality: Powder Springs
State/ Prov: Georgia
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 56
Family, if any: Husband, 5 kids, 5 grandkids
Faith, if any: Baptist

Thank you so much for inviting me to view your page.You are being too hard on yourselves, for you did what you thought right.Please forgive yourselves.No one is perfect, but our precious Saviour.He loves you and wants to comfort you and give you peace. Al we have to do is accept it.You must be a great mom and dad to share all this. I will share this with others and you can be sure of one thing: There is someone praying for you in Powder Springs, Ga. God bless you and your family.

Barb Stackpole - 08/29/98 04:00:37
Locality: Powder Springs
State/ Prov: Georgia
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 56
Family, if any: Husband, 5 kids, 5 grandkids
Faith, if any: Baptist

Thank you so much for inviting me to view your page.You are being too hard on yourselves, for you did what you thought right.Please forgive yourselves.No one is perfect, but our precious Saviour.He loves you and wants to comfort you and give you peace. Al we have to do is accept it.You must be a great mom and dad to share all this. I will share this with others and you can be sure of one thing: There is someone praying for you in Powder Springs, Ga. God bless you and your family.

Barb Stackpole - 08/29/98 03:56:48
Locality: Powder Springs
State/ Prov: Georgia
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 56
Family, if any: Husband, 5 kids, 5 grandkids
Faith, if any: Baptist

Thank you so much for inviting me to view your page.You are being too hard on yourselves, for you did what you thought right.Please forgive yourselves.No one is perfect, but our precious Saviour.He loves you and wants to comfort you and give you peace. Al we have to do is accept it.You must be a great mom and dad to share all this. I will share this with others and you can be sure of one thing: There is someone praying for you in Powder Springs, Ga. God bless you and your family.

jeri landon - 08/29/98 00:18:01
Locality: lake ozark mo
Country: usa
Approx. Age: 43
Family, if any: 7 children 1 in heaven

i am so sorry for your loss. please be kind to have to forgive yourselves so you can take good care of your other children!

Chris - 08/28/98 23:53:49
State/ Prov: Minnesota
Country: US
Approx. Age: 32
Family, if any: yes
Faith, if any: Christian

I am so sorry to hear of the loss and suffering you, Debbie's Family, have gone through. I am GLAD to know you did take her to see a Doctor. The Lord be with you, Your Sister in Christ, Chris

Robert L. Wade - 08/28/98 19:58:49
State/ Prov: Wisconsin
Country: USA
Family, if any: 62
Faith, if any: Baptist

You will never be held accountable for your mistakes in the eyes of God. Only your unbelief. It was the people who ran your church who you looked up to that was at fault. They were God's undershephard, they were responsible if any were for the late treatm nt that you daughter recieved. Could she have lived if she had recieved the treatment earlier? Only god Knows. but he does love you! And your daughtere is with him as you read this. I am reminded of a story I heard sometime ago that might lift your spirit a tad. it seems that a couple had finally died and gone to heaven. Everywhere they looked they saw beauty far greater than they had ever imagined. one day Jesus stopped the husband and asked "sir you dont seem happy up here why not?" "Oh im happy alright dear Lord Jesus. Its my wife Im upset with." "Your wife?" the Lord asked. "YES the man yelled out if she hadnt had me on that darn health food for so long we would have been up here ten years earlier! Take care and Gods bless you both.

Debbie - 08/27/98 17:30:33
State/ Prov: Florida
Country: U.S.A
Approx. Age: 41
Family, if any: Tons, plus 4 children & 1 new Grandson
Faith, if any: YES ,Catholic

I'm so sorry for your loss, just know your not to blame,and your Daughter is waiting until you meet again...God Bless you Always..Debbie..DpinkAngel An Angel for you!!!

Gaby - 08/27/98 08:07:57
Country: Australia
Approx. Age: 20
Faith, if any: Christian

I feel sorry for you being caught up in the sect.

Cathy - 08/26/98 14:03:13
State/ Prov: Tennessee
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 44
Faith, if any: Raised Catholic/converted Baptist as a teen. Right now, no affiliation

NO!!!!!!!! You did not fail your daughter. You believed in your faith. Unfortunatly this alone could not save your daughter. If God meant for us not to believe in Medical Science there would be no doctors at all. Even in Jesus's day, there were people of the medical profession. Miracles are just that, miracles. They don't happen to just anyone. I hope you won't continue to blame yourselves on this. I am sure your darling daughter knows you love her and never would of allowed for this to happen if you believed any other way. God Bless and keep the faith.

