michael - 09/03/98 19:49:19
My Email:scarboy2@yahoo.com
hi uncle tommy this is michael i like the
page it i cool well i have to go bye
Tommy - 08/26/98 01:49:24
56-57 I was 5 or six - are you the one that kept gettin me in trouble for pickin my nose and rollin boogers?
:-) - I think that was Lavonne though.. hehe
Pam Pike(Applegate) - 08/26/98 01:44:18
My Email:gpike@trib. com
It was nice to take a peek, trying to recall all of you from approx 1956-57.
Lavonne Holt/Isaacs - 08/25/98 01:31:06
My Email:WE5kick@aol.com
This is toooooo cool! But I think your next family reunion committee should consider Florida. It's a great place to visit!!!!
Paulette - 08/23/98 19:30:40
Hey Fam...Notice Yesturday I had 43% and today I don't OKAY Tom now we get it---whoever is your favorite O... OKAY!
Randy - 08/21/98 21:08:43
Everybody thinks they know who the favorites are however that is the way Daddy & Mother operated they knew how to totally confuse you. Daddys favorite was whoever was in front of him at that time. Just exactly how I operate. People dont get all worked up
ye the voting. Dont let Tommy fool you either He can rig it any way he wantsI had to correct some mistakes
Randy - 08/21/98 21:06:50
Everybody thinks they know who the favorites are however that is the way Daddy & Mother operated they knew who to totally confuse you. Daddys favorie was whoever was in front of him at that time Just exactly how I opperate. People dont get all worked up b
e the voting. Dont let Tommy fool you either He can rig it any way he wants.......
Tommy - 08/21/98 19:51:48
no CHEATING!! only AOL users can vote more than once. I can rig it anyway ya'll want though - :-)
I was not mother's favorite - Ray was... he told me so.
He also said Chuck was Daddy's favorite - We'll se how that voting goes. Daddy's fav girl was Paulette.
Tommy - 08/21/98 19:51:40
no CHEATING!! only AOL users can vote more than once. I can rig it anyway ya'll want though - :-)
I was not mother's favorite - Ray was... he told me so.
He also said Chuck was Daddy's favorite - We'll se how that voting goes. Daddy's fav girl was Paulette.
pie - 08/21/98 06:17:49
Tom---whats up with the voting? You guys are cheating------Everybody knows Mary was Mom's favorite!
tom - 08/20/98 21:37:24
Thanx Tommy - I shoulda checked my links - you da'man
paulette - 08/20/98 20:18:33
My Email:nbbci@theriver.com
Hey Randy---how about your page? CHeck out Josh---Looks just like you! SOOOOO cute.
By P.
Tommy - 08/20/98 15:56:01
is What legal? Legal smeegal.
Suzie - 08/20/98 05:29:39
Is this legal????????????????
Suzie - 08/20/98 05:20:29
My Email:ranchstorecenter@theriver
Who in the world are these people writing to you?? What about Daddy's favorite son? We all know that was Randy!!You all have a lot of free time on your hands,huh?
TIII - 08/19/98 19:49:49
Dad, Uncle Randy's page is a broken link. You don't have it connecting to any page. it's "" instead of "randy.html". I don't know if you have a page for him yet, although your naked truth started with his page, you better fix that link.
Sharon Matthies - 08/19/98 13:53:08
My Email:matthies@integrityonline9.com
This is GREAT! Your sister Paulette sent me the URL - I am so glad to get to meet all of you; even if it is in cyber-space! I am your Aunt Rintha's grandaughter, my mom was Shirley Ann. We have to get together! It just kills me to have family living i
the same state as we do and not see each other! I am so thankful to our Savior for bringing us together. I am starting a family tree home page - I'll send you the URL when it gets up.
My other email (at work) is sharon.matthies@gwl.com if you want a response during the day......!!!!!
Thanks again!!!!!!! WAHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
In His love,
Paulette - 08/19/98 06:51:22
My Email:pastorpie@hotmail.com
Hey---what's up with that son thang---Are you proud Tom? And the girls---Hey----Mother didn't even know me---let alone like me! Somebody better start over.....Val will be the winner FER SURE! I'll go ahead and perdict Randy for dad's favorite son.....We'
l see----Keep it up---I am trying to get pic's to you!
Bye---Pie...Yes that's probably Carls son in Cally.
Delanie (again) - 08/18/98 05:07:49
My Email:pchypk@hotmail.com
I'd just like to reassure my mother (Paulette) that I DID NOT read the writing entitled "Delanie's Birthday Poem" on her page - even though I was dang tempted - cuz I haven't received my b-day card from her yet and I know it'll probably be much more perso
al for me that way. Heh. Has anyone sent this website address to your cousin Lionel? I know he's on the web....
Delanie Higham - 08/18/98 04:59:51
My Email:pchypk@hotmail.com
Hey Tom, Great progress on this in such short time!
I'm lovin' it.... Noticed that mom's writin' got thrown in - if I come up with sumpthin brilliant,
can I sneak in on her page. heheheh.
And, oh yeah - what happened to the guestbook the first few of us got in on? :)
TIII - 08/17/98 21:04:16
Dad Know how you were wondering how we could have 14 votes. Well AOL and Compuserve hand out random and different IP #'s each time someone logs in. So someone on AOL for example can vote as many times as he/she wants, while you and me only get 1 vote.
Randy - 08/17/98 19:12:09
My URL:http://www.rayzist.com
My Email:randy@rayzist.com
Tommy I notice I got one vote wonder who in there write mind could vote for anyone other than you. I am honored to have recieved the vote. You are doing a great Job.
TunaBear - 08/15/98 23:48:27
My Email:twillis@gunnison.com
Glad you guys are enjoyin the Page - Ray offered to support me in keepin it goin - hehehe - I got an Email from a David Willis - is that David Carl and Ruth's boy? - Will let ya know - does anyone know if any of the cuz's be onda net?
Enjoy the pics - Andy and Jenny and my 2 grandbabies will be here tomorrow - will post new pics and have updates Monday.. Love you guys - Tommy
cw - 08/15/98 19:01:53
My Email:ceedub41@aol.com
Uhuh, Big blisters!! Ihad to change to my nose pickin fingers to type now . Hey Tom Igot another batch headed your way... Terry, send some more pics of you & that old _ _ _ _ _ _ miner!!
Bye Bye
Paulette - 08/15/98 06:40:30
My Email:nbbci@theriver.com
You guys are doing great.......The rating just might be a good Idea---after alll I didn't give that picture to Chuck to see it blasted all over the internet...see if I ever give him anything again...By the way I am the 3rd from the right...
You are good at this Tom....I need your help putting some of these on my background again...Pie...
Paulette - 08/15/98 06:39:05
My Email:nbbci@theriver.com
You guys are doing great.......The rating just might be a good Idea---after alll I didn't give that picture to Chuck to see it blasted all over the internet...see if I ever give him anything again...By the way I am the 3rd from the right...
You are good at this Tom....I need you help putting some of these on my background again...Pie...
fathead - 08/10/98 02:26:25
My Email:ceedub41@aol.com
This is simply amazing brothers and sisters
sending a lot of stuff...hope you enjoy!
Rosco - 08/09/98 05:01:27
Ya'll sure are a purty bunch!
Tommy - 08/07/98 19:45:23
My Email:twillis@gunnison.com
well EXCUSE ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i thought I was doin good to have pics on the dang thing
- 08/07/98 06:08:00
thanks alot for loosing the last guestbook...I thought that was pretty neat..oH well---Don't think I'm gonna write anything worth while now---I gave it my best shot last time!!
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