Welcome to my Guestbook! Now TYPE!

Judy Harris - 09/10/00 19:48:05
My Email:razzle3140@aol.com

I left you a note before I read all your pages. Then I came across the page for Eliza Burkhart. My ggrandfather was William Harvey Lofton, born 1864 in Benton, Christian County, Mo. to Eliza Burkhart with no father listed. The 1870 census has William 6yr old listed under burkhart, harvey, anna and family. This must be him and we believe he was raised by the burkharts. He went by lofton all his life and is buried in Broken Arrow, Ok. My maiden name is lofton. any info you have or anyone you know of that might have something would be so very much appreciated. thanks again, judy harris

Judy Harris - 09/10/00 19:25:49
My Email:razzle3140@aol.com

Your info is put together well. I've traced mine back to eliza burkhart, father-Harvey Burkhart, mother-Anna Roberts. Evidently Eliza born 1854 had a child, William Harvey Lofton, and later married Andrew Beckley. We can't find any records of a marriag to a lofton. If you have any info it would be appreciated. Keep up the good work. Judy Harris, Oklahoma

bobbie - 04/09/00 14:06:17
My Email:cbwrightok.net

enjoyed you site. am the granddaughter of Sarah Ellen Willis Hair. have other info if you'd like to see it.

Mary Willis - 04/23/99 18:26:04
My Email:rizza69@hotmail.com

I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!

David Applegate - 02/24/99 17:54:52
My Email:Davea@lasal.net

Love it! And all you!

Andrew Willis - 11/10/98 13:49:40
My Email:arw678s@mail.smsu.edu

This is all great fun. I feel as if I come from some kind of circus family or something!! I sure love you all, I wish I could be closer. I am going to college now at SMSU in good ol' Springfiel. My wife and I live in Sparta. The cool thing is that the landlord (Norma Short) went to school with Grandma and Geraldine! In fact, the farm where we live was once home to Grandma and Grandpa!! The world seems smaller every day. My two daughters are so beautiful, Daisy and Isabella (see Toms page). I will be in Gunnison this New Years, hope to see some of you there. Dad, It really is amazing to mee that you got your loan considering the level of negativity you have beeen expressing. The power of positive thinking cannot be denied. I love you, and I will expect you to be in a damn good mood when I come out with the Fam in Dec. I really do love you.

10/05/98 11:54:08
michael - 09/03/98 19:49:19
My Email:scarboy2@yahoo.com

hi uncle tommy this is michael i like the page it i cool well i have to go bye michael

Tommy - 08/26/98 01:49:24

56-57 I was 5 or six - are you the one that kept gettin me in trouble for pickin my nose and rollin boogers? :-) - I think that was Lavonne though.. hehe

Pam Pike(Applegate) - 08/26/98 01:44:18
My Email:gpike@trib. com

It was nice to take a peek, trying to recall all of you from approx 1956-57.

Lavonne Holt/Isaacs - 08/25/98 01:31:06
My Email:WE5kick@aol.com

This is toooooo cool! But I think your next family reunion committee should consider Florida. It's a great place to visit!!!!

Paulette - 08/23/98 19:30:40

Hey Fam...Notice Yesturday I had 43% and today I don't OKAY Tom now we get it---whoever is your favorite O... OKAY!

Randy - 08/21/98 21:08:43

Everybody thinks they know who the favorites are however that is the way Daddy & Mother operated they knew how to totally confuse you. Daddys favorite was whoever was in front of him at that time. Just exactly how I operate. People dont get all worked up ye the voting. Dont let Tommy fool you either He can rig it any way he wantsI had to correct some mistakes RW

Randy - 08/21/98 21:06:50

Everybody thinks they know who the favorites are however that is the way Daddy & Mother operated they knew who to totally confuse you. Daddys favorie was whoever was in front of him at that time Just exactly how I opperate. People dont get all worked up b e the voting. Dont let Tommy fool you either He can rig it any way he wants....... RW

Tommy - 08/21/98 19:51:48

no CHEATING!! only AOL users can vote more than once. I can rig it anyway ya'll want though - :-) I was not mother's favorite - Ray was... he told me so. He also said Chuck was Daddy's favorite - We'll se how that voting goes. Daddy's fav girl was Paulette.

Tommy - 08/21/98 19:51:40

no CHEATING!! only AOL users can vote more than once. I can rig it anyway ya'll want though - :-) I was not mother's favorite - Ray was... he told me so. He also said Chuck was Daddy's favorite - We'll se how that voting goes. Daddy's fav girl was Paulette.

pie - 08/21/98 06:17:49

Tom---whats up with the voting? You guys are cheating------Everybody knows Mary was Mom's favorite!

tom - 08/20/98 21:37:24

Thanx Tommy - I shoulda checked my links - you da'man

paulette - 08/20/98 20:18:33
My Email:nbbci@theriver.com

Hey Randy---how about your page? CHeck out Josh---Looks just like you! SOOOOO cute. By P.