Scorpian - 08/26/98 10:32:25
State/ Prov: Melbourne
Country: Australia
Approx. Age: nearly 18
Family, if any: i don't have much outside my own family :(
Faith, if any: i have my own

Hi Well this page is very said...i send my prayers out to Debbie and her family. I know what it's like to have to believe in something...sometimes there is nothing else left to believe in, in this world we live in. Religon is sometimes the only way...i have any religous friends so please don't take it as if i'm knocking religon but yeah...that's juat what i think. Take Care and Peace Love Scorpian "Live Life Look for Light." Quote me

Nan Menken - 08/25/98 22:57:43
Locality: Dallas
State/ Prov: Texas
Country: 75231
Approx. Age: 49
Family, if any: Husband, 2 children, 2 grandchildren
Faith, if any: LDS

My prayers are with your family. I grieve for your loss and hope you can find peace in remembrance of your beautiful Deborah. Although you now know doctors, hospitals and often, other authorities, can be the instruments of God, you did not fail her - as er parents, you acted in what you believed were Deborah's best interests. She was given to you in joy and her life was a blessing to all of you. She will always be a part of your family. Be comforted and know that God is with you, and He will never lea e you. He too lost a child and knows your grief.

rey - 08/25/98 03:31:19
State/ Prov: CA
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 57
Faith, if any: born catholic,dying universal

Death = Birth You have a birth date in your birth certificate that nobody can change!!! the same way We have a death date that nobody can change, no doctor no religion NOTHING it comes with you when you are born! Death is as natural as birth and the cycle goes on... We live a thousands and thousands of lifes on our way back to GOD=NIRVANA=PARADISE... Debbie is in Peace! And that's what counts!

Jodi - 08/25/98 03:14:01
Locality: Buffalo
State/ Prov: NY
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 47
Family, if any: 3 children, 2 grandchildren
Faith, if any: non denominational

Your site has such an emotional and spiritual impact. Thank you so much for sharing your love and your pain with the world to help others. I have sent your URL to many and linked it on my site. God bless and keep you and yours

Jodi - 08/25/98 03:08:56
Locality: Buffalo


Larenda Hicks - 08/24/98 23:42:32
Locality: Houston
State/ Prov: Texas
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 38
Family, if any: Husband, 2 teenage boys
Faith, if any: Non-Denominational

What a sad story. I really do not know what to say. Having just exited a cult myself known officially as The Way International, I can understand the mind control that goes on so subtly at first. My prayers are with your family - God Bless

Victoria - 08/24/98 17:37:50
Locality: Topeka
State/ Prov: KS
Country: USA
Approx. Age: almost the big 40
Family, if any: Married with two children, a son-in-law, and a granddaughter
Faith, if any: Christian

I'm speechless. I give my prayers and love.

Michelle - 08/24/98 09:29:17
Locality: Banks
State/ Prov: Oregon
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 28
Family, if any: Husband, Joe Son, Joey Daughter, Nikki
Faith, if any: Christian (New Thought)

Thank you for emailing me and allowing me see your site. It is a wonderful thing to do for your daughter and for others who have been religiously abused. I will add a link to your site the next time I am updating my homepage. I will put it on the page dedicated to religion. God Bless. M* We are co-creators with God, not puppets on a string waiting for something to happen. -- Father Leo Booth, Creation Spirituality

Jamie - 08/24/98 03:23:10
Locality: Kansas City
State/ Prov: KS
Country: United States
Approx. Age: 13
Family, if any: Parents (36 & 37), Stepmother (28), Brother (8), Stepbrother (8)
Faith, if any: I'm not a very religious person, but I suppose I'm Catholic. My parents never really told me.

After reading other guestbook entries, I realize sympathy probably isn't doing much good. Even though I haven't been through the same thing as you, I can still relate. I don't know what I would do if I lost either of my brothers especially if i knew som thing could've saved them. You can't spend your life regretting the decisions you made though. Like they say, God has a plan for everybody, and it was just your daughter's time to go. I really admire that you are telling people your story. Take care. :)

Kathy B. - 08/24/98 01:18:15
State/ Prov: Massachusetts
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 48
Family, if any: 4 adult children
Faith, if any: Spirit Filled Christian

I assume we are about the same age. I have a daughter that was born in 1974. My sincere thoughts and prayers are with you. God bless you for what you are doing in memory of your child. Also the hurt that you had and are going through, to unselfishly share with others, that you may help them. I am sincerely moved by your faith and love for your fellow man. May God continue to bless you. Kathy B.

Lynda - 08/23/98 22:44:10
Country: USA
Faith, if any: Spiritual

Thank you for sharing your story. Please visit our website - it would be a great help to anyone. Feel free to use the Message Board.

don hardy - 08/23/98 22:38:07
Locality: albuquerque
State/ Prov: nm 87120-4213
Approx. Age: 60
Faith, if any: xn

I will email you comments. bro.don

Gayle - 08/23/98 21:15:09
State/ Prov: Tn
Family, if any: Husband, 2 daughters :)
Faith, if any: United Methodist

In response to your email. It is not for anyone to judge if you failed your daughter or not. That is between you, your wife, and God. I cannot say. What I do know is there is sometimes a difference between churches who claim to be Christian, and people who really are. The angels do not have Jesus as an intermediary but thank God that we do. By His Grace we have been chosen above the angels because when they fall they do not escape Hell's fury. For those of us who believe in Jesus and earnestly repent and follow His tea hings, we do have Him to guide and help us. Keep praying to Him and He will give you guidance. May God grace your family with the blessing of perseverance though the difficult times that have been, that are today, and that will come. Amen.

