Since then, a steady increase in unexplained phenomena has occurred worldwide. Millions of people can now claim personal experience of some miraculous' event:
crosses of light, seen by tens of thousands from California to the Philippines,
spontaneous healings and renewed hope for the future. (Greenville Sun,
Virginian Pilot,
Pasadena Star-News, Manila Bulletin, and others)
~An image
resembling the `Star of David' glows in the window of a Pentecostal church
of the Virgin Mary and Jesus are reported to cry' tears of human blood
or olive oil,
counseling observers to return to the spiritual path. (numerous sources)
Madonna of Ballinspittle, Ireland - statue moves back and forth as you
view it from the
bottom of a small hill. (Fate magazine)
~In Nairobi,
Kenya, a man appears `out of the blue' before 6,000 people at a prayer
in attendance are healed. He then leaves in an equally mysterious manner,
promising to
with a "bucketful of blessings". The story and photo are carried by news
media around the
(Kenya Times, BBC, CNN and newspapers worldwide)
wells of healing water, similar to the one at Lourdes, attract hundreds
thousands to Tlacote (Mexico), Nordenau (Germany) and Nadana (India). (Washington
Los Angeles Times, Dallas Morning News and others)
~ `Angels'
regularly intervene to offer people emergency assistance or comfort. (numerous
~A mysterious
hitchhiker begs lifts from (usually) Christian couples, announces that
will return soon, and promptly vanishes from the back seat of the moving
5, 1997: The Virgin Mary stopped traffic near Yakima, Washington,
by casting her image on a
road sign.
~Vision of the Virgin in San Francisco on Church's gabled roof. (CNN, San Francisco Examiner)
~Christ's face materialized on a rock in Australia. (Daily Mail, UK)
~In Dokkum, Friesland (The Netherlands) a child was healed of whooping
cough when dipped in
the well of St. Bonifatius. Sixty healings since 1990. (Parish Priest St.Bonifatius
Chapel). Benjamin
Creme's Master says this was done by the Master Jesus
~On the 13th of each month in the Mojave Desert, Southern California, hundreds
flock to see
sightings of Virgin Mary. (Bakersfield CA, and Pasadena Star News)
~In Ukranian Holy Trinity Orthodox Church, Michigan City, Indiana, a painting
of Jesus on the cross is
secreting gold colored oil from wounds and smells of balsam and flowers.
(Associated Press)
~A statue of Jesus was not even smoke-stained, as a church in Kobe, Japan
burned down
completely around it. (TBS TV News, Japan 1994)
faded painting of St. Nikolai in a church in Kirovsh, Russia, 50 miles
north of the Arctic Circle
started brightening up and now looks like it is freshly painted.
(Associated Press 1994)
appeared in a Catholic Hospital in St. Louis, Missouri on August 14, 1994
and healed three
children of inoperable cancer. Two photos were taken by a doctor who witnessed
Jesus before He
disappeared. (Weekly World News 1994)
Mary appeared on Dario Mendoza's car fender in Elsa, Texas, and on a cottonwood
tree in
Brownsville, Texas. (The Wall Street Journal 1994)
~ A dramatic
story was told by Ann Cannady of Southern America of how the "blackest
her front door bell and was admitted by her husband. He called her by her
name and said God had sent him to tell her that her cancer was healed.
He had deep, rich blue eyes and his teeth were like bright lights when
he spoke. Before he left he extended the palm of his glowing right hand
towards her and she felt a light move through her whole body, cleansing
it throughout. Immediately afterwards she telephoned her doctor to
tell him she had been healed. The doctors later confirmed the cure.
extraordinary story was told by 85-year-old Elisabeth Hortin from Plymouth
in England: one
day she
had been shopping in the supermarket because her home help could not come.
