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J.s.Banks - 12/08/00 03:32:33
My Email:5000@aol.com

wow, I did not know you guys hauled those sacks of wiggling protein up to the top of the world in yosemite. Amazing and fu

Tonia - 12/07/00 07:38:56
My URL:/heartland/plains/2443/index.html
My Email:ToniaY1@cs.com

Tell you're mommy she did a very good job on your web pages! Im pretty impressed she finally updated them! :) Tonia

Lee Ann - 02/05/00 03:53:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/laweiler1_2000/
My Email:lweiler@tampabay.rr.com

GREAT SITE, Cute Baby!

Dan - 01/21/00 20:33:17
My Email:singleparentdad@excite.com

Got here from the "helping special children" site. My oldest is going into the Marines in the fall. Any advice! Dan

Sue - 01/03/00 18:24:02
My Email:carinosa_us@yahoo.com

What a great website!! Your mommy did a great job!!! My daughter Ellie will love it. Her web site is www.geocities.com/cool_k_girl. Sounds like you had a great summer!

Nana - 10/02/99 16:26:56

I loved your pictures. Say hi to your mommy and daddy for me. Now it's is off to see your cousins page. Love, Nana

wndrmom4 - 08/25/99 20:23:33
My Email:wndrmom4@excite.com

Stevie, you are one cutie pie! If I ever have a little girl, I'm gonna work with your mommy to get a pre-arranged marriage for the two of you! Jesus loves you! :o) The Lawrence Family

Tonia - 08/18/99 22:41:51
My Email:ToniaY1@cs.com

You are adorable...Take good care of your parents! :)

g'ma & g'pa arness - 08/18/99 04:29:27


Sonia Curry - 08/11/99 21:52:28
My Email:currys@syncor.com

Adorable birthday and summer photos, Kristen! Sonia

Jen and Ariadne W. - 08/11/99 02:34:24
My Email:jwelter@hitter.net

I loved this web site-Very cute and boy Kristen, you are a pro! Little Stevie looks so cute, I wish we could get him and Ari together! Such a good site, I bookmarked it! Jen

Sheri - 08/10/99 12:27:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pines/1768
My Email:zephyrs34@yahoo.com

VERY Adorable! Great site! Stevie you have a very special mommy to make such a great site for you.

betsy - 08/10/99 03:25:01
My URL:/heartland/woods/8307/
My Email:betcsu@aol.com

wow! wow!!! all the pics are fabulous. the yosimite pics are awesome and scary (im afraid of heights!) stevie is so big and so handsome and your page is awesome as usual!!! -betsy

Kim (harigail) - 08/10/99 01:47:30
My Email:hutsell5@bellsouth.net

Stevie you have such a wonderful web site you do a wondeful job for someone your age. :-) kim

Jade & Mommy - 08/09/99 16:36:50

Stevie: You're such a cutie! Love your pictures. Your mom did a wonderful job on your page! I'd give her a great big hug and kiss if I were you! :o) Take care!

Tomi Hagan - 08/08/99 19:06:03
My Email:happymommy3@excite.com

Stevie, you are adorable!

Flo & Erin - 05/26/99 02:42:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/RodeoDrive/2927
My Email:fyrbyrd@geocities.com

Aw, Stevie is soooo cute & happy. (Mom & Dad are pretty adorable too.)

Corrine Cardoza - 05/10/99 22:56:01
My Email:cardozer@msn.com

It was good to see your mom,Kristen,on Saturday at the ladies Spring tea. I saw your grandma and Aunt, too. I asked them if they pictures of you in their wallet's. Can you believe it? They didn't! But your mom was quick to point out you had your own web s te. Grandma brought me the address on Sunady and here I am. Of course you are as cute as can be. God bless you and your family. Corrine Cardoza

Laura Young - 04/23/99 23:08:03

Very cute pictures. I like your webpage, you're really great at that. Good luck on your endeavors in your web page business. Laura- Volt Greenhaven

Jenny Duff - 04/23/99 14:55:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Garden/7573
My Email:theduffs@concentric.net

Boy has he grown! Wonderful!

Proud Father - 04/21/99 21:17:46
My Email:scilenti@voltjobs.com

I am so proud!