Steven Tower - 08/23/98 17:08:09
Locality: Prairie Village (Ks City area)
State/ Prov: Kansas
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 47
Family, if any: one wife (and only one), two children, one dog (Min-Pin), one bird (Amazon Parrot), three grandchildren
Faith, if any: Faith in Christ, not so "United" Methodist

Thank you for sharing your grief. It is tragic you went through this, and you can be assured of my family's prayers and support. I am reminded that God has No hands but Ours. If only more people would "try a little kindness" our community, our nation, our world would be such a better place! May God's blessings be yours!

Pat Knapp - 08/23/98 03:12:14
My Email:You have it already
Locality: Denver
Approx. Age: 48
Family, if any: Spouse and kids (x4)
Faith, if any: Christian

Appreciate your testimony. God is certainly Sovereign and uses all sorts of "hellish" experiences to deepen our walk with Him. He also uses all sorts of people in completing the work in us that He desires. Bottom line, at the risk of sounding tright, nothing goes to waste.

Melissa DeVito - 08/23/98 01:49:04
Locality: Chattanooga
State/ Prov: TN
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 26
Family, if any: two daughters 7 & 8
Faith, if any: Agnostic

I truly feel for your family. I know this probably not what you want to hear. I know that it is so hard to admit that you might have been wrong when you only thought that you were doing right. As a mother, I can only begin to understand the briefest amoun of anguish you have suffered in trying to come to terms with your choices. I just want you to know that I think your website is a wonderful idea as painful as it must have been to create. I have studied various religions throughout my teens and twenties nd I know, without a doubt, that there is a loving, forgiving prescence that watches over us. He/She takes many forms but is always with us through the good and the bad. Thank you for finding the courage and strength to share you story so that it might he p others. Thank you again.

Ray Jordan - 08/22/98 20:37:35
Locality: Simi Valley
State/ Prov: CA
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 55
Family, if any: Lezlie, wife
Faith, if any: Christian

Stopped by to visit your page, keep the faith.

chris - 08/22/98 17:40:29
State/ Prov: wallingford,pa
Country: usa
Approx. Age: 20s

Keep up the nice work.

Request: Please visit my site or trade links thanks

Main page / JOIN webring / E-mail me

Steve Carlin - 08/22/98 16:49:03
My URL:not appropriate for this forum
Locality: Colorado Springs
State/ Prov: CO
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 28
Faith, if any: Spiritual

You have gone through alot, I know that it must have been very hard for you to share this experience with the world, but thank you for doing so. I personally do not go to church, I just can't bring myself to a point where I can trust churches. I am a hi hly spiritual person with strong belief in God, but I don't believe that we should blindly follow any MAN. Your story has just made this an even stronger conviction for me. I hope that this turn of events has not made you lose faith in God, because I be eive that he still has a plan for you and your family. If we were made to follow other MEN, then God would not be a spirit, he would be a MAN. If he were a MAN, then he would be imperfect and at times make poor judgements, but he is not a MAN and he is ot imperfect, therefore it is rational to follow HIM. I hope that this helps to console and restore your faith in an all-powerful, all-knowing, all-LOVING God. I think of him as a father, even though I never want to see my 4 year old daughter fall down, and I want to catch her before she falls, there are times where it is best to allow her to fall so that she can learn from the experience. As children of God, he must allow us to make mistakes and allow us to make our own decisions, regardless of how foo ish they may be. He knows I have made more than a few foolish mistakes, but still he loves me - like a father should. I hope that this helps in some small way. GOD BLESS YOU ALL - KEEP THE FAITH _ TRUST IN GOD!!! §teve Carlin

Harold D Breeden - 08/22/98 13:29:33

Visited your web page and was deeply touched by your story. It is sad to know that so often we learn the hard lessons of life from tragedy that befalls us. Modern medicine is certainly a gift from God that has greatly benefitted man in today's world. But hope you can find some consolation in remembering that God heals in many ways and certainly was overseeing Debbie's care. Death is not an ending but a beginning, and as you mourn the tragic loss of your loved one she frolics beside God. A prayer that you may you find peace with God in your everyday life.

Eddy - 08/22/98 09:35:09
State/ Prov: Hawaii

I am so sorry to read about your past experience, nature has a way of getting to the best of us. Eddy

Edie - 08/22/98 09:31:53
Locality: Halifax
State/ Prov: NS
Country: Canada
Approx. Age: 58
Family, if any: a daughter 27
Faith, if any: Christian (Pentecostal)

Dear Robert, This has happened to far too many, one is too many and we know that there are likely hundreds of greving parents like yourself. Sometimes this happens with churches that are not part of a cult but have a pastor who becomes decieved and on a power trip. his happened with our fellowship, but isn't God great he has brought us through and "we will overcome by the blood of the Lamb, and the word of our testimony;" based on Rev. 12: 11. You have a good beginning God Bless you!

Rob Fiksit - 08/21/98 21:29:32
Locality: Cottonwood
Approx. Age: 51
Family, if any: half are grown
Faith, if any: "ecumenical"

Page continues to have problem with the boxes for "Family" and "Faith" out of order. Go to your HTML and check. Page-builder manual will explain.