As she was unloading her purchases from the supermarket trolley into her
own she became aware that a "little old lady" was standing by her, waiting,
as she thought, to use the emptied trolley. The old lady said no, she had
come to take her home. Mrs. Hortin felt quite happy to accept the proffered
help and even allowed her helper to look after her shopping while she herself
went to the news agent, a thing she would never in the ordinary way have
allowed a stranger to do, because she had other people's pensions in the
trolley as well as her own. As she returned, she heard clearly in her head
the words: "He will give His angels charge over you," and saw her helper
transformed into a large, shining angel for a moment or two. The little
old lady guided her gently to the car park, where an elderly "Victorian
looking" gentleman was waiting to load the shopping into a car and drive
all three to Mrs. Hortin's bungalow, without asking where she lived. He
carried the shopping right into her kitchen, but when she turned to thank
her helpers they were nowhere to be seen: she was sure that God had
sent an angel to help her when she really needed it.
Another fascinating occurrence was described by Ellie Baker, who went to
visit her critically ill
in Germany. There she was allocated, as interpreter, a lady dressed "from
head to foot in black leather" and with heavily made-up eyes, who sat with
her for three days and three nights outside her husband's room. In spite
of Ellie's constant prayers and meditations, her husband's condition did
not improve. However, following a full hour of prayer at his bedside during
which she called on the angels for help, she opened her eyes and
saw a 10-foot-high golden angel standing at the foot of the bed. Then her
husband opened his eyes and spoke to her. She was so overcome that she
left the room in tears. Outside was her 'interpreter' sitting with a harp
in her hand, which she proceeded to play then and there. Thereafter her
husband made what the doctors called a "miraculous recovery".
~In another case a doctor told of a woman whose back was crushed by a 5-ton
block of stone
pinned her to the ground. It took 40 men to remove the stone; the woman
was rushed to the local clinic and was operated on but nevertheless ended
as a paraplegic. Prayer and "God's healing power" cured her; she now walks
and functions absolutely normally. The crushed vertebrae are sound and
her back is straight. She has recovered full control of all bodily functions.
only Christians who are having experiences of Jesus or God; many Muslims
also see him.
have visions and dreams and see Jesus. "Whole villages are visited by the
"man in white
people see him and recognize him. They call him Aisa, the Muslim Arabic
name for Jesus." The man in white is now known to many. ( Source: Evangelical
Broadcasting Company, Holland )
can still heal if you pray to him to do so,"; said Pope John Paul II recently
in his Sunday
message, which turned into a call to solidarity with the sick, the old
and children. According to
the Pope,
"all of them are in danger of being regarded as a burden".
In Italy,
this invitation from the Pope to pray for a miracle brings back into the
public arena the
miracle of the Madonna in Civitavecchia, a village near Rome, where a small
icon brought
Medjugorje weeps tears of blood.
A theological
commission appointed by the Vatican has now accepted this as a miracle,
to an
unconfirmed report. The statue was first seen weeping tears of blood, which
was found to be
in early 1995. The second anniversary of this miracle was attended by about
10,000 pilgrims. The local bishop surprised those present by blessing the
occasion. He said that at least two people had been miraculously cured
of cancer, one in Turin and the other in Toronto. In addition, political
previously dedicated to violence, had been converted to peace and Christianity.
Civitavecchia is now attracting thousands of pilgrims. ( Source :
The Tablet, UK; El Pais, Spain; reported in Share International, April
1997 )
Uganda more than 400 people have been cured of AIDS and the HIV virus through
January 1994, according Omega a programme made by the Evangelical Broadcasting
Company, in Holland. Uganda is one of the countries hardest hit by AIDS
with some 40 per cent of the
being infected. A whole generation will be wiped out; grandparents are
taking over the role of parents to their grandchildren, their own children
having fallen victim to AIDS.
