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Welcome to our
Cyber Home.
We hope you find it fun & interesting. We have placed all sorts of things here for
your interest. There are lots of pages & lots of links.
For a leisurely look around bookmark this page then you can always return.
We hope to always have something new & interesting for you.
Click on the titles to go to the various areas or use the Menus further down the page!
Yep this page is long - but that is because it was designed to suit us and to give you
information about the areas you can visit. We make no apology for it, but certainly
do hope you will enjoy your visit of our site!
And if you have time please sign my Guest-Book located at the bottom of this page.
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constantly updated so please:
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Jedstar and
his Brothers & Sisters
Cats & The Dogs
Well we are a bit of a strange
family. Made up from different species. Mum & Dad are humans and they reckon the rest
of us just like to think we are. But I know different! We are definitely human. I mean to
say if I was dog would I be allowed up on the lounge suite - of course not! So I must be a
human. One thing is for sure, we are certainly a very important part of the family. So if
you want to meet us kids then visit our pages. We have called them the Kitty Kat pages and
the Puppy Dog pages to keep Dad quiet. He reckons we are ruling the household (more proof
that we are actually humans) more than him. Anyway, come and meet us, we really are quite
Hey and check out the Dog & Cat Web Rings we belong to.
Updated 26th March 99
These pages are my favorites, but they
were also the hardest pages I have done. My babies have given me so much joy and
happiness. Their personalities make them so unique and so human.
They have always been there for me and always listened whether I was up or down. I can
tell them all my problems and concerns and they never judge me. For all the amazing love
they give they only ask for a little love in return, but I happily give them all the love
I would give any son or daughter.
It is a good thing these pages are on the computer, if it was paper it would be very
soggy. I love all my babies and give thanks that I have had the privilege of knowing these
guys. I just wish all people would remember they did not ask for us as keepers, we asked
This is my page. Where I will write and tell you about the things that have happen in my life. The fun people I have got to meet. The fun times I have had. All the great places Mum has taken me and probably some of the not so great places. There will always be photos as Mum cannot resist taking the camera everywhere. She likes to show us off. As my page changes I will keep the old pages in a little diary, so if any of you are new you can always go back to my first page to get the low down on me.
Oh and hey - I have been chosen to be on the
Syncronised Swimming Team in the next Olympics. For a photo of us practising and
also details on how to apply for the team are on my page. Don't miss out! We
are going for GOLD!
Updated 2 April 99
'AMBER' The Family is Growing!
Great news I have a new adopted sister.
She is just a little girl, but it is great we have an awesome time together and we are
more than happy to share Mum & Dad with each other. Hehe, she is a lot smaller
than me so I don't have to worry she is going steal all of Mum & Dad's affection and
well she looks up to me as her big brother so I am teaching her the ways of the
world. You have to meet her, you cannot help but fall in love with her.
Mum has let her have her own page on the Web so you can see some photos of her and hear
her story.
Updated 2 April 99
This is a link to the page that Amber's
darling boyfriend did for them. It is true love between these two! They just
love chatting on the puter. Never has a 'Cyber Romance' become so strong between two
people as with Amber & Sherlock. There love for each other knows no bounds!
Updated 16th January 99
So you want to know what Mum & Dad look
like. Well BE WARNED: you could be in for a shock! Do not tell Mum & Dad but I have
let you in on a couple of little secrets about them, he-he. Hopefully they won't catch me
out. Some of the things they get up to are quite amusing, but hey don't take my word for
it ...Go see for yourself.
Updated 18th July 98
Now here is one for you. It is where I either
drive you to tears with boredom or give you a good chuckle. Yep it's a month with the Kiwi
Clan. I update this as soon as I have something to tell you and the time. So
sometimes it may be more than a month! Depends on the month we had! VBG!
Updated 2nd April 99
This is our new site! It
is dedicated to all ANIMALS. What you will find there are some hard hitting issues,
a 'Animal Rescue' Feature Site of the Month, a 'Pet' Feature Site of the Month, links to
Animal Rescue sites, Personal Animal Sites, Poems, Stories and more. It is currently
still being built up though.
Updated 28th May 99
What a wonderful place the web can be!
Meeting new friends, bringing the whole world closer. I have been so lucky in my
travels around the Web and have met some very wonderful people. Man can give no
finer or richer gift other than his 'true friendship'. Come meet my friends.
Updated 8th October 98
This is our page where we remember with you
those wonderful friends that are waiting for us at Rainbow Bridge. Come share with us.
Sadly added to on 28th May 99
Hey everyone come and meet Amber's & my
Cyber Pals. We have some really neat friends that we have met on the net. We
really enjoy having Cyber Pals to talk to. You get to meet so many nice animalhumans
and humans. We love all and pals and are so glad we have had the pleasure of meeting
Updated 8th October 98
You know every once in a while
you get to meet someone who is extra special. We have been fortunate enough to me a
couple of people like that in our time on the web. Simone is one of them. She
is a very special person, the kind of person that has nothing but kindness in her
heart. Simone has an amazing talent as a poet and she is happy to share her
beautiful poems with us. Simone has written a poem each for Jed & Amber.
You must come and read these two poems, dedicated to two beautiful babies. We will
never be able to thank you enough Simone.
Created 25th October 98
It is totally impossible for us to resist
anything resembling cute. In our travels around the web we have come across some
really cute little Cyber Pets so of course we have had to adopt them. So here you
will find the little guys we have adopted and a link to where you can adopt one to.
We have named our babies after crystals and have described both our babes habits and the
crystals they are named after. Come and see them and you won't be able to resist
Updated 5th December 98
This is one of Mum's special pages. Mum
just loves 'Unicorns'. We have them all over our house, pictures on the walls and
heaps of different types of unicorn ornaments. She says one day she will meet a real
one - anyone can if they really believe. Come and meet all the beautiful unicorns
Mum has adopted.
