The following Alabama Census exerpts are only of the surnames I am currently

Taken from the book, "Alabama 1811-1819, Decennary Census Index," by Ronald Jackson...

Allen, David       Monroe          Miss. Territory Census   1815
       David       Washington 009  No town part of census   1811
       Drury       Clarke          Miss. Terr. Census       1816
       John        Madison         Tax List                 1815
       John        Madison         Miss. Terr. Census       1816
       Samuel      Madison         Tax List                 1815
       Samuel      Madison         Miss. Terr. Census       1816
       Samuel      Madison         Miss. Terr. Census       1816
       Walker      Madison         Tax List                 1815
       Walker      Madison         Miss. Terr. Census       1816
       William     Madison         Tax list                 1815
       William     Madison         Miss. Terr. Census       1816
Hampton, John      Washington 003  No town part of census   1811
         Robert    Madison 004     Flint River Lands        1811
         Robin     Madison 005     Miss. Terr. Census       1811
Humphrey, John     Madison         Miss. Terr. Census       1816
Humphreys, John    Madison         Tax List                 1815
Patterson, Archibald Madison 010   Miss. Terr.              1811
           Archibald Madison 001   Land Appl. & Permits     1811
           Archibald Madison       Flint River Lands        1811
           Daniel    Mobile        Miss. Terr.              1816
           Malcolm   Madison 001   Land Appl. & Permits     1811
           Malcolm   Madison 001   Flint River Lands        1811
           Malcolm   Madison 010   Miss. Terr.              1811
           Thomas    Madison       Tax List                 1815
           Thomas    Madison       Miss. Terr.              1816
           William   Madison       Tax List                 1815
           William   Madison       Miss. Terr.              1816
Pattison, Andy       Madison       Tax List                 1815
          Andy       Madison       Miss. Terr.              1816
          David      Madison       Tax List                 1815
          David      Madison       Miss. Terr.              1816

Taken from the book, "Index to the Alabama 1820 Census."

Allen, Aaron        Montgomery     No Township Listed       1820
       Abraham      Franklin       No TWP Listed             "
       Abraham      Franklin           "                     "
       Andrew       Franklin           "                     "
       Ann D.       Lauderdale         "                     "
       Benjamin     Limestone          "                     "
       Coleman      Bibb               "                     "
       David        Franklin           "                     "
       Elizabeth    Mobile         No Township Listed       1820
       Henry        Conecuh        No TWP Listed            1820
       Hiriam       Franklin           "                     "
       Horatio G.   Dallas             "                     "
       Isabella     Mobile         No Township Listed       1820
       James        Lauderdale     No TWP Listed            1820
       James        Franklin           "                     "
       James        Franklin           "                     "
       John         Bibb               "                     "
       John         Marengo        No Township Listed       1820
       John         St. Clair      No TWP Listed            1820
       Lewis        Franklin           "                     "
       Linsey       Franklin           "                     "
       Mary         Bibb               "                     "
       Richard      Franklin           "                     "
       Wert         Conecuh            "                     "
       William      Bibb           No TWP Listed            1820
       William B.   Dallas             "                     "
       Wilson       Cherokee       Cherokee Nation Lands    1820
Burton, Hutchens    Franklin       No TWP Listed            1820
        Charles W.  Dallas             "                     "
        R.          Cherokee       Cher. Nat. Lands         1820
        William     Marengo        No Township Listed       1820
Hampton, James      St. Clair      No TWP Listed            1820
Humphress, John     Limestone      No TWP Listed            1820
Humphreys, James    Limestone          "                     "
Humphries, Carlisle Dallas             "                     "
McCollin, John      St. Clair      No TWP Listed            1820
McColom, James P.   Franklin           "                     "
McColum, John       St. Clair          "                     "
McColum, Malcolm    Franklin           "                     "
Oliver, Charles     Conecuh        No TWP Listed            1820
        James       Conecuh            "                     "
        Joseph      Conecuh            "                     "
Patterson, Mary     Franklin       No TWP Listed            1820
           William  Limestone          "                     "
           William  Limestone          "                     "
           William  St. Clair      No TWP Listed            1820