In a church
in Kampala (Uganda) people suffering from the disease were cured after
for them. When they were tested again they were found to be zero negative
-- free of the virus.
now healthy looking young woman told of how she had been so ill with AIDS
that the local
help organization turned her down and declined to give her a place because
she was already 'too far gone'. The disease had reached such a stage that
she had holes in her head into which she could poke her fingers;
most of her abdomen and breasts had been destroyed, and in fact she deteriorated
to a phase where her entire body seemed to be disintegrating. Her skin
had also been attacked but suddenly she noticed that her skin was beginning
to renew itself spontaneously. She grew, as it were, a new skin four times
and new flesh began to cover her previously almost bare bones. Throughout
her illness she had prayed constantly and had continued to believe in God.
Others prayed for her too and believed that God would cure her. She had
to learn to walk again, just as if she had been a baby.
young girl, Anna Catherina, began suffering from headaches, stomach pains
and a severe skin
A doctor diagnosed AIDS and she was sent to the local AIDS clinic. But
"because God was not
in the clinic" she did not go there but went instead, although she was
not religious, to the church and began praying hard. She was tested twice
and both times she was found to be zero positive -- she had AIDS.
Although four subsequent tests proved that she was infected she continued
to believe and pray. It came as no surprise to her then that the seventh
and eighth test showed that she was zero negative -- totally cured of AIDS.
independent Dutch doctor, Elly Vooys, who went to Kampala with the camera
crew said that
is no medical explanation for such healing. The relevant documentation
kept by the hospital
showed that six tests indicated that the girl was suffering from AIDS,
she was quite clearly
positive and that the subsequent two tests showed her to be zero negative.
She was tested using the "Elisa-method" a well known test which has an
accuracy rating of 99.9 per cent. Case documents
on Anna
Catherina attest to the fact that she fully recovered from all AIDS related
symptoms. For instance, she had previously suffered greatly from painful
swelling all over her skin; both the swellings and the pain have completely
vanished. Only here and there had faint scars remained.
The church
in Kampala has documentary evidence from the hospital of more than 110
cases of
There are about 300 more people who were also cured from AIDS or the HIV
virus who do not have any documents or case histories to substantiate their
claims. Apart from AIDS cases people were also cured of other diseases.
According to Anna Catherina these patients include both believers and non-believers.
(Evangelical Broadcasting Company, Holland, 1995 )
seven years ago, Jean Neill of Rugby, England, spent her days in a wheelchair,
almost intolerable pain. Her suffering began when she broke her back in
a fall, after which she spent nearly four years, more or less permanently,
in hospital, and underwent 10 unsuccessful
To add to her misery she was involved in a road accident as a result of
which she lost most of her sight and suffered three heart attacks.
years ago, while on a waiting list for yet another operation, she attended
a religious youth
in Birmingham. Six weeks before the meeting she had two dreams. In the
first she saw herself die on the operating table. In the second she saw
herself in a large hall being prayed for by a tall man with a foreign accent.
She also saw herself get up out of her wheelchair and run.
Six weeks
later at the meeting in Birmingham, the evangelist came up to Jean shortly
before the
was about to end. Jean later learnt that the Holy Ghost had told him that
she was to be the
miracle of the evening and that he would see her walking. The evangelist
prayed that the healing power of God would flow through her. Her eyes opened
and she could see again. Her lungs filled with air. Her crippled hip became
normal. Her pain disappeared along with her paralysis. She could stand
erect and she could walk. Beside herself with joy she ran through the crowd
gathered in the hall and embraced total strangers.
Her doctors
were speechless with amazement and have no explanation of how someone who
in a wheelchair for 25 years could suddenly be healed. (Source: Evangelical
Broadcasting Company, Holland, 1996 )
the end of the main Sunday Eucharist on the Feast of Pentecost 1993, five
members of
the congregation
seated in different parts of the church began to 'speak in tongues'. This
had never
before in the church and none of the individuals concerned were familiar
with this experience. As far as is known all were regular members of the
congregation. One of the men who 'spoke in tongues' in particular was very
disturbed and upset by the totally involuntary nature of the experience.
At the end of the service, each separately and without any contact with
the other speakers was asked to write down the meaning of the words that
had been 'placed in their mouths'. In all respects, they were identical
apart from slight errors in spelling.