Len&Alison - 08/21/98 07:54:07
Locality: Dartford
State/ Prov: Kent
Country: England
Approx. Age: 40+
Faith, if any: Dog
Family, if any: a simple one!!!!!!

What can be said. our deepest sypathies are with you. We had a similar experience that nearly broke up our marriage. One lesson we did learn is that it is not the words it is the attitude behind them. Many of these groups are arrogant proud and impulsive. Anyway more could be said, but I'm sure you've heard it already. A book that we have found particularly helpful is called Affliction by Edith Schaeffer. Again our heartfelt sympathies. Looking forward to hearing from you... Len & Alison...

Rob Fiksit - 08/21/98 07:42:36
Locality: Cottonwood
State/ Prov: CA
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 51
Faith, if any: yes, half grown
Family, if any: non-denom

Need to check guestbook. Boxes not matching entries

Jere Bruner - 08/20/98 18:12:00
Locality: Oberlin
State/ Prov: OH
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 70
Faith, if any: wife, 2 daughters

Your story is bringing tears to my eyes, right now. There are indeed healing angels, who are always kind and loving, and work with the doctors, and can indeed bring miracles. Unfortunately, many people and other beings speak in the name of God, and are n t loving and healing. But what comes from God is always loving. Thank you for your message. Love and blessing to you.

Ramon Sender - 08/20/98 17:44:24
Locality: San Francisco
State/ Prov: CA
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 63
Faith, if any: 3 sons 1 dghter
Family, if any: complete

As someone whose daughter died of melanoma cancer within a high-demand, authoritarian group that did not even inform me of her death until a month later, I was very touched by your story. Many healing beams, RS

Carol Middendorf - 08/20/98 06:08:36
State/ Prov: AK
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 42
Faith, if any: husand, 3 sons
Family, if any: one who loves the Lord

Your page was made me cry, made my heart break, yet so thankful that the Lord has "brought out" of darkness and into His marvelous LIGHT!!

Helen - 08/20/98 03:52:14
Locality: Brisbane
State/ Prov: QLD
Country: Australia
Approx. Age: 23
Family, if any: member of Lutheran church

This story is so sad...but I am encouraged by the fact that you have learnt and grown through such a tragedy, and maintained a faith in God's love and strength. Peace to you in Christ.

Betty Knapp - 08/20/98 03:21:40
Locality: Flint
State/ Prov: MI
Approx. Age: >40
Faith, if any: yes
Family, if any: Non-denomination

I am a born again christian, who believes that Jesus Christ was the only begotton Son of God. He will heal us, but we must have faith. There is nothing wrong with using doctors. We must remember it is God who gives them their knowledge. We must pray tha God will guide and lead the physicians. It is He that allows things to happen, to test our faith. He loves us all. We must accept Christ as our personal Saviour. In all things acknowledge Him, and He will direct our paths. We must read the Bible for ours lves, and ask God to lead and guide us through His Son Jesus Christ. God bless and keep you in His will.

Ralph Fallstick - 08/20/98 01:25:43
Locality: Bellevue
State/ Prov: NE
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 44
Faith, if any: Married, 1 daughter
Family, if any: Christian

I'm resondong to your email. After visiting your site I feel you did what you thought was right under your circumstance, but you have learned from this. Your daughter is with Christ, if you could only see her now, walking down the streets of gold. Do n t beat yourselves up about it. Use your strength and memories of her to relay the Gospel. I'm a young Christian and have a lot to learn. But the Lord will guide me even if I fall flat on my face (and I have). Trust in Him, one day at a time. Don't wo ry about yesturday or tommorrow. Just the day at hand. When I farwarded my letter to my friend Debbie, I was under the impression it was an Abortion issue. After reading your site, I apologize.

Julie - 08/19/98 22:23:09
State/ Prov: Kansas
Country: USA
Age, about: 13

All I could say is Wow. I recieved and e-mail about his site and thought maybe I should visit it. When I read this, I just was shocked. I too have friends who are "sheltered" somewhat like this. I never knew such cults or groups like this exsisted. I ne er knew how much power they had. I would just like to say.......I was glad I came uponn your page.

Emily - 08/19/98 19:30:01
My Email:Firsttim412
State/ Prov: Iowa
Country: Usa
Age, about: 18
Faith (if: Christian

Thank you for sharing you story with me. I will tell as many people as I can about your web site and will send the address to my email friends, although I don't have my own site that you could link to.

Chaplain David B. Plummer - 08/19/98 04:19:03
Urban area?: Dallas
State/ Prov: Texas
Age, about: Late 30's
Faith (if: Charismatic Christian

It would seem to me that you had and are perhaps working through "toxic faith." If you would like to talk please feel free to email me. God does heal but He doesn't always do so and sometimes does so independent of any kind of faith. DO not allow anyon to put a guilt trip on you. May God bless you, Chaplain Dave Plummer

Mary Kae - 08/18/98 23:56:19
State/ Prov: IL
Country: USA
Age, about: 41

Thank you for your e-mail. I was truely touched by your testimony. May everyone who enters into you website be blessed and the Holy Spirit use your site as an opening for others to come to know Christ on a personal level. You have been through the fire and now I think you are on the battleground for our Lord and Saviour. May God continue to shower down upon you an abundance of Spiritual blessings.

