Would you help tell the story?

Would you help warn others?

You are welcome to share this testimony with your church, link to us from your web-page, or use our example.

wife - 05/27/00 18:43:31
My Email:lindy1950@hotmail.com

I agree totally with what you have done here. We are finally going on to higher things! Only God knows what is in store for us now but I know that HE will be there with us.

Gale Elizabeth - 05/27/00 09:04:40
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/cgi-bin/geoplus_apps/ans_entry
My Email:seadolphin@ca.freei.net
Locality: Granada Hills
State/ Prov: California
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 50
Family, if any: husband, two daughters, and one son
Faith, if any: Christian

My heart goes out to you in the loss of your wonderful daughter, Debbbie. I'm happy she's now in Heaven with God. I lost two brothers also, suddenly, and still haven't recovered. You did the best you could at the time, with the information you had. I' sure you're wonderful parents and your children are lucky to have you as their Mother and Dad. We all learn in mysterious ways, and, as you said, you learned a lot after you lost Debbie. This happens to all of us, and usually, we're really trying to do our best. My daughter and her family are worshipping in a church that is small and somewhat aloof from others. They don't believe in ever using any blood to heal any accident or condition. Sometimes I worry about what could happen if one of them or the r son had an accident, or needed blood to save their life. I suppose we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. No one has all the answers, thought some people think they do. We are humbled quite often by God when something happens and we realize how ery little we did know at the time. Since my brothers' deaths, I have learned to value every day and every person who crosses my path. We never know how many days we have left on this Earth. I wish for you and your children all things good. May you pr sper and be happy and well! Take good care, and God bless you!!

Dawn - 05/26/00 04:09:37
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/dlhalton/memories.html
My Email:dlhalton@hotmail.com
State/ Prov: PA
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 42
Faith, if any: Protestant

Thank you for sharing Debbie with us. I was touched by your story. I believe in devine healing, but I also believe God uses others for his miracles...I'm sorry it took Debbie's death for your family to find out. God uses all things to his good.

Sympathizer - 05/23/00 23:52:24


Mona Wagner - 05/23/00 20:48:59
My URL:http://www.hppd.net/monascloset
My Email:monascloset@netscape.net
Locality: TX
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 31
Family, if any: yes
Faith, if any: I believe in God, and have faith in Him, but am not RELIGIOUS in any form.

Thank you for posting your page. I am a survivor of abuses of many forms..one of which was spiritual abuse. Peace to you.

S. W. - 05/19/00 08:46:40
My Email:yahyl34@cs.com
Locality: Baltimore
State/ Prov: Maryland
Approx. Age: 34
Family, if any: mother, sister, brother etc
Faith, if any: Nazarine

I am a person with an illness that there is no cure. I was not taking my medicine like I was supposed to because I believed in devine healing and did not take the advice of my doctors or the results of my test that clearly indicated that I needed to be f ithful with my medication if I wanted to live a longer and healthier life. Only when I started feeling and seeing the affects of this disease did I begin to comply with my doctors and have for the most part arrested the disease process. You may not agree but I came to your sight thru a religious tolerance org web page and have found that another issue that the chruch is hard on is sexual oriantation and I have found that my orientation is contrary to the expected norm for a believer. So for many years I have been a lonly but not selebet person because of the inability to cultivate a relationship with some of my same gender beause of the social taboo and religious taboo. I have prayed and cried and tried for years to change my sexual ide tity and it is of now avail. I did not choose my sexual orientation and I have learend that I can not change it either. I'ts about the same as trying to change your race. IMPOSSIBLE!! At least my studies up until this point let me know that I may die ut I will not burn forever in a lake of fire. I would like to live in the Father's Kingdom but appairently I don't qualify. Sad don't you think? P.S. I am sorry for your loss of your daughter and I hope others will be helped because of your situation