Taken from 1820 Census Reports

  1. White Males over 21 years               
  2. White Males under 21 yrs.             
  3. White Females over 21 yrs.            
  4. White Females under 21 yrs.
  5. Total White Inhabitants 
  6. Total Free People Color
  7. Total Slaves
  8. Total Inhabitants

Name                                     1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8
_______            County                ______________________      
Allen, Henry          Conecuh            1  1  0  2  4  0  2  6
       Wert              "               1  1  1  2  5  0  5  10
Oliver, James         Conecuh            1  0  1  0  2  0  12 14
        Joseph           "               1  0  0  1  2  0  0  2
        Charles B.       "               1  0  0  0  1  0  0  1
Allen, Horatio        Dallas             1  0  0  0  1  0  0  1
       William B.        "               1  4  2  3  10 0  1  11
Burton, Charles       Dallas             1  0  0  0  1  0  0  1
Humphries, Carlisle      "               1  1  1  1  4  0  0  4
Allen, Abraham        Franklin           1  0  0  1  2  0  9  11
       Abraham           "               1  0  0  1  2  0  0  2 
       Andrew         Franklin           2  5  1  8  16 0  5  21
       David             "               1  2  1  0  4  0  1  5
       Hiriam         Franklin           1  0  0  1  2  0  0  2
       James             "               2  3  1  1  7  0  0  7
       James          Franklin           1  2  1  3  7  0  1  8
       Lewis             "               2  3  1  2  8  0  0  8
       Linsey         Franklin           1  0  0  1  2  0  0  2
       Richard           "               1  0  0  1  2  0  2  4
McCollom, James P.    Franklin           1  0  0  0  1  0  0  1 
McCollum, Matthew        "               1  1  1  3  6  0  2  8
McColum, Malcolm      Franklin           1  3  1  1  6  0  0  6
Paterson, John S.        "               1  0  1  0  2  0  1  3 
          John T.     Franklin           1  1  1  0  3  0  1  4
          W. T.          "               1  2  1  2  6  0  0  6
Patterson, Mary       Franklin           0  3  1  5  9  0  0  9
Allen, John           St. Clair          1  0  1  7  9  0  0  9
Hampton, James           "               1  1  1  2  5  0  0  5
McColum, John         St. Clair          1  0  2  0  3  0  0  3
Patterson, William       "               1  1  1  0  3  0  0  3

  1. White Males over 21 years               
  2. White Males under 21 yrs.             
  3. White Females over 21 yrs.            
  4. White Females under 21 yrs.
  5. Total White Inhabitants 
  6. People of Color
  7. Total Slaves

Name                                     1  2  3  4  5  6  7
__________________    County             ___________________
Allen, Benjamin       Limestone          1  5  1  3  10 0 12
Humphress, John       Limestone          1  3  1  3  8  0  4
Humphreys, James      Limestone          1  3  1  2  7  0  0
Patterson, William    Limestone          1  3  1  0  5  0  0
           William    Limestone          1  1  1  3  6  0  0

Taken from the book,"Index to the 1830 Alabama Census"

