Kuwait Mar Thoma Sunday School
Kuwait Parish, P.O. Box: 20130, Safat, Kuwait

"Train up a child in the way he should go: 
and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22: 6

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Come to Jesus..., Bring a child to Jesus...

The Sunday school will conduct the annual competitions every year, as follows:

Memory Verse Competitions on September,
Essay Writing Competition on First week October,
Bible Reading competition on last week of December,
Music Competitions on First and second week of January,
Story telling on third week of January,
Elocution on Fourth week of January.
Essay Writing Competition'99: Topics


(i) Why should children honor their parents?
(ii) Jesus is my best friend
(iii) What the parable of the good Samaritan means to me?


(i) A family that prays together stays together
(ii) You can not serve two masters: God and mammon
(iii) You are the salt of the earth (Called to make a difference)

Memory Verse Competition 99-2000


Class Syllabus Min. Vers. for consol. prize
Beginners Psalms 1-100. 25
Primary I Psalms 101 to 150. 30
Primary II Proverbs 1 to 15, Psalms 23,
Psalms 1, Psalms 34.
Primary III Proverbs 16 to 31, Psalms 19,
Psalms 67, Psalms 71.
Junior I Matthew, Philippians,
Psalms 80, Psalms 84
Junior II John, James, Psalms 91,
Psalms 100, Psalms 103
Junior III Hosea, Job, 3 Epistles of John,
Psalms 116, 117, and 118.
Inter I Isaiah, Hebrews, Psalms 106, Psalms 121, Psalms 150. 60
Inter II Jeremiah, 1 Corinthians, Psalms 107, & 108, Psalms 111 &112 70
Inter III Genesis, 2 Corinthians, Psalms 37, Psalms 139, Psalms 147. 80
Senior I Exodus, Romans, Ephesians
Psalms 51, Psalms 78.
Senior II Ecclesiastes, Daniel, Acts, 1st Peter, 2nd Peter, Psalms 40, Psalms 119: 1 - 88 100
Senior III Zechariah, Micah, Timothy I & II, Revelations, Psalms 119: 89 - 176 verses. 110

· Beginner and Primary students will have oral exam, while Junior, Inter and Senior will have written examination.

· Beginner and Primary students should bring a written list of verses which they wish to say.

· Complete Bible references are compulsory for all groups except Beginners.

· For Beginner, children should at least say the name of the book and the chapter number during the oral exam.

· In addition to the syllabus given above, students can say or write the memory versus taught in their respective classes (with Bible references) during the current academic year,

· Good News Bible should be used for Beginner and Primary, while Revised Standard Version (RSV) Bible should be used in Junior, Inter and Senior classes.

· There will be one special prize to the person from each of the following group for saying/writing the highest number of verses (i) Beg and Primary, (ii) Junior (iii) Intermediate,
(iv) Senior.

Any decision by the Examination and prize committee regarding these competitions will be binding to all participants and will be final.

Prizes are given to students for their performance in annual examination, competition and for the regular attendance in Sunday school.