Every 4Her will give you a different answer to this question. The basic themes will be the same, however 4H is an entity that is hard to define and describe - unlike Boy and Girl Scouts of America, which are said to be 4H's counterparts. (They're not.) One way to define 4H is to go through the 4H pledge. The pledge reads:
I pledge my head to clearer thinking, my heart to greater loyalty, my hands to larger service, and my health to better living for my club, my community, my country, and my world. |
"I pledge...my heart to greater loyalty..." 4H fosters strength of the heart through leadership. Members are expected to pass on what they have learned to others, in- and outside of 4H. Older members also serve as role models to each other and the mini-4Hers. 7th and 8th graders are given the opportunity to become Junior Teen Leaders. They train to become Teen Leaders and assist in leadership roles on the club and county levels. They can also become a staffer at 4H Camp. Members in the 9th grade and above are usually Teen Leaders. Teen Leaders assist Project Leaders, almost leading the project themselves by their second year. They chair and serve on committees on both the club and county levels and serve as staff and counselors for 4H Camp. Teens in general run the show up to the national level of 4H! This all builds a lot of leadership skills, charisma, and confidence. And let's not forget one of the most important ways 4H is good for the heart; 4H is a great way to make friends and have fun! There is a lot of love and warmth between 4Hers. There is always a shoulder to cry on and a high five to share your joy. So what is the 2nd "H" useful for? The 2nd "H" is useful anywhere charisma, leadership skills, and charm are needed - like everyday life. |
"I pledge...my hands to larger service..." 4H is all about practicing what you preach and learning by doing. Members learn in their projects through hands-on experience and teach others in the same way. 4Hers do not attend lectures on "How to do a Demonstration" - they learn by preparing and presenting one at events like Alameda County Presentation Day. 4H is also community service oriented. 4Hers serve meals in homeless shelters, assist the handicapped at the county fair, clean up the beach, and plant trees - to name just a few activities. Members become a part of the beating heart of their community, and for many community service becomes a life-long habit. "Larger service" means serving more than just oneself. |
"I pledge...my health to better living..." 4Hers learn in some projects about how to take care of themselves. Many learn first aid and CPR. The 4H Code of Conduct also keeps 4Hers (at least at 4H events) from smoking, drinking, and doing drugs. Just being a part of the club is a great self-esteem booster and keeps members clean. And what do they do with this health? See "H"s numbers 1, 2, and 3! |