Darkblade - 08/18/98 23:08:22
State/ Prov: Minnesota
Country: USA
Age, about: 27
Faith (if: God

Your story is touching. A valuable lesson indeed. Peace!I will link to your site so that others can learn this lesson without doing it the hard way. Peace!

William Attaway - 08/18/98 21:36:48
Urban area?: No
State/ Prov: MS
Country: USA
Age, about: 23
Faith (if: Baptist - Southern


hazeleyezz - 08/18/98 20:35:40
Urban area?: Boston
State/ Prov: Mass
Country: USA
Age, about: 20
Faith (if: Apostolic

your site is so touching...I know the Lord will comfort you in times like these...God bless

Michele - 08/18/98 20:11:39
State/ Prov: Georgia

Ps 116:15 Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints. Rev 14:13 ...Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord...they will rest from their labor.... You have learned a hard lesson, and I hope that you are finding healing and restoration through the ministry of this website. Take comfort in the fact that your little girl is no longer in pain, but standing before our Lord in worship and joy and peace. Michele

Barb Radisvlevic - 08/18/98 19:06:11
Urban area?: San Luis Obispo
State/ Prov: CA
Country: USA
Faith (if: Christian

Got your e-mail message. I'll find a way to publicize your message and get in touch with you as soon as I have time. I sympathize with you in the loss of your daughter. I know what it's like to lose a precious child. Barb

John Wheeler - 08/18/98 18:30:46
Urban area?: Mill Valley (Bay area)
State/ Prov: CA
Country: USA
Age, about: 39
Faith (if: Global Church of God
you wish): member

Dear friends, your daughter is perfectly safe -- which is more than those of us still living can say, in some ways. She will rise again, well and sound, in the Day of Judgment, and be offered salvation with the rest of the world -- if she has not already obtained the right to the First Resurrection (God knows). God's promise to heal through the stripes borne by Jesus Christ is *absolute*. What God does not promise is *when* He will heal: in this life, or in the resurrection. Nor does He forbid the use of "medicine" in the healing process. But if you decided to put your trust in God for Debbie's healing, then you should have been prepared by your pastor and your own study and prayer to trust Him without reservation, even if it meant the end of your daughter's physical life at this time. Those are the conditions He sets, and He will not negotiate over them. This is not "cultic" thinking; it is the biblical teaching. But of this I am certain in the Lord: You haven't failed Debbie, and neither has God -- no more than Job or God failed Job's original seven sons and three daughters. Now Job's wife thought both had failed -- which is exactly what Satan wanted her to think. But God allowed Satan to bring that and much else upon Job to teach Job something about himself. It's not true (as many claim) that God told Job he would never understand why he suffered thus. God told him clearly, as did His servant Elihu. Job's problem was not what he had *done*, but what he *was* -- *self-righteous*! As Elihu put it, Job said and believed deep down that "it profits a man nothing that he should take delight in God" and that he was "more righteous than God". God pointed out that Job thought "his own right hand could save him". We are made mortal, and vulnerable to sin, so that if possible we don't make these mistakes in our thinking when God uses the human condition to get our attention. If anyone has failed, it may have been those who should have been your shepherds -- those who failed to recognize that "we receive from Him whatever we ask, because we *keep His commandments* and do the things that please Him." Most of traditional Christianity, "cultic" or not, doesn't understand what these words really mean. Instead, it teaches for doctrine the commandments of men, and thus worships Him in vain. What God wants you to see in all of this is beyond me, a mortal man, to say. I know this: He doesn't want you to grieve as those who have no hope (cf. 1 Thessalonians on that point). One last thing. Many, *many* of our people in the Sabbath-keeping Churches of God have been supernaturally healed of cancer and many other diseases (some immediately, some after a long period of trial and suffering). Many more have died in the faith, believing God's promise that they would be healed in the resurrection. Some got the added help of doctors and some did not -- in *both* categories. "According to your faith be it unto you," Jesus said. I am perplexed that you would send your message to me, a stranger -- but I thank you for the opportunity to reply. You are welcome to reply if you wish (I only check my e-mail every two weeks or so). May the God of all comfort bring you rest -- Love, John Wheeler

Lynn - 08/18/98 17:39:07

I read your story of your daughter and I apprecite your honesty and your openess in this story. Lyn

Jolie - 08/18/98 12:34:54
Urban area?: yes
State/ Prov: North Carolina
Country: US
Age, about: 28
Faith (if: Christian
you wish): Faith in our Lord and Savior

Hi there, your story touches me deeply. It is awful how people want to ruin and control others lives in the name of Jesus Christ. There are many churches that are not truly educated enough to be leading people to Christ and many have to suffer for that, b t keep your faith in our Lord because Jesus will never lead you in the wrong direction. The only true salvation is through prayer and faith in our Savior Jesus! I will be praying for you. With the power of the Holy Spirit, He will lead and direct you to w at is right :) Take care and God bless you. Jolie

carriann cole - 08/17/98 16:37:02
Urban area?: no
State/ Prov: tx
Country: usa
Age, about: 39

thankyou for sharing your personal story with so many. It serves as reminder that it is all too easy to fall into a cult without even being aware of it...could happen to any of us who love God. Debbie will live on in your touching story...

