
John WHITTLESEY, son of John WHITTLESEY and Lydia TERRY of Cambridgeshire, England, immigrated to Saybrook, Connecticut in 1635 with the Lord Say & Seal Company. In 1664 he married Ruth DUDLEY, the daughter of William DUDLEY and Jane LUTMAN , who traveled from their home in Ockley, England to Guilford, Connecticut in 1639 with Rev. Henry WHITFIELD.

The following is a list of the descendants of John and Ruth through four generations. The superscript number is the number of the generation to which the individual belongs; the numbers in parenthesis following the name are the birth and death years, if determined; the + sign designates the spouse of the person of the same generation immediately above. Although the spelling of many of the surnames may vary, only one spelling is used in this presentation.


DISCLAIMER: A conscientious effort has been made to present accurate information. However, the data has come from a variety of sources, both primary and secondary, and absolute accuracy cannot be assured. As with all such data, it should be independently verified. I will appreciate an e-mail concerning any errors or ommissions that are noted.

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This page was updated March 5, 2002

� 1998, 2002 A. C. Dudley