Tommy - 08/20/98 15:56:01

is What legal? Legal smeegal.

Suzie - 08/20/98 05:29:39

Is this legal????????????????

Suzie - 08/20/98 05:20:29
My Email:ranchstorecenter@theriver

Who in the world are these people writing to you?? What about Daddy's favorite son? We all know that was Randy!!You all have a lot of free time on your hands,huh?

TIII - 08/19/98 19:49:49

Dad, Uncle Randy's page is a broken link. You don't have it connecting to any page. it's "" instead of "randy.html". I don't know if you have a page for him yet, although your naked truth started with his page, you better fix that link.

Sharon Matthies - 08/19/98 13:53:08
My Email:matthies@integrityonline9.com

This is GREAT! Your sister Paulette sent me the URL - I am so glad to get to meet all of you; even if it is in cyber-space! I am your Aunt Rintha's grandaughter, my mom was Shirley Ann. We have to get together! It just kills me to have family living i the same state as we do and not see each other! I am so thankful to our Savior for bringing us together. I am starting a family tree home page - I'll send you the URL when it gets up. My other email (at work) is sharon.matthies@gwl.com if you want a response during the day......!!!!! Thanks again!!!!!!! WAHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! In His love, Sherry

Paulette - 08/19/98 06:51:22
My Email:pastorpie@hotmail.com

Hey---what's up with that son thang---Are you proud Tom? And the girls---Hey----Mother didn't even know me---let alone like me! Somebody better start over.....Val will be the winner FER SURE! I'll go ahead and perdict Randy for dad's favorite son.....We' l see----Keep it up---I am trying to get pic's to you! Bye---Pie...Yes that's probably Carls son in Cally.

Delanie (again) - 08/18/98 05:07:49
My Email:pchypk@hotmail.com

I'd just like to reassure my mother (Paulette) that I DID NOT read the writing entitled "Delanie's Birthday Poem" on her page - even though I was dang tempted - cuz I haven't received my b-day card from her yet and I know it'll probably be much more perso al for me that way. Heh. Has anyone sent this website address to your cousin Lionel? I know he's on the web....

Delanie Higham - 08/18/98 04:59:51
My Email:pchypk@hotmail.com

Hey Tom, Great progress on this in such short time! I'm lovin' it.... Noticed that mom's writin' got thrown in - if I come up with sumpthin brilliant, can I sneak in on her page. heheheh. And, oh yeah - what happened to the guestbook the first few of us got in on? :)

TIII - 08/17/98 21:04:16

Dad Know how you were wondering how we could have 14 votes. Well AOL and Compuserve hand out random and different IP #'s each time someone logs in. So someone on AOL for example can vote as many times as he/she wants, while you and me only get 1 vote.
Randy - 08/17/98 19:12:09
My URL:http://www.rayzist.com
My Email:randy@rayzist.com

Tommy I notice I got one vote wonder who in there write mind could vote for anyone other than you. I am honored to have recieved the vote. You are doing a great Job.

TunaBear - 08/15/98 23:48:27
My Email:twillis@gunnison.com

Glad you guys are enjoyin the Page - Ray offered to support me in keepin it goin - hehehe - I got an Email from a David Willis - is that David Carl and Ruth's boy? - Will let ya know - does anyone know if any of the cuz's be onda net? Enjoy the pics - Andy and Jenny and my 2 grandbabies will be here tomorrow - will post new pics and have updates Monday.. Love you guys - Tommy

cw - 08/15/98 19:01:53
My Email:ceedub41@aol.com

Uhuh, Big blisters!! Ihad to change to my nose pickin fingers to type now . Hey Tom Igot another batch headed your way... Terry, send some more pics of you & that old _ _ _ _ _ _ miner!! Bye Bye CW

Paulette - 08/15/98 06:40:30
My Email:nbbci@theriver.com

You guys are doing great.......The rating just might be a good Idea---after alll I didn't give that picture to Chuck to see it blasted all over the internet...see if I ever give him anything again...By the way I am the 3rd from the right... You are good at this Tom....I need your help putting some of these on my background again...Pie...

Paulette - 08/15/98 06:39:05
My Email:nbbci@theriver.com

You guys are doing great.......The rating just might be a good Idea---after alll I didn't give that picture to Chuck to see it blasted all over the internet...see if I ever give him anything again...By the way I am the 3rd from the right... You are good at this Tom....I need you help putting some of these on my background again...Pie...

fathead - 08/10/98 02:26:25
My Email:ceedub41@aol.com

This is simply amazing brothers and sisters sending a lot of stuff...hope you enjoy! CW

Rosco - 08/09/98 05:01:27

Ya'll sure are a purty bunch!

Tommy - 08/07/98 19:45:23
My Email:twillis@gunnison.com

well EXCUSE ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i thought I was doin good to have pics on the dang thing :-) Tommy

- 08/07/98 06:08:00

thanks alot for loosing the last guestbook...I thought that was pretty neat..oH well---Don't think I'm gonna write anything worth while now---I gave it my best shot last time!! Pie

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