Ray & Linda Dearmon - 04/20/99 21:21:42
My Email:SparrowOne@msn.com

You are really getting big! Are you being good for mommy and daddy? Tell them we said hello and really miss them! You take care of them ok. God bless you baby. Ray & Linda & Shana too

Lucy Spano - 04/20/99 20:07:29
My Email:Spano@storksite.com

Kristen, you did a great job on Stevie's webpage! He's a handsome little guy! :O) Lucy †

Robyn - 04/20/99 03:03:07
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/enchantedforest/meadow/6135
My Email:doriames@ivillage.com

Stevie- I just love those Easter pictures!! You are a handsome little boy. Kristen-- awesome job!

Angee - 03/20/99 17:52:39
My Email:angeez@yahoo.com

What a beautiful family!!

Jennifer - 03/17/99 02:09:37
My Email:poohbutton@yahoomail.com

I love your site, I hope mine is just as neat!!!!!

betsy - 03/12/99 02:01:55
My URL:/heartland/woods/8307/
My Email:betcsu@storksite.com

wow! stevie is getting SO big! he's so handsome. great page as always!!! betsy

Sonia - 03/10/99 00:14:24
My Email:currys@syncor.com

What a great site - you've done such a good job! And, little Stevie is such a CUTIE!! Sonia (Storksite-AugustBB/Excite-August storkies)

Great Aunt Linda & Jeff - 01/28/99 22:30:02
My Email:lccjmc@aol.com

We want a real picture for our picture gallery!!! The December photos are sooooo cute, but look at the subject --- he is adorable (even if he does love spitting up on me!!!) Bring him by, Cousin Jeff is ready to teach him football and tell him all about girls!!!!

g'ma (great) Lupe - 01/18/99 17:12:26

where are the December photos????

betsy - 01/05/99 05:31:34
My URL:http://geocities.com/heartland/woods/8307/
My Email:betcsu@aol.com

WOW! i am more impressed every time i come here! you do such a great job on your page! PLEASE, please, please tell me how you did that pop-up window when i first clicked to your site! Keep up the good work. Betsy from Storksite

ZACH AND SEANNA - 12/28/98 02:57:20


Jenny Duff - 12/17/98 18:56:52
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Garden/7573/index.html
My Email:theduffs@concentric.net

I'm back -- couldn't resist seeing your latest pictures of little Stevie. What a cutie!

Tracey & Cheyna - 12/11/98 23:10:12
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Fields/1451
My Email:tracey.slavit@gte.net

Great Page Stevie!!! You are such a cutie : )

MICHELLE GUILLIEE - 12/09/98 01:05:02

Little Stevie...You are so very blessed to have such a wonderful Mother and Father. May God bless you and all that your future holds for you. Kristen....He is adorable...your family is just beautiful. Its about time you get to experience the sleepness night and dirty dipers....ha ha. I miss you tremendiously and am looking forward to seeing Litte Stevie grow.

donnalyn - 12/08/98 19:52:40
My Email:butta@cybertours.com

Stevie is too cute!!!

Leane - 12/08/98 19:51:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Bluffs/5942
My Email:enyart@storksite.com

You look just like your Daddy young man....and stop biting your Mummy!!!!

Roxanne (aka Limelight from SS) & Jade - 12/08/98 18:12:24
My URL:/Heartland/Flats/9802

Stevie ~
You're a cutie! Love your adorable smile. Can't wait to see December's pics. And congrats on the two wittle teeth you've got there *s*.

Seanna - 12/08/98 03:22:11

The November additions are wonderful! I can't believe how much you've grown in the past couple of months Stevie! Tell your mom and dad to bring you for a visit sometime!

Cheri Williams - 12/07/98 22:28:43
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~CheriR/index.html
My Email:acwillia@mtnhome.com

Hi - visiting from Storksite. Cute page!!

Robyn Davidson - 12/07/98 18:14:50
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tx/ourbabygirl
My Email:Robynandscott@worldnet.att.net

Stevie is so cute! Your site is so nice! GReat job :) Robyn & Mckenzie 8/25 (Kenziesmom) August BB

uncle joe - 12/07/98 15:03:31

get that boy some skiis!

