Riddle Of The Week!

You are on a game show and you’ve  almost won the grand prize.  You are standing in front of four doors, labelled A, B, C, and D.  One of the doors has the grand prize behind it, and the other three are empty.   You are handed a slip of paper that has four clues on it.  Three of the clues are false, and one is true.  The clues are:
1.It’s behind door B or C.
2.It’s behind door A or D.
3.It’s behind door C.
4.It’s not behind door D.
Which door has the grand prize behind it?

Click here for the answer.

Well, Savannah is cooking again, and now she needs exactly four cups of water.  She still has the same containers, one that holds five cups, and one that holds three cups.   The containers are completely unmarked, and she has an unlimited supply of water from the sink.  How does she get her four cups?

Click here for the answer.

Savannah is in the middle of making dinner, and she needs exactly seven cups of water.  However, all she has is a container that holds three cups, and a container that hods five cups.  Both of the containers are completely unmarked, and she has an unlimited supply of water.  How does she do it?  (It is possible)

Click here for the answer.

Christina explained to her father that she wouldn't be going to school anymore.  She said that she had been doing some math, and she figured out that she just didn't have enough time for classes.  She reasoned, "I sleep eight hours a day, and that totals 2,920 hours or 122 days a year.  Saturdays and Sundays add up to 104 days in a year.  If I allow three hours a day for meals, that comes to 45 days a year.  Summer vacation adds up to 60 days and if I allow just two hours a day for TV and recreation, that amounts to another 30 days.  If I add up all these days, they total 361 and that's not including Christmas, Thanksgiving, and the other holidays we get."  What is the flaw in her reasoning?

Click here for the answer.

When the day after tomorrow is yesterday, today will be as far from Wednesday as today was from Wednesday when the day before yesterday was tomorrow.  What is the day after this day?

Click here for the answer.

This is a most unusual paragraph.  How quickly can you find out what is so unusual about it?  It looks so ordinary you'd think nothing was wrong with it - and in fact, nothing is wrong with it.  It is unusual though.  Why?  Study it, think about it, and you may find out.  Try to do it without coaching.  If you work at it a bit it will dawn on you.  So jump to it and try your skill at figuring it out.  Good luck - don't blow your cool!

Click here for the answer.

A black dog is standing in the middle of an intersection in a town that is painted black.  None of the street lights are working due to a power failure caused by a local storm.  A car with two broken headlights drives towards the dog but turns just in time to avoid hitting him.  How could the driver have seen the dog in time?

Click here for the answer.

Sarah Jonson, the editor of "Science Tech", returned to her office to find Detective Alan waiting for her.  "Your co-editor, Mr. Phillips, was found strangled to death," stated Detective Alan.  "His wallet has been searched, and everything of importance is gone."  "My goodness!" cried Sarah.  "It must have been those young hoods I saw hanging around this morning."  Just then, the Detective noticed that Sarah had an unread e-mail message on her computer.  It read: Dear Sarah, I know we had plans to work on our "New Technology" report at 1:00 pm, and I apologize for any inconveniance my temporary absence will cause.  I had to return to the resturant immedietely since I forgot to pay my tab.  Signed, J. Phillips.  "This wasn't a chance mugging," said Detective Alan, "This was a pre-meditated murder!"  What raised the Detective's suspicion?

Click here for the answer.

    Got riddles? E-mail me!

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