"Villa Lante di Bagnaia" with our friends Ida e Prisco. Our friends are from Nocera Inferiore a town near Naples even if it is in Salerno county. They love very much to visit all the towns of our region. Ida is a colleague of mine, Prisco is a "direttore didattico". We visited also the medieval bourough in Viterbo and finally had our dinner in a restaurant at Vitorchiano. This restaurant is in a building about 800 y.o. Villa Lante was built in the 16th century by "Il Vignola" one of the best Italian architects of the Renaissance. It has a flower garden which is an outstanding model of what we call"giardino all'italiana". At Villa Lante even if the weather wasn't so nice as it should in this season. In any case it hasn't been raining and that was what we were looking for. We visited also the medieval bourough in Viterbo and finally had our dinner in a restaurant at Vitorchiano. This restaurant is in a building about 800 y.o. Villa Lante was built in the 16th century by "Il Vignola" one of the best Italian architect of the Renaissance. It has a flower garden which is an outstanding model of what we call"giardino all'italiana".