Would you help warn others?

You may share this testimony with people you know, link to us (webmasters) or warn others by our example.

Tony Wright - 12/05/00 21:37:43
My URL:http://www.africanaquatics.co.za
My Email:tony.wright@pixie.co.za
Country: South Africa

Hi Robin Firstly, where did you get my e-mail address? Secondly, your page is certainly a blessing! To see someone saved from the deception in the church of today is a true blessing. Your daughter's page was very moving - remember that ALL things work towards the greater glory of God. Love in and because of Christ Tony Wright

Michelle Scott - 12/04/00 16:39:12
My URL:http://michellescott.terrashare.com
My Email:Scotties@ukonline.co.uk
Country: UK
Approx. Age: 36
Family, if any: 2 children
Faith, if any: Christian

Thank you for this deeply moving site. It is very good of you to share this and warn others.

Keara Cowley - 11/13/00 19:33:09
My Email:kearac62@hotmail.com
Locality: Provo
State/ Prov: Utah
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 18
Family, if any: 3 brothers, 3 sisters, dad & step-dad, mom & step-mom
Faith, if any: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormon/LDS)


Sousonne - 11/13/00 14:42:34
My Email:forestoflight@yahoo.com
Faith, if any: Christian

Thank you, friend, for sharing your truths and your site with me. I am deeply sorrowed for the hurt that you feel, regarding your loss....but there was also gain in that loss. And you didn't lose faith in the Lord....you lost faith in yourself and in ma ....and perhaps rightfully so! The Lord loves all of us....UNCONDITIONALLY, as does our Father. Your daughter's "body" in inconsequential ... it's the "spirit" that has the substance! Her spirit is alive and well....quite in tact, so if your sorrow is or her, it's unfounded. The sorrow that you feel is for you....for the mistakes made, (although you had good intentions), and for being "left" behind. In truth, we, as humans, cry and are grieved when someone we love dies, because WE have lost the abilit to "be" with them and interact with them on a physical plane...WE will be without the physical person, and WE will miss them. We will feel lost without that physical representation present. You must remember...the spirit does not die! This is one of th truths that Jesus was trying to teach us when he allowed himself to be crucified. Our Father KNEW that we have become SO attached to the "physical world" that his son would need to "physically" prove (humans always feel the need to have "physical proof ...don't they???) what is true....that there is MORE....more than the concrete, physical aspects of the world....and that in order to reconnect with Our Father, we have to understand that we don't NEED anything that is physical. This is what he meant w en he said that if you want to return to the Father, you need to be prepared to let go of ALL "worldly" things! God is strictly a spiritual energy. Remember dear friend, "RELIGION" is "man-made" ......."spirituality" is "God-made".....you do not have to have four walls and a roof to become and BE spiritual. Whenever "man" has his hand in something, eventually corruption, greed for power and/or mone , and control, takes place. This is NOT what Father intended, this is NOT what Jesus preached! Out of these perversions, we have grown to think of "church" as being an organized institution with four walls, and a roof, with rules and laws, and someone te ling you how to believe. Our beliefs are base on fears...fears instilled by the 'leaders', using God as their ammunition. If God is all knowing and all loving, do you really think that he would purposely "get back at you" because you've blown it? Humans think this way...not Father. If a child of YOURS made a mistake, would you gently guide him/her with lessons to be learned, or would you strike him/her dead, showing him/her your disappointment and wrath by showing "revenge"? If you study ALL religions, you will find, that the names and places are changed, and some of the "minor characters" are a bit different, but all in all, the basic teaching IS the same.......LOVE.....love one another, unconditionally....with this love, then will follow, compassion, orgiveness, and the deepest respect for every living thing on this physical plane....for they all are part of our Father God. A disciple once asked Jesus out of all of the commandments given by God, which was the most important. Jesus, without hesitatio replied that there are no other commandments but that of Love....Love your neighbor as you would yourself, LOVE your Father with all your heart and all your soul and all your might, and love each other the same....if you do this, none of the other comma dments are necessary, as you will automatically follow them! It's SO simple, and we make is SO hard. I bid you true peace and love, Sousonne : )

bonni elizabeth hall - 11/08/00 14:02:41
My URL:http://bonni.net/
My Email:bonni@bonni.net

This page just about broke my heart. It's beautifully written and just so terribly sad. I know this probably doesn't help, but from terrible tragedy and awful mistakes we can grow in many ways. It's the silver lining in a black and ominous cloud. I'm so sorry for the family for the loss of Debbie. The pain must be so hard to bear... *sigh* My compassion is a blessing but when I read something like this I just hurt so much for the victims (ALL of them)and I feel so angry with those who caused so much heartache (the cultish church, not the family). Anyway, please know that I'm very glad to have your site in the Time to Heal ring and know that spiritual abuse is definitely one of the subjects this [Time to Heal] ring covers. Pax in Christos bonni

Joyce Chandler - 11/01/00 22:54:51
My URL:http://geocities.com/robbi01/creation.html
My Email:joymlcat@yahoo.com

Robert and LInda, This CREATION LOVE page gave me the most beautiful and inspirational moment I have spent on line, I have added to my page,for others to see and enjoy, I thank you for sending this most wonderful moment to me. You can see your link on my first page. I hope I had done justice to your most endearing moment. thank you joyce

Judy - 11/01/00 22:52:03
My URL:http://a2j100.tripod.com
My Email:a2j1@bellsouth.net
Faith, if any: CHRISTIAN!

