Our Kids Are Home's
We went back to court on June 7th,2000 and our lawyer withdrew, we got our children returned to us with the conditions that the state of North Carolina kept physical and legal custody,and we were also told who could not be at our home, we agree as this was the only way our children could come home. Well then we were told that our children would not be home until the next day. On the 8th of June,2000 our children came home they were happy to be home, I was so happy to have them home, as the caseworker was talking to us(a friend and myself along with a tape recorder) she informed us that both of our girls had head lice but that their foster placement had treated them the night before,the caseworker also informed us that my son had future doctor appointments,along with that by law she has to visit us once a month, then I followed her out to her vehicle to get the paperwork for my sons appointments and said goodbye. After the caseworker had left I checked my daughters hair only to find live lice bugs so we treated both girls, we check our son also,but as they had been in separate placements he did not have any nits or live lice. Our children have done fairly well,they were scared to go anywhere without myself or their father even to church, when we ask them why they say they want to spend time with us,and because they don't want anyone to take them again. 1 week later I got a phone call from the caseworker who put my children into placement stating that she needed to come to our home for the 7 day visit, this surprised me because to my understanding, we would not see any caseworker for about a month. We made an appointment for that afternoon, I tried to prepare our children so that they wouldn't be surprised. Well that afternoon came and the caseworker showed up, our children hide in the bedroom until they were sure she wasn't here to take them away. I guess all in all the visit has gone well, she left and the kids seem to be getting more adjusted to being home. Of course they still get scared every time a vehicle that they don't know pulls in the driveway,they come in until they find out who it is. All of our children are still scared of being taken away for good, they all make pictures and bracelets and other things. When they give them to us they always say" this is for you to remember me by if they ever take us away for ever. Its sad that children worry about these kind of thing. But I have made a promise to my kids and I will keep it until I die and that is nobody will ever take them away again. And I will keep that promise. We are suppose to go back to court in 90 days for a review, so we are not really sure will happen next.
September 9 th we went back to court, only to find out that CP$ wanted to keep restrictions on our family, such as my son continue therapy, I continue angry management, a list of who could not be at our home. Our new Court appointed lawyers , told us, " My view on this case is if they say you are fit parents then they need to get out of your life totally. I told her I was glad she felt that way as I had case law from the United Supreme Court that support that, Troxler vs. Grainville. This lawyer had not seen this case law, even though it had been decided June 5th of 2000, a little over 3 months before hand. I also told her we wanted a court order for all of our records, she did not understand why so I told her " I want a copy for my records so that this case can not be held against my children as the case against my mother was used against me 20 yrs later, and also because I wanted them to sue the state of NC and Duplin County as well. We finally went into court , CP$ side said their BS, then it was my lawyers turn, she told the judge our feelings about the restrictions, and said to the judge " it is not easy for a parents who dont understand, and go with the flow, but it is extremely for a lawyer to have parents who wotn just go with the flow, Mrs. Sexton is one of those parents, she wants to know why something is happening, and every detail, as a matter of fact my client brought a case law to me today that supports our standing in this case" the judge asked what case law that was and my lawyer told her " it is Troxler vs. Grainsville, "the judge ask her what it had to do with our case and position to which my lawyer said " Your Honor can we concur with my client as she has done all the research and know what this case law involves" so the judge asked me, I told her what the case stated that a fit parent has the right to rear their child as they see fit without government interferance, and then I ask was CP$ not a government agency and she said yes. Then I ask the judge if I could please have a court order for my records to which she replied " you are entitled to you are party to the action" when I explained that is not what her clerk had told me, the clerk was questioned, She informed the judge of NC general statue which requires a court order. At this time the children's lawyer stood up and said I am a court official and it is my job to read the exact statue which is " a court order is required for any written documentation, no audio or visual records can be released. The judge granted a court order since it was required, and told CP$ our case was closed.
I tried to get copies of our records, including the court order so I could get my CP$ records, finally in November I got a copy of our court orders, only to find out that the CP$ lawyer had omitted the order for all written records, so I now have to hire another lawyer to go back into court and file a motion to amend the court order.