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Here is a picture of TOL (The Original Lounge) and a copy of what transpired on those last, emotional days with most of the regulars in attendance. It was one of the saddest days I have ever experienced, and we all still miss the old place. It was much more than just a chat room. It had a sense of family to it. We were always glad to welcome new chatters and to expand our "family." It truly was "the friendliest chat on the net." Although valiant efforts were made by PDE (particularly Marc Wade and Guy Vardaman) to keep this format for their chat rooms, MSN, in its infinite wisdom (?), decided to scrap this particular chat program in favor of MSChat. During the last two days of its existence, the old lounge saw many people come through its doors to say a fond farewell to an old and very dear "friend."

Here are some of the original Lounge Lizards:

LANDRU, Redwolf (Bob and Jim), Bruddabob (aloha), rcpro (daRog), daKath, Rabbit (Ron), Bunny (Mary), Tellah (prounced tell a), Nook, Sir Dom (Dlotters), Buntings3, Araluen, Judy27, Doc, Tom Wakeford (Guam), Furerson (Kath), Kenneth, MORGANPHOENIX (carol), Andrea, Rich AGM, Prophet (Rich), Jess, Tony (the Borg), Ric and Jen, RockD, Simon and Brigette, Alissa, Olustee, CD Pincone, Adam, Anderson Ajax, Cimborn, Mrs. Data, Luvs to Cuddle (Debbie), The Great Zoomer (Butch), Wargirl (Debs), Star Supreme (Dave), David Evans (Webster), Sarjenka (Ana), Alkemie, Giselle & Gus Kyriacou, Dybsca, Bashful 68 (Heidi Van De Steeg), NathanC, Noonian Soong, David Wommack, Alastair McCollum, DanP, Lorenzo, Cetacea, Charles Halpenny, Matt Ashby, Zaccheuss, Chris Hildebrandt, Jag55 (Robin), HeadStartNursery (Hugh), Astheartist (Jun), Anthony and Andrew (DrStupid), Eidolan (Mike), TrekX (Leanne), MJMCC (Maryjo), Capt. Hogan (Jack), Matronix, EDWARD VII, longden, SMHOME (Sue), ghostt (Ann), Information_Exchange (Ron), Nerrida (Ned), Fraggs, Rees_Jones (Hayden), STARTREKOK (Siobhan), lwbush (Larry), Guy Steele (Greg), GrumpyC (Debbie), Ben-Thornton, Steve_Witter_at_Starrider, SooDan (Sue and Dan), Greg_Magnus, Maddog Dave, TRAN 54 or is that 53?, KevStrings, trekwriter, KlingonVic, TRISH3 (Little One), Meribor, Sssoothing, herbert_Hatje, Cameo_ (Cheryl), Maryanne, Bandit4Me, Dr. Craig Lamb, sonofzion (Kim), BLOOD_RUNNER, jcake5es (Odoswoman), MAC714, brian_blackmore (TR1SPY), rnra, brymy, Kazonlather (Cliff), MrJade, ewek, jetsetter, BKOriginals, bradpark (Ben), AUTRUD, normagibson, gilstermarylee (Andy and Bonnie), Mr and Mrs Tim, Maybell, Theopolus, STEVE (SPACEHUNTER), GARRY MC, MOSES LEI, JTMyers, Ktan, Capt Data (Paul), Paul Mulcahy, Burak, Harry Mudd (Fresno Bob), Pookette, robf, Stifford, Whulf, Lisa, THOMAS AND INEZ JADU, CB.

Here is a copy of the chat from the last night before the closing of TOL.

This is a copy of the very last day of TOL.

For those who care...this was my "farewell" to the Lounge.

Click here for voting results.

Click here for Lounge Memories.

Click here for Lounge Lizard Pictures.

Click here for PDE staff pictures.