Dearest Robert and Linda, This Creation Love Page such a beautiful and blessed page. Thank you so much for sharing it with me. Hve a wonderful and blessed day. God loves you and so do I. God Bless you both. Love your sister in Christ, Judy aka Country Granny

Claudette Letendre - 10/25/00 10:59:50
My URL:http://petitchoux.tripod.com
State/ Prov: Maine
Country: USA
Family, if any: spouse,2sons,1 granddaughter
Faith, if any: Catholic

Hello what a beautiful dedication page you created for your beautiful child who is such a lovely angel...for the work you've done here I would be honored to give you my Angel Of Love Award my hear goest out to you for your loss...

Alice J. Wisler - 10/21/00 01:32:13
My URL:http://www.mindspring.com/~wisler/danielshouse.html
My Email:wisler@mindspring.com
Locality: Durham
State/ Prov: NC
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 39
Family, if any: 3 surviving kids, 1 husband
Faith, if any: it is still there, damaged, but visible.

My heart aches for you. We, too, were part of a church that emphasized "God's healing" and Daniel (our four year-old with a tumor in his neck, Neuroblastoma)was prayed for by countless folks who believed he was going to be healed. There was even a prayer meeting to thank God for healing Daniel and soon church members felt although there were no signs of it, Daniel *was* healed. Daniel had eight months of treatments for his cancer--intense proceedures. He died on 2-2-97 after an infection crept into his body. The autopsy showed no cancer.

Thetis Durant - 10/19/00 10:03:55
My Email:thetisdurant@wwebtv.net
Locality: Austin
State/ Prov: Texas
Country: U.S.A
Approx. Age: 83
Family, if any: ???????
Faith, if any: backsliding heathen

A very famous lady so truly said: religeon has caused more grief --- Thank you for sharing Thetis Durant

Herborg Fridjonsdottir - 10/18/00 18:23:37
My Email:herborgf@althingi.is
Country: Iceland
Faith, if any: Christian

Dear Robert and wife and children! I wanted to send you my deep sympathy on account of losing your daughter. I pray that God Almighty may give you strength and happiness and prosper in every respect.

Paul - 10/18/00 05:22:04
My URL:http://www.up-link.net/~mcc/index.html
My Email:mcc@up-link,net
State/ Prov: Arkansas
Country: USA
Family, if any: 4 children
Faith, if any: Missionary Baptist

My heart and prayers go out to you and your family. Your site is a wonderful tribute and a very informitive one! God bless, Paul.

mike - 10/17/00 20:23:13
State/ Prov: mi
Country: United States
Approx. Age: 21
Family, if any: mom,dad,sister,
Faith, if any: belief in humanity

I would like to send my condolences to you and your family. I am in college and I am doing a paper in my ethics class on this very topic, If you have any information you could share it would be greatly appreciated. Thank You mike cesaro M_CESARO@hotmail.com

Derek Dulley - 10/17/00 19:37:44
My URL:http://www.twotracks.com
My Email:tracks111@webtv.net
Faith, if any: Christian !

I just wanted to take this time to say God bless to you and your ministry for all your efforts in helping to spread the gospel to those in need of spiritual direction. We all have a role to play in this vast arena of Christian evangelism and I commend you for your great work. I will definitely be praying for your work and its continued well-being. All too often in today's society (Christians included) we forget about those who find themselves behind bars, simply writing them off as being "too far gone" for any hope of salvation. However we as Christians must preach the Word of God to all who will listen-including to those in jail. God bless you for trying to reach this group of people and many others in trying circumstances-you truly are providing a wonderf l service to all who come in contact with your ministry.

Karen and Bradley Showell - 10/13/00 19:20:23
My URL:http://members.truepath.com/HOLYGHOST/index-2.html
My Email:kshowell@pacbell.net
Faith, if any: Pentecostal?

My husband and I have just finished visiting your beautiful web site. We could feel the presence of the Lord all over the place. I always ask the Lord to lead me to whomever He wants me to give an award to. Every now and then the Lord will allow me to feel His presence very strong. When this happens I know that the Lord wants me to tell you that He has sent me to your web site. This only means that you are very special to him and He wants you to know that.

