From: Slasher
To: MoJ, Bubbas, Morathi, Scourge, Abaddon.

A press conferance was scheduled tonight to talk about the street fight
between KY Boys and Ministers of Justice.  Slasher talked the press
into holding it so he could speak out of the world.

Slasher stepped out adorned in his fighting atire, bandages strewn-over
his body, as well as a grim look over his face.  Cameras flashed as the
elder man stood up to the podium set infront of Reporters, citzens and
special fans that payed big dollars to sit in to see the airing.  Slasher took
a moment to think while running his fingers through his beard and to toss
some beaded braids behind him.  It did not take long for the crowd to silence
but he still thought.  Everybody became shocked to see a sudden to see a smile
cross his face.

"Justice..." was the only word that was mentioned over the silenced.

"Funny word isn't it?  Can be so pure, but yet twisted in a certain way

reporters only looked at each other in confusion on where Slasher was
getting at.  Slashers face turned grim let again as he looked forward.

"  I'd like to say that first, The other members of the Ministers of
Justice do not know that I have arraged this, but there seems to be
confusion on our name, what we stand for.  And what 'I' stand for..."

Reporters jotted down every word thus far and continued to through out
the rest of interview

"One.  We are not a vigilante group that gets paid or told to do what
we want.  Law men we are not.  PUNISHERS!...we are.  I for one am SICK of
someone going behind the official rules to beat someone when they are
not ready.  The Bubbas shown this many times and were punished in one
way.  WE punished them in another way that WE saw fit.  Some look down
on it because of our name consists of 'Justice'"

Slasher grunts in hate at the word.

"Bubbas said last night under the roar of the fans that if we don't
disband.  They are going to keep coming at us.   I got news for you
double 'B' Bubba.  WE may break up, we may not.  Thats not my call.
But YOU have made the wrong enemy." 

"Years ago I was sentanced to death in this forsaken hellhole and by
god I'll give the government what they want.  But i vow that I'LL kill
again before I go down" Slasher snarled viciously into the mic.

"Even by myself, I'll make your life hell.  You'll see how.  You like
dirty play?  Busting heads? Illegal attacks and all? " Slasher smiled.
"Well you'll get just that.  All of you will get that." "And here is to
start it all off."

"Scourge...The biggest hypocrit in the entire city of San Martis, and
loser to his own partner by foolishly giving him a title shot.  Not
only do I laugh at your ironic misfortine at your first title defense.  but
you, friend, are challenged no surrender."

"Morathi, coward, defiler or a sacred ground.  Challenges everyone in
the house that was there against her except....the old man that nearly
killed her.  Coward?   I stand by that name as your new name.  You, no
surrender match.  You, regardless of your gender, will bleed beneath
may blade again."

"Abbaddon..." Slasher smiles. "I can't say much about you besides
needing others to back you up to keep Dan from the match.  You take
pride in crushing your partner and taking his title.  Instead of
helping him in someway to reign.  No surrender.  no title.  I'll beat you in
the pit to show you that you are unfit to fight in these pits."

"Triple b Bubba.  A hick that came from a huge family that ran out of
names to name their children.  Partly to the fact that they ran out of
different spellings and each parent only have two brain cells that
constanly waged war for control.  You defile this city with your
smell as well as your poor fighting skills that even embarass your brother.
Guess what.  you get no challenge.  I believe your punishment at
knowing that you fell victim in the pit match is enough."

"Double B.  The only person that in someway in his stupidity, actually
knows how to fight and shows it in that standings.  Oh I got a special
match for you.  I'm going to make sure one of us go down bleeding hard.
One may die in this.  Bubba.  me and you are going to fight a NO Armor
NO SURRENDER fight. And I'm warning you Buba.  You better hit me first.
It'll bew a shame when they have to write on your death certificate
that you were killed by a psychotic old man."

Slasher took a pause to breathe and let the reporters catch up. flashes
of the camera still flashed.

"Again, MoJ may break up but that isn't my call.  I know that I will
continue to be an Administer of my justice.  You will never chase me
off.  I will never hide.  I will keep my death sentance. AND I WILL

Slasher walks away from the podium. Reporters murmered angerly about
getting any questions in.

<OOC Basic view point arguement :)>

<NO Surrender issued to Scourge, Abaddon, Morathi.>

<And a special NO Surrender NO ARMOR fight challenge to Buba>
This is how a roleplay should be done.  Intro on who doing the roleplay, who it is directed to, as well as a small summary are the end with your challenges so I'm not confused

(This is an actual roleplay I did for the American League and Slasher still fights today :)  )