The text read as follows:
I AM equipping you,
I AM healing you,
I AM leading you, but
UNLESS you draw near to Me I cannot feed you.
UNLESS you come to Me, I cannot heal you.
UNLESS you empty yourself, I cannot fill you.
My people,
there is still hardness in your hearts; hardness from anger, hardness caused
by putting
in My rightful place.
REPENT of this hardness.
TURN to Me again and live.
COME that I may renew you in body, mind and spirit.
COME to Me that I may heal you.
Me that I may equip you that I may send you out by the Power of My Spirit
those bound by fear, to PROCLAIM forgiveness and to SHOW love to all people.
My children,
I AM coming to you.
12 April 1997 a fire raged through Turin Cathedral destroying the 300-year-old
which was built especially for the Sindone, the Shroud in which, tradition
has it, the body of Jesus was buried. The Turin Shroud itself was
saved from the blaze by a fireman who, as if in trance, cut through four
layers of bullet-proof glass to rescue the silver box containing the Shroud.
Mario Trematore, whose hands were bleeding where the skin had been torn
away by the
of his grip, said afterwards: "God gave me the strength to break the glass."
The Archbishop of
examining the rescued Shroud said: "It is intact. It is a miracle." Miraculously
surviving this third
in its mysterious existence without damage has only added to the prestige
of the Shroud - especially since scientists from various fields of expertise
have been finding increasing evidence to date the Shroud to around AD 30.
In 1988
four minuscule pieces of cloth were cut from the border of the Sindone
for laboratory
to determine its age once and for all. The carbon dating method appeared
to prove that the linen was made between AD 1260 and 1390. Soon after the
publication of these findings, other scientists
the results of the tests. Because of two earlier fires the chemical structure
of the cloth had been substantially altered. In the 6th or 7th century
a monk dropped a piece of burning incense on the Shroud and in December
1532 a fire in the chapel of the Dukes of Savoy in Chambery, France, damaged
the border of the Shroud. It was this part of the cloth that was used for
the dating. But experts of the Sedov laboratory in Moscow simulated the
fire of 1532 and studied the effects on cloth that was known to have been
made in the 1st or 2nd century AD. They concluded that carbon dating was
useless for establishing the age of the Shroud.
The same
conclusion was arrived at by two microbiologists from the University of
for different reasons. Leoncio Garza Valdes and Steve Mattingly discovered
a very thin layer of bacteria and fungi around the pieces of cloth taken
from the Shroud. Inevitably, this 'bio layer' had influenced the results
of the carbon dating method. Garza Valdes and Mattingly also discovered
four types of bacteria in the fabric which are known to grow in a salty
environment. The experts pointed out that in Palestine salt was used to
bleach fabric and for the production of perfume and balm for the deceased.
Towards the end of 1996 they finished their research, concluding: "We see
no reason whatsoever why the Sindone could not be dated to the 1st century
arguments came from traces of pollen of various types of flowers which
can still be found
around Jerusalem, and from other types which only grow in what is now Turkey.
This would
the tradition which holds that the Shroud was taken from Jerusalem to Turkey,
where it surfaced around AD 1000 in Constantinople. But in February 1997,
Shroud expert Professor Pier Luigi Baima Bollone found even more compelling
evidence in the impression of an old coin, the lepton, on the eyes of the
crucified man. Both coins were minted in Palestine in the year AD 29 under
the authority of Pontius Pilate. This is consistent with the tradition
then of placing a coin on the eyes of the deceased. Although scientists
are still at a loss as to the method by which a photographic image could
have been transferred on to a piece of cloth in either the 1st or 14th
century AD, all the recent findings
to be sufficient evidence for the Archbishop of Turin, the official guardian
of the Shroud by
of the Pope, to state explicitly for the first time: "I am convinced that
the Sindone is the cloth in which the body of Jesus was wrapped after He
died on the cross." (Source: de Volkskrant, The Netherlands)
~Waiting for their chance for a miracle, a line of people often stretches for over a mile on a dusty road in the little town of Tlacote, Mexico. More than 10,000 a day sometimes come to visit Jesus Chahin's well and to take away a can or two of the now famous miracle water which is said to have cured everything from AIDS and cancer to obesity and high cholesterol. Although the state health director has tested the water and says that it is normal for this region and safe to drink, Jesus Chahin says that it weighs less than normal water. Chahin, a wealthy man, has been giving the water away since last May when he accidentally discovered its healing properties by observing its swift healing effect on a farm dog who lapped up some of it. He thinks its healing properties may be connected to the fact that it weighs less than normal water.