Neil Kok - 05/05/00 21:24:01
My Email:kok@saunalahti.fi
Locality: Joensuu
Country: Finland
Approx. Age: 39
Family, if any: wife,7kids,dog
Faith, if any: Born again christian

I am ABSOLUTELY sure that God not just looks at what we do, but also our intentions. When you feel guilt about this whole situation, remember that you tried to do what you thought was pleasing to God. God will never forget that. Okay, you did wrong. But d n't let yourselves be condemned by people who never even consider lifting a finger to serve God. The bible says when we arrive in heaven, Jesus will dry our tears. Why do we cry, then ? I think when we arrive there in that all pervading light, we will see our own silfullnes sharper then we have ever seen it before, and in the same time our saviour is there before us, takes our hand and leads us in. This text makes me also think of how often I have kept myself tough as a kid in some difficult situation, a f ght or an unfair treatmnent, and how I on coming home would suddenly burst into tears the very moment I saw my mom. You recognise that ? That's what it can mean. When He dries our tears, it certainly doesn't mean that He commands us to stop weeping "real aints don't cry" or something. But He consoles in a very deep and penetrating way. I think He will show as the wonderfull things He has done behind the scenes right through the most horrible human catastrophes. He will show us His purpose, and it will mak us jump of joy as we suddenly understand it all ! Just like the disciples who were totally down and out when Jesus had died, and the consolation was not some empty words, but a resurrected Lord three days later. What a joy!! Where was the misery ? It was as nothing compared to the fact that they could touch Him, talk to Him, see Him. Dear friends, stay faithfull to Jesus, and that is what He will do for you. Love, Neil Kok

Heather - 05/05/00 12:34:55
My URL:http://www.1freespace.com/kaufman
State/ Prov: Minnesota
Country: usa
Approx. Age: 35
Family, if any: me, Hubby 14yrold son 22 month daughter and our angel Jamie forever 5&1/2

All I can say is Wow. You really opened yourselves up here. It took alot of love & courage to tell your story.(((( Hugs ))))) for you all ! Peace be with you.

Jay Nielsen - 05/04/00 04:13:31
My URL:http://www.xmission.com/~jay/
My Email:jay@@xmission.com
Locality: Logan
State/ Prov: UT
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 28
Family, if any: just me
Faith, if any: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

Your story is very touching. Yes, you are correct - "God does use science for good. He does use doctors for good." You will see Debbie again. I can promise you that. The wait, however, will not be an easy one. God be with you and your family.

Amanda - 05/03/00 21:34:18
State/ Prov: IL
Country: U.S.
Approx. Age: 16
Family, if any: Mom,Dad,brother,3sisters
Faith, if any: undecided

I believe in a higher power, possibly his name is God, therefore I am not aetheist. But I have a hard time dealing with religion. I find it hard to believe in a "God" who would put the fear of hell in you. There are so many diverse religions, and so ma y different beliefs, that it is quite difficult choosing which one to be a part of. If I am this religion then according to this other religion, if I do/don't do this, I will go to hell. You're story amazed me.

Amanda - 05/03/00 21:27:35


Kathleen McKenzie - 04/30/00 23:54:36
My Email:katmckenzi@aol.com
Locality: Southern California
State/ Prov: CA
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 61
Family, if any: grown daughter, husband
Faith, if any: Christian, Protestant, I guess

My daughter is disabled and I was willing to try many, many things to help her. I was in a very fundamentalist church for many years and like you, I came to see our God is a loving, all-inclusive God, not a narrow, separatist, exclusionary God. If He coul not use everything and everyone to help His children, He wouldn't be much of a God. Please don't blame yourselves. I believe Deborah willingly shortened her earthly life to start all of you on a journey that is bringing you back home. Your responsibility is forward -- live it well in honor of what Deborah did for you.

