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Nobody owns a mountain
Nobody owns the sea,
None can possess the sunshine -
A bright reaching Summertime tree.
Nature is all around us
Lending her special charms,
Touching God's world with her magic
And holding it fast in her arms.

No one can hold to a snowflake
So quickly it melts fast away,
We can't bid the twilight to linger
When we come to the end of the day.
Rainbows are but for a moment
there in the blue of the sky,
Bright colored leaves of the Automn
Are gone in the blink of an eye.

Winter soon changes to springtime
Then quickly a soft Summer day
Fades to the magic of Automn
Then white Winter snowflakes at play,
A world filled with wonder and magic
Miracles loaned from above,
Yet no one ever can own them
They're God's gifts of heavenly love.

Garnett Ann Schultz

Let the Heavens be glad
and the earth rejoice....
the Lord is King.
1 Chr. 16:31


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