who hope for healing continue to arrive and wait, unconcerned about any
Dominican nun Maria Guadalupe Aguilar drove 175 miles with Rev. Juan Crespo
who suffers from prostate cancer, to see if the water can heal him. "For
me", she says, "all of these things are God's miracles." (Source: Washington
The word
has spread, and since May 1991 millions of people have been to Tlacote
and millions
have drunk the water, seeking help for diabetes, heart disease, cancer,
AIDS, etc. The ranch
Mr. Chahin, keeps the registration files of every visitor, some of whom
have traveled from as far as Europe and Russia. The daily line-up varies
in size from 5,000 to 10,000 people.
It all
started with a sick dog who recovered soon after drinking from a muddy
puddle. A few
then cautiously tried the water, and they too were healed. And then more
came and were healed in the farm village of Tlacote near Mexico City. The
local priest applied to the Mexican government to have the water pumped
and filtered, but it refused to provide any funding...until he sent water
to a nearby army hospital, where six hundred soldiers were cured.
the miraculous healing well was discovered in Mexico, two more sources
of healing water
been found. One is in Germany, 100 km east of Dusseldorf, the other is
in the village of Nadana, 150 km north of Delhi, in India.
The German
source is a spring of very pure water discovered in a cave in a disused
slate mine at
district of Schmakenberg, which is a popular ski resort. The land belongs
to Theo
whose Hotel Tommes lies below the quarry. The water was discovered in January
1992 and now hundreds of people daily visit the cave, which is becoming
Germany's Lourdes. Buses bring the old, sick and crippled, and the Hotel
Tommes is packed.
Brandenburg interviewed some of the pilgrims for the German newspaper Bild.
An old
told him that after covering her blind eye with the water, she can now
see; an ex-miner said his back was healed and he has thrown away his crutch.
Another woman said: "I always had problems with high blood pressure and
was afraid of collapsing. I went to the grotto with my pressure at 160
to 100. I came out with 130 to 100. Now the blood pressure is constant,
a fact which my doctor cannot explain."
The Nordenau
healings have even been scientifically investigated. A study conducted
by Dr Hans
Steinbruck, a GP from Frankfurt/Main, found that 30 per cent of the visitors
to the Grotto
in Nordenau were "totally healed" and 28 per cent reported "a clear improvement".
Dr Steinbruck
conducted his study between September and December 1992 among 42 volunteers,
of whom had chronic diseases (50 per cent suffered from rheumatism, 11
per cent from psychiatric or neurological illnesses). The study was carried
out on a strictly medical basis by way of a clinical trial, and the percentage
of subjects that benefited from the Nordenau water are considered to be
very significant for these kinds of diseases.
Nadana village, about 150 km north of Delhi, India, water began gushing
out of a deserted
well in September 1992. Some local villagers who bathed in the water reported
that the "medicinal" and "magical" qualities of the well cured their skin
diseases. Word quickly spread, and now a constant stream of people visits
the village daily to gain the benefits of the water. A five-year-old polio
victim was reportedly cured to a large extent after bathing there. Others
report the curing of skin diseases. Most people who bathe in the water
report physical improvements of some type. The owner of the well, Mr. Mamraj,
one of the village leaders, was reportedly offered a large sum of money
from people who wished to buy the well. He rejected the proposal, saying
he wanted to use the well for the people, not for making money.