Jeff Fuller - 08/17/98 13:44:08
Urban area?: Waycross
State/ Prov: GA
Country: usa
Age, about: 21
Faith (if: Believer

This is a touching story that seems to point to Christ, but it left me wondering...What was the result, where is the family now (spiritually)? Where is the praise, the joy, the worship? These were just my personal thoughts, my heart's inquiries. Shem Yesh a, Jeff.

Granny Ina Metz - 08/17/98 12:29:15
Urban area?: Pretoria
State/ Prov: Gauteng
Country: South Africa
Age, about: 61
Faith (if: Jesus
you wish): I dont, I know.

Hello I recieved your e- mail , unfortunately I cannot make a link from there in my rosegarden, sure I will promote your site, just come and sign my guest book,As for spititual advise , you need to make a choise, as did the two malefactors that where cruc fied with Jesus, accept or reject, if you accept then you are saved, now you need the Holy Spirit in your life, ask God with every prayer to fill you with his Holy Spirit , and a peace surpassing all knowledge will fill you and also you will recieve all t e answers to your questions, that is called wisdom and knowledge with insight and understanding, and that you can only get from the Holy spirit, The Holy Spirit is youre guide, your comforter, your teatcher, your power and a lot more. Come and sign my gue tbook so that I can link you in my e mail address book and then I can guide you as best I can with the help of the Holy Spirit within me.

zev - 08/17/98 04:57:25
Urban area?: central California
State/ Prov: CA
Country: this one
Age, about: 45
Faith (if: Messianic Judaism


i sent you a reply to your e-mail. i felt it would be better to contact you privately first. if you want to paste any or all of my comments into your guestbook, feel free to do so.

Shalom bashem Yeshua
(Peace in the name of Jesus)


Sandy - 08/17/98 02:39:17
Urban area?: XX
State/ Prov: Arkansas
Country: USA
Age, about: 49
Faith (if: Christian
you wish): Lover of My Lord Jesus Christ

Yes, praise the Lord, that there are people who are waking up to that it is Jesus who gives doctors their talent. He still does miracles of healing. I was healed of melanoma of the lympth system in June 1994, please visit my web page for my testimony. owever, I did see a doctor and had surgery. I am not a denomination. I believe in Jesus Christ and that He died for me and rose again. I don't believe in "Religion" It has caused a lot of people to stay away from Jesus. God bless you for standing up an speaking out. All is not in vain. One day we will know all the reasons why. I look forward to that day and I will meet you there! God Bless!

Sandy - 08/17/98 02:34:55
Urban area?: XX
State/ Prov: Arkansas
Country: USA
Age, about: 49
Faith (if: Christian
you wish): Lover of My Lord Jesus Christ

Yes, praise the Lord, that there are people who are waking up to that it is Jesus who gives doctors their talent. He still does miracles of healing. I was healed of melanoma of the lympth system in June 1994, please visit my web page for my testimony. owever, I did see a doctor and had surgery. I am not a denomination. I believe in Jesus Christ and that He died for me and rose again. I don't believe in "Religion" It has caused a lot of people to stay away from Jesus. God bless you for standing up an speaking out. All is not in vain. One day we will know all the reasons why. I look forward to that day and I will meet you there! God Bless!

Hazel Kalenze - 08/17/98 01:00:24
Urban area?: Dickinson
State/ Prov: North Dakota
Country: USA
Age, about: 55
Faith (if: Methodist

I am so very sorry about your daughter. I know the pain you are going through. I will keep you in my prayers.

Pastor Mike Bryant - 08/16/98 07:15:52
Urban area?: San Francisco Bay
State/ Prov: California
Country: U.S.A.
Age, about: 44
Faith (if: Pentecostal
you wish): Lovin' Jesus!

I enjoyed your site very much. I agree that God uses US to help each other. Stop by and visit my site and sign my guestbook when you get a chance. I think you'll find peace and comfort there.

Debbie - 08/15/98 21:56:00
State/ Prov: Texas
Country: USA
Age, about: 38
Faith (if: Assembly of God

At the time you did what you thought was right. God will see us through anything. God Bless You, Deb

Andytandy - 08/15/98 00:45:20
State/ Prov: NSW
Country: Australia
Age, about: 13
Faith (if: Pentecostal

Hi! You have a wonderful homepage here. Please come and visit me sometime and don't forget to sign my guestbook to let me know you visited!
God bless,

Please visit my other homepage:

"Christianity IS NOT Religion, BUT IS REALITY!!!"