Matt Paulson - 10/12/00 17:02:41
My Email:stmatt007@worldnet.att.net
Faith, if any: Christian

Thank you for sending CARM your web site address. It is a very good site and we will pass it others who can benefit reading your site. I would take issue with the words "the Lord did not save our child." Acts 2:38-39 says that our repentance and salvation comes with a promise that extends to our children. I think that Debbie was saved by Jesus. (Matt) C.A.R.M.

Tony Stone - 10/07/00 06:12:50
My Email:tonester71@mediaone.net
Locality: Fresno
State/ Prov: Ca
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 28-29 on wed. 10-11
Family, if any: Not married
Faith, if any: Struggling pentecostal

Though I am not as strong as I could possibly be at the moment, I would like to tell you that I am very happy for you to be able to see how God could use something as tragic, and unfortunate as the loss of a child. I personally would be torn apart-I migh be able to understand the pain that you have under gone. Well, what I wanted to say was that I'm glad that you were able to see the real foundation of what it is to know God. That he allows things to happen both good and bad for our benefit. You were ble to learn that doctors can be used of God as are our prayers. I definitely believe in faith prayers, and I know that God does heal, as some of the prayers that I've prayed have been answered in that way. I don't believe that it is wrong to question G d either. I know that he doesn't always answer our questions-I wish he would but, he is the one to know whether or not we need to know the answer at that time or at a later time. I think that it is wonderful that you are able to be where you are at toda . On a totally different note; I graduated in '89, and plan to attend the gathering of the classes. I think that it will be pretty neat to see all of us together. Kind of like going to a Promise Keepers conference, or a big christian concert and seeing all of the christians-it's empowering in a sense. Well, I'm going to go. I hope that all is well with you now.

- 10/03/00 23:08:01

I am so sorry that your experience did not seem to prove God's all-encompassing Love. However, the right to choose to rely on God instead of medicine should never ever be taken away from a human being. I am so glad that the love of Debbie still lives in you so strongly.

David - 09/26/00 02:01:08
My Email:da_hipster@hotmail.com
State/ Prov: SA
Country: Australia
Approx. Age: 15
Family, if any: mum, bro
Faith, if any: god!!

Sad to hear the lord did't help, but there must have been a reason behind it, otherwise it wouldn't have happened. The lord didnt save my father, he died about 3 months back from heart disease. I think she's better off waiting for the lords return anyways so shes not suffering and hse'll be waiting for you!! Think about it, a few more decades is nothing compared to eternity, so within a matter of seconds compared to eternity you will be reunited with her..

Barbara - 09/24/00 04:22:32
State/ Prov: Arkansas
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 51
Family, if any: I have no one anymore
Faith, if any: in my Lord

God loves you and I love you too. Thank you for sharing

- 09/21/00 10:00:34


Michelle King - 09/18/00 02:08:16
State/ Prov: Texas
Country: US
Approx. Age: 30
Family, if any: Husband & Daughter
Faith, if any: Catholic

I saw a link to this page from a post on Womans-Web.com. I just wanted to say thank you for sharing your story, I can not even imagine what your family has been through. I'm glad that you guys have been able to pull yourselves out of that church & get y ur lives back together. I will keep your son (Ben I believe it was) in my prayers. I'm sorry you had to deal w/such a tragedy, I wish you all the best luck in your future! Michelle

Dave - 09/16/00 02:28:00
My Email:dboyd749@ONlink.net
Locality: Elliot Lake
State/ Prov: ON
Country: Canada
Approx. Age: three score years & ten
Faith, if any: wife, son and 2 girls

Overall, I am quite impressed. Just one thing, in my post on the ezboard site, I noticed the name 'Jesus' was crossed out. Perhaps you would have preferred it if I used the name 'Yoshua'. - Dave

Kelly Schroeder - 09/16/00 01:20:22
My URL:http://kelschbiblestudy1.tripod.com/truth_in_the_word.htm
My Email:kelschbiblestudy@aol.com
Approx. Age: 58
Faith, if any: in Jesus Christ alone & not in doctrine of man

