Let's start with a quick overview of the way BFT is designed. I promise it won't hurt. :) There are more than 120 pages which make up the BFT web site, and the number is steadily growing. Trees will tend to do that! But don't let our size scare you, rather enjoy browsing the many bits of Broughton history we offer.

To keep it simple, there are two types of pages. First, the Main pages which are the foundation for the site... or the roots... so-to-speak. They are located on the navigation bar at left. This bar can be found on every page, so you can always get "Home." The second type which makes up a majority of the pages contain specific Broughton data: People or Data pages as we call them. Since those are pretty self-explanatory, we've more or less focused on the Main pages in our highlights below, so let's start surfing!

  • Don't miss our Portrait Gallery of Broughtons - from British barons to a gunslinger & more!
  • Or take a trip to England to visit the Broughton Castle & learn about the origins of the Broughton Name and Coat of Arms or read about a Broughton with a British Title. Did we say Royalty?
  • If you are looking for a specific Broughton, then you will want to try searching through our Index of Names first. It has Broughtons from multiple lines in the US, Canada, UK, etc.
  • Or check out our Resource Center which has links to helpful genealogy sites, MANY with Broughton information - like Broughtons in past wars or Broughton immigrants, etc.
  • Got a question about an ancestor? Send inquiries to our Inquiry Forum. You never know when another visitor may have the information you've been looking for!
  • Want to learn more about genealogy and help keep the Broughton Family Tree website going strong? Then help support us by shopping at our BFT Bookstore where you can get great savings on How To books for genealogists, books by Broughtons, and so much more... thanks to our association with Amazon.com!
  • What do you think? Feel free to make suggestions or comment on our web site by signing our Guest Book.
  • If you have information to share, Email us! We'd love to add your branch to the Broughton Family Tree!
  • Yep, we're happy to say it... the BFT has won a few Awards not to mention being linked to few Web Rings too.

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The Broughton Family Tree
Copyright © 1998-1999 by Brandi Broughton-Loyd.
All rights reserved.
This page may be freely linked to but not duplicated in any fashion without my consent