It has been brought to my attention that by placing links to other sites on my web page, without first gaining permission, it appears to some individuals
that I am trying to take credit for someone else's work. This was never my intention and I apologize to anyone I have offended. Links I have placed at my site are
meant only as a reference to other sites of similar content. I have no connection with the writing or publishing of any other site other than those identified by my
name in the heading. Jan Hardee
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For those of you who are just getting started with your family search DearMYRTLE's Genealogy for Beginners is a great place to start. Easy lessons on
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Don't overlook this one. Hundreds of links to local and family history sites. A central point of entry to independent web sites with historical or genealogical content, it's
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with the historical and genealogical information to round out your research on your ancestors. ALHN will be adding links
and data in a continuous fashion.
David Grahams book first published in 1899 gives a detailed account of many of the descendants of John Graham Sr . David Graham was a grandson of
Col. James Graham of Summers County, WV