Just a note...

Image of pinkvine.gif

Just a little note.... This page was designed to be a photo album and some of the pages may take awhile to download..
It is rather extensive in length but has alot of pictures of my kids..
When I first went online.. and wanted to build my own website.. I could hardly find a picture of an Angora goat.. or a Pygmy ..and there were NONE of Pygoras..
Feel free to use my photos if you like but please give my kids credit and link back to my page ...
<A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Woods/2310><img src="http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Woods/2310/kidgoat.gif"></A>
NONE of the drawings may be used as they are copyrighted unless written permission from Liisha Ragsdale has been given..
For more information on her artwork.. she may be contacted at
The Goat Place
Liisha Ragsdale
PO Box 363
Dewey, AZ 86327

thank you and I do hope you enjoy your visit...
I'm very proud of my kids... and I think they are Beautiful..

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...Back to GoatLady

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Need to ask a question?.. I'd be happy to hear from you