Updated 17th October 98
Come and meet some of the amazing horses Mum
has ridden! There are photos, poems and stories. Some of the stories will
certainly keep you amused! Especially about the ones when she came off!
There are stories and photos of one our friend's Mum's horses. Oh and some of the
wonderful poetry she has written.
Updated 6th December 98
Want to hear some fishy stories from NZ.
Believe me my Uncles can come up with some beauties. VBG! There are some really neat
fishing places here in NZ, come we will show you some and tell you about some of the types
of fish we catch over here. I love fish for dinner, my favorite is smoked fish! I have
even had a smoked Hammerhead Shark. No-one else liked it so I got the lot - WOW, that was
a day to remember!
Updated 7th November 98
Ever heard of a Kumara? a Mon-stero Deli-cio?
how about a Kiwi Fruit? Well here is the place to learn about and see some Kiwi Exotics
and some Kiwi not so Exotics. I tried to get Mum to take a photo of my favorite plant, the
yummy ole bone bulb, but she won't! I found some neat links for receipes as well.
Updated 24th January 99
Ever heard of a Kumara? a Mon-stero Deli-cio?
how about a Kiwi Fruit? Well here is the place to learn about and see some Kiwi Exotics
and some Kiwi not so Exotics. I tried to get Mum to take a photo of my favorite plant, the
yummy ole bone bulb, but she won't! I found some neat links for receipes as well.
Updated 7th February 99
A page just to let you know about Best
Friends! Come see what I mean.
Created 5th August 98
Need help in LOVE? Well here is the guide you
need to read. Who could possibly know better than the cats? They explain the rules and
steps in easy language for all too understand.
Created 5th August 98
Here you will find just what it says - some
plain good fun! I have placed some great links to some crazy places. So if you want to
smile and have a giggle you should definitely find something here to assist you. I will
add to this page when ever I find something new for you to see and well hey I may even
stick some Kiwi jokes on the page for you. I have to find good enough ones first though.
But dont be shy go have a look and smile!
Updated 6th October 98
Yes it is true! We are
hosting the Yahtzee Competition in the Olympic Games. The medals are ready, the game
board is ready - but are you?? Come on lets see who really knows how to play the
game. We need some challengers - so lets get with it and play! Want your name
in the spotlight - well a good score will be needed.
Updated 2nd May 99
Hi there. Well we have been honored
with some really neat awards and we got to thinking, 'Hey, why don't we try our little
fingers at designing an award for us to give out!' Well, we got a bit carried away
and after making a few we couldn't decided which was best so we have decided to let you
choose which one you would like to apply for. So come along and see the great awards
we have received and well, see if you would like to apply for ours.
'New Award' Added 27th April 99
'Winners List' Updated 28th May 99
Here are some of the places Mum has found
really interesting or really helpful! There are links to the great places Mum got her
backgrounds, graphics and music from. And all sorts of other places for everyone to go
see, so climb aboard and fly away on a Magical Mystery tour.
Updated 20th November 98
Since my great friend, 'Catfish', has so
kindly made a banner for our site we decided we would have a page (or two, as it grows)
where we can swap banners with people from other great sites. We have two rules for
our Banner Swap. 1st and most important is that the
sites must be 'FAMILY FRIENDLY'. We won't link to anything but! 2nd you have to put our banner on your page with a link to
us. We love getting visitors!
Updated 27th April 1999
Under no circumstances will I allow my
babes see the unfortunate side of the human race. Little Amber has already seen too
much. So if your site is not 'FAMILY FRIENDLY' please don't bother
sending your 'banner', you're wasting your time. Oh and that's 'FAMILY
FRIENDLY' in my opinion, VBG.
Our Christmas Greeting To You All. No
Matter Where You Are In The World, No Matter Who You Are: This Greeting is for
You! Come join us for Christmas in New Zealand.
Created 5th December 98
We would love to share our
country with you. Please come and see what New Zealand is like. There is
information and photos which I hope you will find interesting and hey, maybe it will
entice you come and visit our beautiful country. We will certainly make you
welcome. New Zealand may be a small country but there is a lot to tell you about, so
come back often and check out the new photos and new information I will have for you!
Major Update 6th March, 1999
Zealand Facts
Zealand, North Island
Zealand, South Island
Help stop the Cruelty &
Please help support the 'Adopt A Guardian Angel'
program. By doing so you are virtually taking the hand of a neighbor and joining us in creating a never ending circle around the world that will empower us to stand up and be the voice for all children of this planet! Show them we care enough to make a difference! In reality, by displaying this link back to our site you are helping us to meet our goal of creating awareness, education, recognition, prevention and intervention and that is the first real step towards breaking the cycle of abuse and stopping all forms of maltreatment! |
For The Love of Columbine High School
in Littleton, Colorado!
Please visit this site dedicated to those who lost
their lives in this very sad incident.
A wonderful site especially for Children!
This Stop promoting animal deformaties ring site is owned by Jude, Jed & Amber. [ Prev | Next 5 | Random | Next | List sites ] Want to join the ring? Click here. |
This Society of Childlike Grownups Webring site
is owned by >Jude.
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Want to join the ring? Click here for info.
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Copyright WebDesign Jedstar
Credits & thanks for Backgrounds to Icon Bazaar & Jedstar
Credits & thanks for Graphics to Icon Bazaar, the Animation Factory, DogGone
Graphics & Jedstar
Note: All photos on this site are the property of the owner of these pages and the
respective owners of the animals or parents of the children. When the owner/photographer
are not one in the same, the copyright belongs to the photographer. Please do *NOT*
reproduce or copy any of these photos without Jude's express permission.
Last revised: May 30, 1999.