Some American Girl Doll pages
Pleasant Company

Knit and Crochet
for AG dolls

Knit socks for AG dolls

Some New Mexico History pages
Bibliography of primary sources

La Herencia del Norte

Mission Churches of the Sonoran Desert

Some Pages about
History and Reading

Día de los Libros

Some Historic Costume pages
Goya: Young Lady Wearing a Mantilla and Basquina (c. 1805)

Costume Webring

Tia Judy's Resource Page

Believe me, nobody was more surprised than I was when I was smitten by the American Girl doll, Josefina Montoya. I never played with dolls, even when I was a kid. But this was different. I'm a knitter, and I only wanted somebody small to knit for, honest!

Somehow Josefina brought together many chords in my life that have gone unexpressed: my love for the southwest and Mexico -- the countryside and the people -- and my interest in history and in historic costume. I found myself plunged into a quest for what kind of clothes Josefina and her family would have worn, and for information about how they would have lived their lives.

Josie, now, is another thing. When I first thought of getting an American Girl doll, I was thinking of an AG of Today and was trying to pick out just the right features for a lively (they're all "lively," aren't they?) California chicana. Then Josefina was introduced, and I knew that she was the right one for me. So you will see that Josefina and Josie are like Superman and Clark Kent -- they have so much in common, yet somehow they never seem to get together.

Here they are. I hope you enjoy following their adventure of discovery!

Tia Judy

Meet Josefina | Meet Josie | Meet Tia Judy
Josefina's Home Page

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