Patty - 04/27/00 01:09:29
My Email:pgokey@hotmail.com
Locality: Schroon Lake
State/ Prov: NY
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 19
Family, if any: -lots of great family
Faith, if any: Jehovah's Witness

I'm so sorry to hear about your great loss....I do feel that you were sincere in your efforts with your religion- but,

Marilyn - 04/25/00 23:35:21
My Email:mkhenson@trilobyte.net
State/ Prov: UT
Approx. Age: 53
Faith, if any: LDS

Having just lost a sister to cancer, I know that God is the ultimate healer, but science was very useful in giving me an extra 18 months with my sister. That time spend with her will be a precious memory all my life. When there is no cure, God's cure an decision is the best. Miss my sis.

Kentucky_Lady4 - 04/18/00 11:19:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Kentucky_Lady4
State/ Prov: Kentucky
Country: USA

I have read the story, and have heard of many times sad happenings like this have occured. It is very sad, and I do feel that God works through our doctors and nurses to aid us in health, as he works through our ministers to preach a great sermon. I know you were caught in a group that unfortunately nearly brain washed you, and feel God knows you were 'trying' to do at that time, what you thought was His will. I am so sorry for your loss, and I know you have felt the 'worst feelings' for yourselves, but e have a very merciful God, and he will understand. I am sure it was very hard to write that story down, and praise God, he will strengthen you and will forgive you. And people need to know this is happening, so to keep this form of cult from spreading, hey need to be educated on what can happen if they deny their family the needs they desire. God bless you and praise Him you have seen the right direction and have removed yourself from that group.

I still need to look at your links there, have only read the story and felt I wanted to sign now. I do hope you have found a real nice church that can teach you correctly, and religiously, right and wrong. Thank you for sharing, it may have answered ano her persons question about joining this type of cult. Keep faith!!

Stormy - 04/18/00 02:39:14
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Stormy1703/index.html
My Email:Stormy1703@hotmail.com
Locality: Oshawa
State/ Prov: Ontario
Country: Canada
Approx. Age: 40

Hi There I just stopped by to welcome you to Angels of the Storm. Your site is lovely, we are very fortunate to have you. *S* I trust that you have made yourself at home by now but should you need anything don't hesitate to shout!!

Diane - 04/17/00 22:42:21
State/ Prov: Nova Scotia
Country: Canada
Approx. Age: 35
Faith, if any: Catholic

How dare you and your family let this innnocent child suffer. You were supposed to be her protectors. On your home page you discuss her death..."In the next year they did all they could, but on Nov. 8/83 Wilm's cancer claimed her". No, Wilm's cancer did n t claim Debbie. Your neglect claimed Debbie. You should have done all you could for this child's well being. And then you so bluntly describe her short life and death in a paragraph, on a public website. Did you fail Debbie? Yes. And you still are.

debby - 04/16/00 17:26:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pond/8395
My Email:Cryingheart_2000@yahoo.com
State/ Prov: california

Your page is very frank and honest. Our son died and we too are having to deal with the church/religion vrs God. I am looking forward to reading your articles about spiritual abuse. Thank you for making this site.

Karen McIver - 04/15/00 04:50:17
My URL:http://geocities.com/Heartland/Park/1865
My Email:karemel5@geocities.com
Locality: Laurel
State/ Prov: MD
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 47
Family, if any: A wonderful one! (See web site)
Faith, if any: YES!!! (See web site)

GOD BLESS YOU for your touching and honest web site. I am browsing Geocities for sites about kids with Wilms tumor, because I had it 46 years ago, and want to encourage others myself. (My testimony on my web site.) All I know to say to you for now is G d knows, God knew, and He still loves and forgives you!! And He has a purpose for your lives and will use this to bring glory to Him in many ways. May the Lord bring many to your web site and seek Him and His healing and FREEDOM!!

