Older pics

Here's Zack at 9 months. I think we're in trouble with this grin.

At 8 months old with the 30lb pumpkin he won.

7 months old.

And here's towel boy at 6 months old!

5 months old.

Zack and daddy hanging out watching Batman

Now everyone! Row, row, row your boat!
*This picture won on The BabyCorner's cute baby contest!

This was July 5th. The first time he touched grass. He loved to rake it with his grippy toes!

This was his first time in a kiddy pool. He wanted the pictures on the bottom BAD!

This is still July 5th. Quite a day! He sat unassisted on Daddy's lap.

3 months old

" You talkin to Me ?"

" Yo!....ELWOOD! "

2 months old

"I just Looooooove that Duck!"


A "Father and Son bonding moment"

Zack-n-Cat(whisker pull?...anyone?.....anyone?)

Zack's favorite time of the day is when He get's to play "Koala"..with Mommy playing the tree.

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