
Web pages for religious singles groups
The Why and the How


  • Avoid divorce. The story of how thirty or more couples from my parents' chruch singles'groups escaped divorce, and are now working on their second millennium of happy marriage.
  • Avoid harassment suits. office romances produce stronger than average marriages, but they are dangerous to your carrier. Religious singles' groups produce even stronger marriages and avoid the dangers of office romance
  • Religious singles groups can encourage marriage within the faith without encouraging intolerance.
  • An alternative to arranged marriage. Like office romance, the traditional arranged marriage may have a better record than the typical American marriage, but the Christian singles' group can do even better than the traditional arranged marriage.
  • By encouraging strong marriages and preventing divorce religious singles' groups can reduce poverty.


  • Catholic singles' groups are often unbalanced, mostly men or women, this is a page on what to do about it as a group and an individual.
  • Tips on encouraging clergy support for church singles' groups
  • Young people do want to avoid the plague of divorce. I have found that my parents' story is an effective way to evangelize singles.


    Perhaps a radical idea. Why not have a singles group for people who actually want to follow Catholic teaching on birth control. I have done a little work on this idea, read the results, if the idea interests you.

    Influnce of these singles pages

    I have been a bit disappointed in the number of hits I am getting on these singles pages, about 2,000 a year on ten pages. I think I average more than that per page on the web site as a whole, so these pages are getting less than one tenth the usual attention.

    Nevertheless the influence of the pages seems to be strong. A writer, Lisa Haddock, has written an article, "The Secret to Finding the One", on the Dating and Faith section of MSN.com in which she quoted me. She found me through this site.

    Furthermore, I recently I recieved two notes from a group leaders. "I've recently been inspired to start a Catholic singles group in my area (none currently exist). Your website has encouraged me even more. Thank you!"

    Dear Friend, One thousand and one thanks for your informative write up. I am hoping to start a group in NYC this new year for single Catholics. Peace!

    I hope I can inspire more people to start groups, or otherwise encourage the movement.

    You can leave a message in my Guest book. Geocities will e-mail me to inform me of your message, only I will be able to read it, so this is like e-mail. I do not know much about specific singles groups, so I will not be able to find one for you.


    Page last updated June 20 , 2006

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