Kris - 04/15/00 04:24:56
My Email:zbradorc3@aol.com

I want to thank you for sharing your story. I thought I was in a unique situation until I read your testimony. Could you please tell me if your still with that particular church or any church? If your in another church can you tell me about the transit on. I'm in the valley of decision and have a family, my husband and four children, and just want to know....if I need to go to another church. I love the Lord and don't want to be involved in a cult situation, yet this is all I've know all my 13 saved yrs.

Courtney Stakelin - 04/09/00 06:06:27
My URL:http://www.webspawner.com/users.praytherosary/
My Email:cstakeland@cs.com
Locality: Orlando
State/ Prov: Fl
Country: United States
Approx. Age: 26
Faith, if any: Catholic

Those parents should have their children taken. They cannot just let their child die and blame it on their religion. THEY are the ADULTS and should be RESPONSIBLE. They should be beyond being brainwashed. If they are that easily brainwashed they should no be allowed to have children. What if someone said that they should kill their kids for their religion or beat them etc? If they cannot see reality, than those kids should have parents that can. The kids don't believe in that religion, so they should not uffer because of their crazy parents. It is their parents right to religion but that doesn't mean they have to make their kids suffer.

Ron Greib - 04/04/00 19:54:30
My URL:http://www.christiantraditions.com
My Email:rgreib@yahoo.com
Country: USA

I am sorry about your tragedy. God cries with you and mourns your loss. We have been fed much misinformation about God. You have a wonderful web site! God bless you! A sincere question that we christians who are open and serious students of the bible shou d be able to cautiously and carefully answer. Could a God of love create cancer cells, rattlesnakes, and earthquakes?

Thomas Horne - 04/03/00 03:44:18
My URL:http://home.att.net/~tomhorne
My Email:webmaster@hhtutorials.zzn.com
Locality: dayton ohio
Faith, if any: Christian


A wonderful website...we really enjoyed our visit...Come to our Affiliates center...H&H Tutorials

Jan - 03/26/00 21:14:21
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/janakate/index.html
My Email:janakate@i-55.com
Locality: Louisiana

Many times it takes something in our lives, such as Debbie's death, to "wake us up", to really bring us into the fold of Jesus' arms...it was so with us and our son's death. May God bless each of you and keep you safe. You have done a beautiful job tel ing your story. Many thought provoking things here. Thank you for signing my guestbook.

Keri - 03/24/00 08:23:39
My URL:http://www.intelcities.com/Abbey_Precinct/asche
My Email:asche@darkandlight.com
Locality: Paso Robles
State/ Prov: CA
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 18
Family, if any: Mom and little sister, Aunt & Uncle
Faith, if any: member of United Methodist Church

You guys are so awesome. Your faith in Christ is amazing and I applaud you. The fact that you continue to have faith even through this horrible ordeal is just...so incredible to me. I wish I could stop using adjectives...in the long run, they don't mean m ch... I just wanted to let you know that I will keep you guys in my prayers and that your daughter had a GREAT purpose in her life, however short it may have been. God Bless you guys... please keep in the faith and love of Christ. You're awesome :) Keri

Tricia Brown - 03/22/00 04:52:47
My Email:brown@AngelWinks.zzn.com
Locality: IOla
State/ Prov: Ks.
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 29
Family, if any: married,(11yrs.),2 children 8 and 14
Faith, if any: Christian