God has NOT failed you! It is your concept of God which has failed you. Do you not understand that God's #1 goal is not to take care of you BUT to have you trust Him and not man. Do you not know "the purpose" that He has purposed upon the entire earth? Ha e you not read that, even though He took care of ALL their needs supernaturally, that Israel committed fornication by trusting the Babylonian magicians (the original doctors) more than Him? God does not honor anything pagan; especially that which takes an oath to pagan gods and uses a pagan symbol for their profession. Read what caused Israel to sin. Follow their bondage from Egypt to Babylon. Learn about the Whore of Babylon. Learn about the magicians contesting Almighty God. Your faith does not work if y u do not BELIEVE the Word of God. To believe it, you must know it. Do you really think that God would provide SUPERNATURAL salvation to you and then have to depend on man, whom He made, to care for you? Please read what is under the blessing and the curse Please read that Jesus REDEEMED us from the curse. It is your doctrine that failed. It is impossible for Almighty God to lie!!! He, and He alone, performs His work. Read what Jesus said in the last verses of Mark. Be careful not to blaspheme the Holy Spi it when it is actually man who has deceived you and you allowed it by failing to trust God enough to study His Word. After ALL, Jesus Christ was and IS the LIVING WORD of God. By the way, have you not noticed how medicine and health is the most exalted th ng in the world? And, more importantly, it is exalted above Almighty God. Yes, I have faced critical illness. I was supposed to have a liver transplant over 6 years ago, when I learned the TRUTH in the WORD and now am in perfect health and have not visited a doctor since. He says that in the end-times, He will remove everything we depend on instead of Him. Have you noticed how many reports there are lately of medical and prescriptive errors and that antibiotics are failing? His ultimate goal is that you would build your fa th on belief in His Word so that you can withstand in the evil day... and expect His supernatural power to help you. By the way, do you not know that 80% of the world's population does not have the medical profession to rely on? Do you think that God would say, "Oh well, since you don't have doctors, I guess you'll have to die". If you can believe that God provided your salvation supernaturally and created the world and you, why would you think that He would ever need to rely on man's devices? In the shadow of His wings, Kelly

Kelly Schroeder - 09/16/00 01:12:46
My URL:http://kelschbiblestudy1.tripod.com/truth_in_the_word.htm
My Email:kelschbiblestudy@aol.com
Approx. Age: 58
Faith, if any: in Jesus Christ alone & not in doctrine of man

God has NOT failed you! It is your concept of God which has failed you. God does not honor anything pagan; especially that which takes an oath to pagan gods and uses a pagan symbol for their profession. Read what caused Israel to sin. Follow their bondage from Egypt to Babylon. Learn about the Whore of Babylon. Learn about the magicians contesting Almighty God. Your faith does not work if you do not BELIEVE the Word of God. To believe it, you must know it. Do you really think that God would provide SUPERNA URAL salvation to you and then have to depend on man, whom He made, to care for you? Please read what is under the blessing and the curse. Please read that Jesus REDEEMED us from the curse. It is your doctrine that failed. It is impossible for Almighty Go to lie!!! He, and He alone, performs His work. Read what Jesus said in the last verses of Mark. Be careful not to blaspheme the Holy Spirit when it is actually man who has deceived you and you allowed it by failing to trust God enough to study His Word. fter ALL, Jesus Christ was and IS the LIVING WORD of God. By the way, have you not noticed how medicine and health is the most exalted thing in the world? And, more importantly, it is exalted above Almighty God. Yes, I have faced critical illness. I was supposed to have a liver transplant over 6 years ago, when I learned the TRUTH in the WORD and now am in perfect health and have not visited a doctor since. In the shadow of His wings, Kelly

Sharon Oneal - 09/13/00 16:18:18
My URL:http://msnhomepages.talkcity.com/SeekingSt/josharon
My Email:josharon_oneal@hotmail.com
Locality: Donnelly, ID USA
State/ Prov: Idaho
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 62
Family, if any: lots
Faith, if any: Son of God

Thank you for shaging your story, I came here from Beyond the Bridge where someone left the url. I am sorry for your loss, God has promised to be with us ALWAYS, and told us this World is a vale of tears in which we shall suffer and learn obedience. Wonde ful that you have learned and grown, that is what this journey is about. Far better to be in His presence, whethere here or there..'where there is fullness of joy'. Sincerely, Sharon

Jen - 09/12/00 19:41:29
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/jennyhawkins.geo
My Email:jennyh@intellisys.net
Locality: Altus
State/ Prov: OK
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 48
Family, if any: yes
Faith, if any: Christian

Thanks for putting up your page in remembrance of Debbie and for those who like yourselves face the heartbreak of having a child taken away. My heart goes out to you. God bless you. May your site continue to witness to other believers who may be faced with such dilemmas.

Sherry - 09/06/00 18:56:37
Locality: Tempe
State/ Prov: Arizona
Country: US
Approx. Age: 40
Family, if any: Husband and expecting 1st child
Faith, if any: Christian

I was very touched by your testimony. I too believe God uses doctors and medical professionals as instruments of healing and that he has given some of them the gift of healing.