Arthur Jackson - 08/13/98 19:35:56
Urban area?: San Jose
State/ Prov: CA
Country: USA
Age, about: 66
Faith (if: Humanist

Because I don't believe in God, I think people need to do a much better job of taking care of each other. Your life story is a clear example of where society pushes desperate people with its current values. I have a dream that if my Science of Religion ev r get's developed that humanity will begin to live in the way our language ability makes possible. With Love, Arthur Jackson

Robert Willis - 08/13/98 14:44:20
Urban area?: Goldsboro N.C
State/ Prov: North Carolina
Country: USA
Age, about: 36
Faith (if: Christian
you wish): Full Gospel

I am sorry to Read about your misfortune and will keep each and everyone of you in my prayers. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Phil. 4:7 . My Love to you all. Your brother in Ch ist. Robert

Beryl - 08/13/98 11:24:02
State/ Prov: Tasmania
Country: Australia
Age, about: 60
Faith (if: Catholic

Dear Bob & Linda, Thank you for contacting me and inviting me to read your story. I was very moved by it. I don't presume to know the rights or wrongs of how we act. I believe that to act in good faith according to your conscience is the best we can do. I am so glad that y u found help outside your group because we cannot cope with the death of a loved one alone. We all need the help of the people around us, friends or strangers. It is often through them our faith is assisted and often made stronger through their love and e en in the worse times we can still see God's hand upon us. You have lost your beautiful daughter but she is still with you in the memories and she still loves you and she is in God's care. May God bless you and your family and may he hold you in the palm f his hand and guide you along the path of life. Beryl. (I will forward this page to my net friends and you will be in our prayers)

Robyn King - 08/13/98 02:45:29
Urban area?: small town of 2000
State/ Prov: Michigan
Country: USA
Age, about: 37
Faith (if: Methodist
you wish): peace

I got your e-mail and I am very touched by your story. I usually don't agree with these religous groups that refuses to seek treatment for thier loved ones and I find that I am judgemental most of the time in places that I have no business being that way. You did not fail your daughter. You did all that you could when you could. It was God decision to take her and when you get ready to go she will be there waiting for you at the pearly gates. I hope that you can find some comport in my words or in the word of some others that are close adn mean much more to you than me. I wish you great peace of mind and hope that you remember the poem of Jesus being with you even in the toughest times of our lives. He will carry us and help us as long as we need him to. L ok to him and beg him for his help and guidence. Look to yourselves for the peace that is surely to be yours in time and time alone. God bless you and keep you. Robyn

Cathy Clark - 08/13/98 00:54:21
Urban area?: Baton Rouge
State/ Prov: LA
Country: USA
Age, about: 45
Faith (if: Non-denominational -
you wish): I believe in God the Father, Jesus Christ His Holy Son and His precious Holy Spirit.

I think you should tell this testimony to all who will listen. Yes, God does use others and circumstances to reveal His will and works. May God bless you and your family and may they have the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ. We know that Debbie is in th arms of Lord. Sincerely in His service, Cathy Clark

Joyce Dusang - 08/12/98 20:12:35
Urban area?: Covington
State/ Prov: Louisiana
Country: USA
Age, about: 65
Faith (if: Non-denominational

Hi, just wanted to sign your guestbook and let you know I was here. You are precious in the sight of an almighty God. Love and blessings upon your family, Joyce.

gina hutto - 08/12/98 18:44:09
Urban area?: no
State/ Prov: alabama southern
Country: usa
Age, about: 40
Faith (if: First Assembly of God
you wish): happy and peace..

hi, saw your story and this is sad, i know there are hard for have lost daughter,as i know because i lost my baby son when he was born in 1983,i was so angry but i found God again and I found Jesus the christ,your daughter debbie is in heaven as my son is ,,they are healthy and happy and watch over us,,they know we love them as we love them so much as we loves Jesus the christ,praise the lord for we love God ,God bless you and your fam ly,,,gina

robin - 08/12/98 15:42:53
State/ Prov: NY
Country: usa
Age, about: 40
Faith (if: Christian (non-denom)

I haven't finished looking at the site but have enjoyed it so far. I'm wondering how you got my email address to send this to me????? I'm glad you did but wonder if everyone has access to all addresses & how they get them? Please let me know! I think you both learned valuable lessons but it's unfortunate that you had to lose a daughter to learn this! Are you in touch with the brother that tried to help you now? A relative of mine was once in a cult so it's easy to be deceived. Praise God th t you know the truth now! Bless you!

Cheryl - 08/12/98 07:24:03
Urban area?: no
State/ Prov: Nv
Country: USA
Age, about: 34
Faith (if: Christian

Debbie is with the Lord now and will no longer have to suffer the pains of this world. It was her time. I know that if it wasn't her time yet; God could have healed her regardless of what you did, so don't feel guilty. He was pleased with your faith. deffinately believe too that Jesus works in many ways; whether He just does it supernaturally, or through doctors. Stay close to Jesus and the Bible and vear away from cults. Jesus can heal you and your family of your hurting hearts and even pull you c oser to Him. You will see Debbie again when it is your time to go home to heaven. (check out my web site for hope & healing

Darlene Badenhorst - 08/11/98 11:17:12
State/ Prov: Illinois
Country: USA
Age, about: 50's
Faith (if: Missionary - Protestant
you wish): I can't afford to wish, only trust.:o)

This is a sad story, but I believe that your daughter is with the Lord for many years now and that you will see her again. Please do not loose your faith in God and the atoning price that his Son Jesus Christ paid with his blood on the cross for our sins nd our sickness. Yes, I do not agree with the rigid doctrines of some believers, and that is not something that the Lord approves of either. He had that problem with the Pharisees. Remember, He did things very much different than them, (healed on the Sabb th, spat on a blindman's eyes, told a man to take up his bed and walk, etc......)This is a time to draw ever closer to the Lord.