Thank you for sharing your story. My husband and I attended and served in a simular church for nearly 4 years. It is so hard to share our story for I have rehersed it in my mind for the last 2years that we have been out. My husband does not attend church ow. However, he loves the Lord. My little boy was spanked and switched repeatedly by the pastor and elders and is scared by the rememberence. I recall one meeting in which a lady having been pushed to be "slain in the Spirit", fell onto the floor hitting my child causing him to fall and hit his head on the nearby chair and pillar. I was being used in the ministry (when annointed) all the while my husband also being a faithful follower in hopes to be "brought forth" into his particular calling. Prophecy after prophecy of what God was calling us to do ....even..one time the Lord gave a women a dream that I was to have twins...the Pastor seemed to confirm this other times..commanding my womb to be fruitful....another John the Baptist...etc...! We ought a van...sowed $$$"seed" believing God for all these things..This particular area of abuse is bothering me. Maybe because the 5th of April I go in for a total hysterectomy. Our daughter also was very disillusioned having been told the Lord wanted to se her dispite her youth in the area of Praise & Worship...then a short time later was told she was not mature enough to handle the responsibilty of being on the team. Being the pianist, my music was taken away always repenting and wondering if I was anno nted today. I was told everything from I was to fat to.. I was timid..causing them to rebuke these things in prayer. When encouraged to use the gifts God gave us, when we did step out, we were belittled by mockery and being made fun of behind the pulpit. e as members were also pitted against each other by unspokens...done in the privacy of the pastors office..(We were never called into the office for encouragement. Only chastisement. Of course everything was done according to scripture and divine revelat on. None of us were ever really sure of our stand with the Anointed One and His Annointing. Especially since every time we met a rebuke of some sort took place. I do still have times of weeping and great sorrow over these things. I have sought the Lord nd continually ask Him to forgive me of unforgiveness and to grant me the grace to carry on. You know probabbly the biggest contender I battle is not wanting to displease the Lord. How I do love Him. Anyway, thank you again for sharing..I hope I havent abbled . your sister in Christ, Tricia Brown

StarShine - 03/21/00 14:33:01
My URL:http://go,to/starshines.
My Email:starshine1@Home.com
Locality: Oshawa
State/ Prov: ON
Country: CA
Approx. Age: 40ish
Family, if any: one stepson and grandson *beam*
Faith, if any: Catholic

Welcome to the AOTS! My sincere sympathies about your daughter....this is a wonderful site that will educate others and keep your daughter alive in heart and spirit. We are soo glad to have you join us and I would like to invite you to come and visit me sometime...*Smile* Have a great day!
Blessings from Star*Shine

Angels of the Storm - 03/20/00 12:12:07
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Coffeehouse/9117/
My Email:stormangels@hotmail.com
Locality: ~~Everywhere~~

On behalf of the Angels of the Storm, we would like to wish you a warm welcome to our Merry Band of Angels. Your site is a truly wonderful addition to our group and we hope that you have the opportunity to meet many new friends through the ring. We are very blessed with many talented Angels. *Smile*
Blessings from Star*Shine and Stormy

Veronica Robinson - 03/17/00 04:38:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/rareearthwoman//
My Email:VKerperien_robin@hotmail.com
Locality: Mt.Morris
State/ Prov: MI
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 37
Faith, if any: Catholic

I love your web site, I am very deeply sorry for the loss of your daughter. I lost my daughter last August, I should say we lost our daughter, my husband and I, she was hit by a truck at age 15. My problem is I have alot of anger, and most is at God for t king my daughter. I know that it is wrong, but itis my feelings right now, and I hope these feelings will heal someday. But your family is in my thoughts.

Friend - 03/16/00 23:23:30


LISA GRIDER - 03/02/00 09:09:58
State/ Prov: IN
Country: US
Approx. Age: 36
Family, if any: HUSBAND & 3 BOYS
Faith, if any: METHODIST


Bob Shepherd - 03/01/00 16:10:59
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/RobtShepherd/faith.html
My Email:robbi01@hotmail.com
Locality: Cottonwood
State/ Prov: CA
Country: USA
Approx. Age: YOUNG fifties
Family, if any: wife, ten kids!!
Faith, if any: born again believer

When I built this page two summers ago, I had not the faintest idea how overwhelming the response would be. Both Linda and I have been blessed and gratified by the kindness that continues to come our way. May the Power Which Sustains pour out his love on you all. This is yet another guestbook I have had to begin. Again, thank you so much. Continue to warn and teach and pray. Reach out beyond the boundaries. Cling to your faith. Beware of fanatacism.

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