Lynn - 08/30/00 23:59:51
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/frugalgourmet
My Email:PetiteChoux@webtv.net
State/ Prov: Massachusetts
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 48
Family, if any: yes
Faith, if any: baptized Catholic but am now non-practicing

What a terribly sad story. And to think that there are those who believe that The Lord only helps a select group of people! We are ALL children of God...even the peoples in every third-world country who some consider to be heathens. He works through, in a d for ALL of us, every living creature. He belongs to NO ONE and EVERYONE. Your story contains a lesson for all of the religious fanatics who believe that God is theirs and theirs alone.

cherub - 08/30/00 18:23:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Metro/8389
My Email:cherublike@hotmail.com
Locality: KC
State/ Prov: MO
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 30
Family, if any: I have two boys and one girl
Faith, if any: Christian

I really loved the pages, I hope that everyone who comes to visit your page will understand where you are coming from and maybe learn a little bit!

ineke van der burg van den berg - 08/27/00 11:31:21
My URL:http://go.to/inekesrainbow
My Email:inekevdburg@mailmij.nl
Locality: Nieuw-Vennep
State/ Prov: Noord-Holland
Country: the Netherlands
Approx. Age: 56
Family, if any: husband, 4 sons and a daughter in law
Faith, if any: protestant

Hello Thanks for writing in my guestbook too. You wrote about my rainbow. Have you seen the painting especially made for angels. You can see it under "new" I have painted it for al the youngones who died early also your daughter. I read also about Corry ten Boom. The house of Corry ten Boom is in Haarlem as a museum. I painted here house too under "buildings". Corry ten Boom is a Dutch women who saved a lot of people from the German. You know the story I think. If you would see my page again go to: http://go.to/inekesrainbow. I wish you all the good things you needed. Thanks and love Ineke.

Eliz Young - 08/26/00 15:48:48
My URL:http://members.aol.com/heneliz
My Email:heneliz@aol.com
Locality: PA
State/ Prov: PA
Country: U.S.A.
Approx. Age: 53
Family, if any: YES
Faith, if any: CHRISTAIN

That was a tragic thing that happened to your daughter...But God will even use that to your good and to his glory!...It has brought you out of that false religion and hopefully and prayerfully you will come to know the truth of God's word and he will give you his grace through his faith and call you to salvation...You and your household.May God abundantly bless each and evry one of you. In Christ Eliz

Dennis Allen Briggs (Gad) - 08/23/00 08:33:02
My URL:http://www.theendbygod.com
My Email:deallen@theendbygod.com

Shalom alekhem! (Peace be with you!) Thank you for blessing us with your light. U-mahah Adonay Elohim dim'ah me-al kol panim - "and the Lord GOD will wipe away tears from off all faces" (Is. 25:8)

beebaa kent - 08/23/00 04:12:57
My Email:beebaa@bellsouth.net
Locality: centeral
State/ Prov: fla
Country: usa
Approx. Age: 56yrs
Family, if any: 6persons
Faith, if any: assemble of god

I have a neice that has been fighting cancer for almost two yrs.As I write this she is in the hospital taking a new kind of chemo.She is a good christian girl.She was 20yrs when she got it.It was first in her hip and butt ,but now it is in her lungs,both ungs.We love the Lord and have faith in Him,but we also know that some times God sents us in another path -way for healing.and then there is times when He wants to take us home to be with him.I thank god your sweet little girl is with Jesus now and at pea e.love you in Christ , Beebaa kent

Cynthia - 08/20/00 05:41:49
My Email:cmk078@yahoo.com
Locality: Mesa
State/ Prov: AZ
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 40
Faith, if any: Christian

Through my own personal losses in my life, I wondered why God didn't spare***. I belive that when we were put here, God stepped back to give us total freedom to live our lives. We wouldn't be totally free if He dictated our every move. I don't know if here is enough sense to that. I think every thing happens for a reason, and we have yet to see the whole big picture that is before us. That's where my faith has to step in. I agree that God did give man a brain to use to the best of his ability, inclu ing treating illnesses, and to have new treatments each are a miracle. Faith has to step in to give me strength to accept what I can't control, and give me peace. Thanks for listening. God Bless.

Cynthia - 08/20/00 05:33:34
My Email:cmk078@yahoo.com
Locality: Mesa
State/ Prov: AZ
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 40


Big Unicorn - 08/20/00 01:33:28
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/KarmaWay/big_unicorn_45/GodsPage.html
My Email:havefaith@ilovejesus.com
State/ Prov: Toronto, Ontario,
Country: Canada

Hello...Nice to Meet you...It was a pleasure to veiw your site...I enjoyed my visit tremendously!...God Bless You...Big Unicorn

nikki cooper - 08/18/00 21:06:44
Locality: england
Approx. Age: 27
Family, if any: husband,1 daughter, 1 son.
Faith, if any: born again christian, non denominational.

I was really touched by your story. I,m so sorry that it was through a death that you were all given life. It must have been a really hard time for you all. All I can say is that God heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. I hope that your'c urch' experience does not put you off of fellowshipping with believers who believe in freedom in Jesus Christ. May God lead you onwards in faith and may you always be able to comprehend with all the saints the length, depth and width of his love in Chris Jesus. With my love too, be brave.