Mishelle Lane - 12/07/98 13:48:23
My URL:http://www.buffnet.net/~mmlane
My Email:mmlane@buffnet.net

Hi! I'm from StorkSite. My son Mikey was born 3/31/98 and I know Kelly and Christian from the April '98 bb.. I saw your post on the Opinions bb and stopped by for a visit! You are a beautiful family...and your little boy is just adorable. Thanks for haring and visit our page when you can. We don't have a webpage yet, but we're still updating it alot! Take care... Mishelle, Michael, Mikey and 'little bun'-due 4/17/99

Georgina Moulds - 12/07/98 08:52:18
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/la/SaraNicoleMoulds/index.html
My Email:ggmoulds@hotmail.com

Little Stevie..you are adorable!! i wish you all the best the world has to offer!! Gina

Jenni - 12/07/98 07:10:26
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Park/4082
My Email:Jayelsea@storksite.com

You're page looks great!! Stevie is absolutely adorable too. I really like the month by month photo album too.

Lisa DeLisio - 12/07/98 07:08:45
My URL:http://www.lava.net/~lisad
My Email:lisade@storksite.com

Wow! Nice page, Kristen! Steven is a doll! See you on Storksite...

Stephanie - 12/07/98 07:02:33
My URL:http://www.geocites.com/Heartland/Valley/8466
My Email:dereksmom@storksite.com

Stevie is SOOOOO cute! You have a very beautiful family. I loved you web page. You did a great job! Love, Stephanie

Aunt Kel - 12/07/98 06:41:49

Stevie, you are just a sweetiepie! And Binks thinks you are pretty cool too. Pretty soon you'll be bigger than him, if you keep up your growing!

Angela Graham - 11/24/98 22:36:49
My Email:bob_graham@worldnet.att.net

You are very beatiful baby and you cousin is too. I hope to get my baby's daddy to help me put a up a web site when my baby comes into the world in March,1999.

Shawn Scarborough - 11/10/98 03:25:57

Hi Stevie! Go easy on your Mom and Dad. Dad has a busy weekend ahead of him and Mom, she's just kinda lazy ;p (He is soo cute, I'll have to come by when I get a spare minute and see him, and you, of course) Shawnee

G & G ARNESS - 10/31/98 01:39:12


Roxanne aka Limelight - 10/30/98 15:45:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Flats/9802
My Email:Limelight @storksite.com

What a cutie!!!!

Love your beanie baby but I love your smile the best! *s*

Mommy - 10/29/98 21:19:58

Stevie, I've enjoyed working on your page. I love you with all my heart. You are truly a very special little guy.

Kristen - 10/28/98 22:24:27
My Email:Soon2BeMom@storksite.com

Stevie- You still look like an angel to me!! Blessings and joy to you, precious boy!!!! Kristen

Lisa DeLisio - 10/28/98 17:11:06
My URL:http://www.lava.net/~lisad
My Email:lisade@storksite.com

What a little cutie Stevie is! Nice work on your page! See you on SS.

Auntie Susan - 10/28/98 16:45:03

You are getting cuter every time I see you. Don't give your parents a hard time (i.e. sleep more at night and give them a rest). Much love to you and your Mommy and Daddy!

nora mancuso - 10/28/98 15:40:50
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ak2/Mancuso
My Email:matthew.mancuso@cwix.com

HI!! Its frantik from ss! I see your dh is in the AF, mine too! Beautiful pitchures! I'll be sure to visit them often!

Mary Klimas - 10/28/98 14:11:50
My Email:BoosMom@storksite

What a beautiful (or should I say great looking) boy you are. Love your beanie baby.

Jenny Duff - 10/28/98 04:31:49
My Email:theduffs@concentric.net

What an absolute cutie! PTL!

great uncle joe - 10/28/98 04:31:15
My Email:janj@netvista.net

cute picturs, as usual. you sure are a cute guy for a cilenti! tell your dad that you need a football and a train set. they're more fun than a beanie baby...

Linda Fox - 10/24/98 19:51:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Fields/4530/index.htm
My Email:babyfox@storksite.com

I hear all about Little Stevie, now I can see him! He is so adorable!

