Marcie is Peppermint Patty's
best friend. From themoment they met at summer camp, Marcie has called Peppermint
Patty "Sir" out of admiration and misguidedmanners. An unlikely pair, they seem
to have nothing incommon yet that is what makes their friendship sogenuine. Marcie
is the smartest of the Peanuts gang,but also the most naive. She's always willing
to help outher friend with school work and she's not above sharingtest answers
or calling her on the phone to remind herof homework assignments. There is an innocence
toMarcie and Peppermint Patty is her protector. Marcie isalso completely inept
when it comes to sports, yet theystill let her play on the baseball team. If Marcie
andPeppermint Patty ever have a falling out it's likely to beover Charlie Brown,
who they both secretly love.