Gregg Leonardson - 08/18/00 12:54:31
My Email:gbolvirgo@bigfoot.com
Locality: Homestead
State/ Prov: Florida
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 48
Family, if any: 2 boys 14 + 16
Faith, if any: Higher Power is GOD

I can not express how I feel right now. It is just another one of God's many miricals that you sent me your message. God Bless your family.

Barbara - 08/17/00 20:10:25
My URL:www.geocities.com/barbspoetry
State/ Prov: Mo.
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 50's
Family, if any: 4 kid's-6 grandkids 4 sister's & 2 bros.
Faith, if any: protestant-

Hello. I just wanted to say that I am glad that you came to realize that God does indeed use Drs. It is so tragic about Debby & so many people get involved in cult's that mis-interpret the Bible. If the people who believe this kind of doctrine would just ealize that God uses man to accomplish His will, then there would'nt be any confusion about using drs.The apostle Matthew was a physcian & I am sure that God used him to help many of the sick.But, I am so sorry about Debby & the only thing that bring's co fort to one's heart, is to know that she is now with the Great Physcian, where there is no sickness or death. God bless & may He give you peace & comfort. I hope that you will take a moment to visit me & read some christian poetry. The first one is for a ephew that died 5 yrs. ago. I hope that you will be blessed when you leave .Please sign my book for me. Thank's a lot. *S*

Trina - 08/17/00 07:02:14
My URL:http://www.trinaspoetryjunction.com
State/ Prov: BC
Country: Canada

Thank you for the enlightening invitation here and the poetry submission, I have recently linked to my site. Thanks Again!

R.K.ROBINSON JR. - 08/17/00 01:13:03
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/InfiniteLoop/pen-dragon/home.html
My Email:lynxlot@hotmail.com
Locality: Augusta
State/ Prov: Ga.
Country: U.S.A.
Approx. Age: 47
Family, if any: wife, 3 daughters, 1 grandaughter
Faith, if any: in god

there are many faiths yet 1 god...he works his ways through all that love him...please accept my sincere sadness and condolences at your loss of debbie...you will join with her again in god's appointed time for you...blessings to your family...PEN-DRAGON< r>
Charlotte - 08/16/00 20:26:40
My URL:http://charlottesweb.faithweb.com
My Email:cabucklew@hotmail.com
State/ Prov: Alabama
Country: USA
Faith, if any: KJV Bible Faith

I can't express my sorrow for your family, but I do believe all is in God's hands. I don't know why things happen, but God does and He has a purpose for all. This is good that someone is telling about cults though. I've been there and done that, but with he help and grace of God I got out. Praise His Holy Name, The Name of Jesus.

Mary - 08/16/00 01:04:30
My URL:http://malward_2000.homestead.com/index.html
My Email:dalward@sprint.ca
State/ Prov: Ontario
Country: Canada
Approx. Age: Mature Adult (Grandma) LOL
Family, if any: Mom, Dad, Siblings, Daughter, Grandsons, Nieces and Nephews.
Faith, if any: Penecostal

Robert, Thank you for visiting my pages and leaving the lovely comments. I appreciate your support and hope you will visit again soon. I love your pages as well. The tribute to your daughter is awesome. Take care. I keep you and yours in my prayers.

Peggy - 08/15/00 22:31:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Stream/5211
My Email:williams@usit.net
Family, if any: @ sons, grown. One married and one & 3/4 grandchildren......
Faith, if any: I am a child of God that worships at a Baptist Churh

What a touching and heart tearing story about your child. God gives us the ability to think for ourselves and no two people interpet the Bible the same. If God had not indowed our Doctors with the knowledge they have then we would definitely have a prob em. I believe in Miracle healing, in prayer changing things, but all in God's time. I think he also gave us the knowledge to seek those gifted with the ability to treat us when we need it. You are in my prayers......I must say I believe God speaks in m ny ways....we just have to listen and know his voice when he speaks.

Kacey-Anne - 08/15/00 17:39:32
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Bistro/7645/index.html
My Email:shanny2@hotmail.com
State/ Prov: Maryland
Country: USA
Family, if any: Three daughters
Faith, if any: Protestant

Hello and thanks for your email. I have long believed that cult worship is wrong. I don't think our God thinks otherwise. I feel so bad for you and the loss of your young daughter. We have had several tragedies and one involved a two year old toddler of my nephew, Mike and his wife. Very devastating. My site above will link you to the story. In the meantime, yes, I will put you on my linker's five page now. Thanks so much for sharing and God Bless..
linker's page url:
Peace to you and your family..lovely family.