"But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him." Hebrews 11:6(KJV) "Even so faith, if it hath not works is dead, bein alone." James 2:17(KJV)

Thomas JC Davis CLP - 08/10/98 13:49:31
My Email:
Urban area?: Hamden
State/ Prov: New York
Country: USA
Age, about: 53
Faith (if: Presbyterian-Lay Pastor

We must offer ourselves as gifts, Confident that God has a purpose for us. We must always expand our limited vision to embrace new possibilities and we must rededicate our lives every day. Your lives are now reaching beyond the barriers of our former thin ing and doing. God bless you and your family and in the Spirit of Christ, we will pray for you and your message.

Doug Danner - 08/09/98 20:51:36
State/ Prov: Kansas
Age, about: over 50

It's too bad that churches sometimes get in the way and become stumbling blocks to the very principles they are trying to promote. Jesus the same yesterday, and today, and forever. Heb. 13:8

Min. Jerome Gilbert - 08/09/98 12:55:18
Urban area?: Jacksonville
State/ Prov: Florida
Country: USA
Age, about: ??
Faith (if: Jesus!

(John 9:2-3) His disciples asked him, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?" (3) Jesus answered, "Neither this man nor his parents sinned; he was born blind so that God's works might be revealed in him. May God bless you for all the work you do for Him. (Psa 29:2) Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name; worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness.

Jesus Is Lord!

Lilian - 08/09/98 09:33:27
Urban area?: Central Coast
State/ Prov: New South Wales
Country: Australia
Age, about: 50s
Faith (if: Born again Christian

I was saddened to hear about your dear daughter. Be assured that she is now with her Lord. I do believe that God is still healing people supernaturally, but I also do believe that He uses the Medical profession too. After all many Doctors are also Christians and are being used by God. You do have a mess ge on your page for some people. God bless you and your family.

Timothy - 08/09/98 06:05:34
State/ Prov: Auburn,WA.
Country: USA
Age, about: 48
Faith (if: Bornagain Saint, and Minister of Jesus
you wish): Michael would lock up Sin in the pit of fire

The truth is, how many people die BECAUSE they went to the doctors and hospitals. There is a (healing onto death.) Death can be a blessing. Be sure though that Satan will try to name it, and claim it. There are after all more of Gods saints left behind to focus on. It starts with the guilt trip, to be sure. Satans tracks can be seen in the snow of the innocent . Let us wait untill the day the books are open, and this present darkness is lifted before we start using the "CONDEMED" stamp. God takes people when He should. To leave them longer would expose them to loss of reward. He is the good shepard. God leaves us here to allow us perfect max benifit for heaven. Like the good teacher who knows how hard to make a test, so one earns the deg ee, and is well ready do. Some take longer, some shorter. Besure God does not count as we do.

Frank Hoffele - 08/08/98 19:01:35
Urban area?: Harriston
State/ Prov: Ontario
Country: Canada
Age, about: 60
Faith (if: Baptist

Sorry about your child, I had a industrial injury that put me in a wheelchair the Doctors said I be in one the rest of my life, I asked my pastor and my church members to pray for me so that I might be able to walk again, a few months later I went to a do tor that a friend told me about that help him when no one else said they could help him. The doctor said he try to help me, but had to do some tests and check me over, We pray for God's to guide the Doctor and let him to be able to help me. A month later was in the hospital to be operated on to fuse the bones in my lower back. 10 weeks, 4 Days after the operations I walked out of the hospital, without any help, and I know that God was there guiding the Doctors, Nurses and most of all we me leting me know he care. We Care, Frank

Lynn Woodworth - 08/07/98 15:37:44
My URL:http://
State: Arkansas
Country: USA
Age, roughly: 29
Faith, if you wish: Christian

I am very sorry for you and your family. I hope that God will ease your sorrow.

Christel, Cocoa, Cali & Chance - 08/07/98 06:42:03
State: IA
Country: USA
Age, roughly: 20
Faith, if you wish: Baptist

Wonderful, inspiring, and truthful story!

God Bless you all!



Christel, Cocoa, Cali & Chance - 08/07/98 06:40:22
My Email:DSM
State: IA
Country: USA
Age, roughly: 20
Faith, if you wish: Baptist

Wonderful, inspiring, and truthful story!

God Bless you all!



Blanche - 08/07/98 02:48:49
My Email:Flatwoods
State: Ky
Age, roughly: 40 something
Faith, if you wish: Faith Christian Assembly (non demoninational)

I'm sorry for your loss. Ephesians 3:20

Erica Washburn - 08/06/98 13:03:03
My Email:Sellersburg
State: Indiana
Country: USA
Age, roughly: 17
Faith, if you wish: Faith Community Church - non denominational

I am sorry about your loss, but it was very God to rely on God!!!

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