- 10/05/98 16:03:22

Cute pictures!!!We need a color printer to capture the feeling!!!!Luv ya!!!!! G'MA LUPE AND G'PA CARL

10/05/98 11:11:18
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Eloise - 09/29/98 21:35:14
My Email:momtoo@storksite OR ejmads@telusplanet.net

Hello Stevie, You are wonderful and beautiful. You look very happy too. Your mom has been a big help and support to me recently on storksite. I'll bet some day you'll take after her. Have fun growing and playing! Eloise

Janell - 09/28/98 02:09:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/3875
My Email:jmgraham@nwoknet.net

I love this site, too cool! Luv the scrolling little message. Stevie, you are too cute! Gonna be a heart-breaker! Janell

Shari - 09/19/98 19:34:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/4730
My Email:jbonare@direct.ca

How cute is this baby????!!! what a total sweetheart. I love your page, the colors go together so nicely. keep up the great work :o)

Michelle (MHerren at SS) - 09/19/98 04:44:27
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/enchantedforest/cottage/2124
My Email:MichelleHerren@webtv.net

I thought your page was very pretty! I love the backgrounds, and am jealous! :-) Thanks for sharing little Stevie with us!

Melissa McPherson - 09/19/98 04:07:09
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mt/mcphersonfamily/
My Email:mcpherson@libby.org

What a great web page and cute family...thanks for sharing!!! PS...I'm from SS:^)

Cristen Carnahan - 09/19/98 01:03:59

Hi from the other Cristen! Your son is beautiful! Congratulations!! You have a beautiful family. Take care, God bless you guys. Always, Cristen

Anissa - 09/18/98 21:46:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Park/7380
My Email:adegrasse@hotmail.com

Cute page. Stevie is a real heartbreaker. Come on by and see me and my family!

Melanie - 09/18/98 20:40:31
My Email:paul@iamerica.net

Seen the address at storksite. He is such a cutie. My little Tristan was born 8/10 and has both the cute little outfits Stevie has...thank God for Carter's.

Soon2BeMom - 09/12/98 14:30:09

Just wanted to say, you are one beautiful little man, Stevie! =) Kristen

Jane (riderswife) - 08/27/98 08:36:41
My Email:rider14@bellatlantic.net / riderswife@storksite.com

You are the most ADORABLE baby! Welcome to this cruel and unusual world! The site looks great! Jane

tgseale and mckinley - 08/24/98 20:15:46
My Email:tgseale@yahoo.com

You are a cutie! You look so little!

uncle joe - 08/24/98 20:02:01
My Email:jandj@netvista.net

very nice! your parents are very creative and have way to much time on their hands.

uncle joe - 08/24/98 20:01:57
My Email:jandj@netvista.net

very nice! your parents are very creative and have way to much time on their hands.

betsy - 08/24/98 13:17:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/woods/8307/
My Email:betcsu@stroksite.com

wow! what a great home page. little stevie is adorable and mom & dad are a very good looking couple! congrats to all!!!

betsy - 08/24/98 13:16:41
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/woods/83


Ray&Linda Dearmon - 08/23/98 23:11:12
My Email:SparrowOne@msn.com

Welcome to the World Little Stevie, You have Great parents, With a good out-look on life. Always put GOD first and everything else will work its way out..

Gramma Syd - 08/23/98 21:35:45
My Email:gramasyd@volcano.net

Thanks for the update and the pictures. Keep 'em coming. Gramma Syd

Daddy - 08/23/98 18:14:46

Good morning son. I have know idea why am writing, when you are right here sleeping on me shoulder. But, you do look cute. Love Dad.

Linda & Jeff - 08/23/98 17:47:48
My Email:LccJmc@aol.com

Great job Kristen, beautiful baby! Great parents!!

Aunt Rebecca - 08/23/98 16:48:29
My Email:cilenti@sierra.campus.mci.net

good morning little tyke. kristen, the page is awesome! i love the cube.

The Macys - 08/23/98 14:42:16

Your Mommy and Daddy are right! You are adorable!

Steven & Robin Banks - 08/23/98 14:21:45
My Email:Banks5000@aol.com

We'll be back because we love constructions sites. This one already looks good. Over 8 pounds... yow! Cute old baby.

Tom - 08/23/98 06:44:15
My Email:foxman408@aol/com

The site looks Great!

Cousin Christian - 08/22/98 02:21:03
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Woods/2268/
My Email:jandk@thegrid.net

Hi Litl'Stevie! Ya better be nice or I'll Shtomp ya!! Hehe Love, Binky

Aunt Kelly - 08/22/98 02:17:32
My Email:jandk@thegrid.net

What a sweet little guy! No Mr. Fuss anywhere in sight! =o) Love you little Stevie!

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