Diane (aka Dolphingirl) - 08/15/00 16:56:47
My URL:http://w3.to/dolphingirl
My Email:wuchie@bellsouth.net
Locality: West Palm Beach
State/ Prov: FL
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 35
Family, if any: Just me! (and Buddy & Sally, my dogs)
Faith, if any: A whole lot of faith, no religion

Your site is wonderful and very inspirational. I would like to extend to you the Dolphingirl Peace Award 2000, a very special award that Dolphingirl is awarding for the year 2000. It is my hope that you will accept this award. If you chose to accept it please visit the following page, select the graphic you would like to display on your page and please link it back to http://w3.to/dolphingirl To select graphic: http://www.emucities.com.au/member/dolphingirl/dgpeaceawd.html

Peace and blessings, Diane

Connie L. Netherly - 08/15/00 11:53:51
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/c_netherly
My Email:clcn121244@worldnet.att.net
State/ Prov: Texas
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 55
Family, if any: 2 Children, 6 Grandchildren, 5 Great-Greanchildren
Faith, if any: Assembly of God

God gave us knowledge. He gave us scientists and doctors.God gives us everything. Without Him we have nothing. Your child is with God now and will suffer no more. I am so glad that you got out of this cult and that you no longer blame God. God loves us al . There is a plan for all of us. Jesus Christ died to save us. We are cleansed by His blood. Cults use parts of the bible to say what they want it to say. Some people do the same. They twist one verse so that their sin seems okay. You have to read the who e bible and trust the word of God. The bible is God's instruction for life. Not just part of it, but every word. God is good all the time. God bless you.

Kentucky_Lady4 - 08/15/00 11:34:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Kentucky_Lady4/
State/ Prov: Kentucky
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 55
Family, if any: husband,4children,5grandchildren
Faith, if any: Baptist

My heart cries for you, and the pain you have been through. I know faith would be hard, but in all instances we must rely on God, all instances. God gives our surgeons and doctors steady hands, and precise movements, and we must also rely on them, and pra often. My parents have been in surgery and myself the past few years, and I never fail to pray that the surgeon will have the blessings of God, and do the repair that needs to be done. I believe God helps he who will try to help himself- this does not ean the one who thinks they can alone do something, it means he who with faith will try, with God's help, to help himself. We have many trained professionals, and we should even check on their faith prior to going into their office or establishment. If hey are a child of God, I can trust He will be their guide, and the best that can be done, will be. I will keep your family in my prayers, and pray you have found a church with a much better doctrine. Which should go exactly by the Bible . They even had physicians in biblical times.. In fact Jesus was the Great Healer, and people went to Him. Like I said, my prayers are that your lives will be peaceful, and may God be with you always.

Jan - 08/08/00 08:08:54
My Email:Jan@ccnmail.com
Locality: Norhwest
State/ Prov: Oregon
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 52
Family, if any: Yes and grandkids
Faith, if any: Baptist

It's hard know what to say. It's a heartbreaking story. I understand how easy it is to get caught up in what's taught from the pulpit. I know people I considered friends who will no longer talk to our family because we left a certain church they attend. t has always helped me to KNOW that when I hurt Jesus understands. Willpray!

Angela/LadyIllusions - 07/30/00 19:57:12
My URL:http://adviceangel.homepage.com/angel.html
My Email:tenderone@home.com
Locality: Victoria
State/ Prov: BC
Country: Canada
Approx. Age: 27
Family, if any: 3 kids 9, 8 and 5
Faith, if any: Protestant/United


I am sorry for your loss but I thank you for sharing it with so many of us

jayde - 07/21/00 22:53:16
My Email:angel_7@smileyface.com
Locality: Australia
State/ Prov: N.S.W
Country: Australia
Approx. Age: 13
Family, if any: i live with my mum. no dad
Faith, if any: penticostal baptist

im so sorry for your loss. if i lost any member of my family i know that i would be a wreak. i congradulate you on your strengh but dont turn away from the Lord he will help you to be stronger -jayde

kitty - 07/08/00 05:51:44
My URL:http://expage.com/ifinallyhaveapage
My Email:kittykat9@nightmail.com
Locality: Columbus
State/ Prov: Georgia
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 26
Family, if any: mom and step-father

I am so deeply sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing your story. This is an important site. I will tell my friends about it.

mountaingirl - 07/02/00 16:30:28
My URL:http://mountaingirl.spiritualitea.net
My Email:mountaingirl_nc@hotmail.com
Locality: Durham
State/ Prov: NC
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 22
Family, if any: grandmother, mother, younger sister, two sons, one daughter.
Faith, if any: lapsed Catholic. Believe in karma.

I'm sorry that your daughter had to give her life to show that God puts healing power in the hands of physicians for a reason.....to heal illness or injury.

JACKIE - 07/01/00 07:28:47
State/ Prov: CA
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 21
Family, if any: NUMEROUS
Faith, if any: NEUTRAL

I Would like to express my condolence to you....I do not know what religion you are talking about. The only religion that sacrifices a child for the believe that God will bring them back in the near future are the Jehovah's Witnesses. I respect the believ They have...As i do all the rest. You say you mad a mistake. Why call it a mistake when it is a believe, which means having faith in what you can not see...The dead is dead, no more tears or pain. It is a painful memory to us who are left up here, knowin what happened. She, on the other hand is asleep...Soon to be brought back from the dead, according to your believe...If not your belive now, why let her die in the first place and then turn your believe against your will ??? The "mistake" is to leave you believe, stay in what you believe, it will comfort you and let you see ( in a near future ) that what you believed in healed you.

Roy L. Spinks - 06/29/00 07:29:25
My URL:http://www.hillbillypoet.com
My Email:roys@citynet.net
Locality: Lewisburg,
State/ Prov: WV
Country: USA
Approx. Age: senior
Faith, if any: Ind. Baptist

Thank you for signing my guest book. The story or you precious daughter Debbie is a very touching one. I thank God that he led you out of grief and disallusionment to a greater faith in Him and trust for those who are willing to extend a helping hand. God bless you!

~Garfield~ - 06/20/00 13:54:31
My URL:/missgarf/
My Email:pookie@globetrotter.net
Locality: canada
State/ Prov: nb
Approx. Age: 31
Family, if any: 2 kids
Faith, if any: i do believe in God


I am so touched by your story,i'm sorry for your lost and yes i will help you by passing your link around.In the meantime here is a gift from me to you!Keep the faith and God Bless!

suzi - 06/20/00 13:38:10
My URL:/suallina/
My Email:thehurtchild@zianet.com
Faith, if any: i believe in God and Angels!


I am lost for words here...This story is so sad.Your website is very touching,i couldn't pull myself away.Thank you for sharing,i'm sure this wasn't easy for ya.Just remember that your lovely baby angel Debbie will always be with you.stay strong!Have you self a very nice and safe summer :-).Drop me a line when you get a chance,i would really appreciate it. ps:i hope your guestbook takes graphics?if not well sorry for messing it up :-(

Charles - 06/10/00 17:50:44
My URL:http://www.healthyplace.com
My Email:cfuhrmann@healthyplace.com
Locality: San Antonio
State/ Prov: Texas
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 55
Family, if any: Wife and Four Children
Faith, if any: Episcopalian

Nice site- Like you, I appreciate all who do the work of providing information, support and, like http://healthyplace.com, the opportunity to share experiences helpful to others... Charles http://healthyplace.com/site/partners/links/index.htm

Sandy LaCagnina Doss - 06/09/00 17:31:40
My URL:http://www.angelsofaddiction.com
My Email:msrtdoss@aol.com
Locality: Memphis
State/ Prov: TN
Country: USA
Approx. Age: 42
Family, if any: husband, 2 daughters, son in Heaven 2 yrs now
Faith, if any: Christian

You have built a wonderful website. The information on this site is excellent. I know the loss of losing a child. I miss my 23yr old son Jason so much and he has been gone 2yrs and 4 months. Peace be with you.

Anthony Duncalf - 05/31/00 21:02:16
My URL:http://www.aecn80.theseed.net/cultring.html
My Email:truelight@ic24.net
Locality: Leeds
Country: UK
Faith, if any: Christian (Pentecostal)

Great site - useful links. Thought you might like to join the Christian Counter-Cult Ring (just founded) - visit above Home Page for details.

Debe - 05/31/00 00:15:31
My Email:debethomas@hotmail.com
Locality: Busby
State/ Prov: New South Wales
Country: Australia
Approx. Age: 40
Family, if any: Husband & children
Faith, if any: Christian

My first time on line, I tried a chat room, the second time sent emails, the 3rd time practiced surfing, Then I came across your site looking for concepts between death & religion. What a wonderful site to come across, after surfing all the trivial - I w s so moved by your love for your children, so moved by your truth - I did send your son a brief letter - may he be encouraged by it. The christian family as Jesus describes in the bible is much bigger than we realise, one day we will be sharing eternity ogether, and I as a mum know that I want to fill eternity with all my family and friends. I pray that more people will hit your site and be moved to reach out to those they profess to love. I encourage you to continue to pray, for that is where the Lord work is done, I have found that the greatest of powers, the greatest of comfort. Yours In Christ

Jacki - 05/30/00 02:50:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Oaks/6941
My Email:jgburgin@sat.net
State/ Prov: Texas
Approx. Age: 50

I am so sorry to hear about Debbie and to hear of Ben's problems. My heart and prayers are with you all. I do know personally of losing a child and of a child with problems, that end up in prison. It is a rough road to travel down. God bless you all.

MEL - 11/20/00 03:53:54
Approx. Age: 16
Faith, if any: CHRISTIAN


Bob's Wife - 05/27/00 18:43:31
My Email:lindy1950@hotmail.com

I am Bob's wife all these years (Debbie's Mother) and I just want to tell my husband I agree totally with what you have done here. We are finally going on to higher things! Only God knows what is in store for us now but I know that HE will be there with us.

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