Name                County
Allen, A.           Autauga
       A.           Franklin
       Aaron        Lawrence
       A. H.        Franklin
       Alexander    Bibb
       Amos         Henry
       Annanias     Jackson
       Arva         Pickens
       Asa          Limestone
       Benjamin     Butler
       Benjamin     Madison
       Charles      Montgomery
       D.           Autauga
       Darling      Madison
       David        Franklin
       David        Jackson
       David        Montgomery
       Drewry       Wilcox
       Drury        Clarke 
       Drury        Jefferson
       Drury M.     Madison
       E.           Autauga
       Eldred       Perry
       Eldridge     Limestone
       Eli          Morgan
       F. M.        Greene
       George       Montgomery
       Gideon       Butler
       H.           Autauga
       Henry        Wilcox
       Henry D.     Lauderdale
       Henry N.     Monroe
       Hiram        Conecuh
       Hiram        Jackson
       Hiram H.     Franklin
       Isaac        Montgomery
       Jacob        Marengo
       James        Franklin
       James        Franklin
       James        Lawrence
       James        Lawrence
       James        Limestone
       James        Madison
       James        Montgomery
       James L.     Franklin
       James W.     Limestone
       Jesse F.     Franklin
       John         Bibb
       John         Franklin
       John         Lauderdale
       John         Lawrence
       John         Limestone
       John         Lowndes
       John         Montgomery
       John         Tuscaloosa ]
       John         Walker
       John         Walker
       John, Jr.    Bibb
       John, Jr.    St. Clair
       John R.      Morgan
       John S.      Lauderdale
       John, Sr.    St. Clair
       Joseph       Layette 
       Joseph       Lauderdale
       Joseph       Marengo
       L.           Franklin
       Lewis        Lawrence 
       Mark J.      Perry
       Martin       Jackson
       Mary         Franklin
       Mary         Lawrence
       Mat. S.      Jackson
       Miles        Pickens
       Moses O.     Franklin
       Nancy        Montgomery
       Noah         Dale
       Rebecca      Lowndes
       Reuben       St. Clair
       Robert       Baldwin
       Robert       Dallas
       Russell J.   Limestone
       Samuel       Morgan
       Samuel       Perry 
       Sarah B.     Shelby
       Sealy        Marion
       Sherod       Morgan
       Sherod       Morgan
       Stephen      Montgomery
       Stephen      Morgan
       Thomas       Franklin
       Valentine    Jackson
       Wade         Montgomery
       Washington   St. Clair
       William      Lauderdale
       William H.   Madison
       William      Perry 
       William      Montgomery
       William      Morgan
       William B.   Tuscaloosa 
       William H.   Franklin
       Willis       Marengo
       Zenus        Green
Burton, A.          Franklin
        Archibald   Lowndes
        D.          Franklin
        David       Green 
        David       Mobile
        Drury       Franklin
        E.          Franklin
        Edmund      Madison
        Elizabeth   Franklin
        George      Franklin
        H.          Franklin
        H. B.       Franklin
        H. S.       Monroe 
        James       Marengo
        John        Lauderdale
        John B.     Marengo
        John J.     Marengo
        Joseph      Montgomery
        Julius A.   Madison
        Nelson      Madison
        Samuel      Marengo
        Sarah       Franklin
        W.          Autauga
        William     Lauderdale 
        William     Madison
        William     Marengo 
        William Jr. Madison
        William M.  Lauderdale
Hampton, Edmond     Bibb
         Hardy      Lawrence
         James      St. Clair
         John       Jackson
         John       Lawrence
         Manoah     Lawrence
         Roling     Lawrence
         Toleson    Lawrence
         Wade       Lawrence
Humphrey, Crawford  Madison
          Isaac     Tuscaloosa
          Joseph    Monroe
Humphreys, Alex     Limestone
           Carlisle Morgan
           David    Madison
           Edward   Morgan
           James    St. Clair
           John     Limestone
           John     Limestone
           John W.  Conecuh
Humphries, Betsy    Montgomery
           James    Montgomery
           Jesse    Marion     
           Samuel   Montgomery
           Sarah    Madison
           William  Franklin
Humphris, Alexander Marion
          George    Marion
          Jno       Perry
          Joseph    Marion
McCollon, John      Blount
McCollum, Alexander Marion
          Daniel    Monroe
          George    Fayette 
          James     Fayette 
          Joseph    Fayette
          Malcolm   Franklin
          Matthew   Franklin
          Nancy     Marion
          William   Marion
Oliver, Daniel      Lauderdale
        Hardy       Clarke
        J. C.       Tuscaloosa
        John        Conecuh
        John        Lawrence
        John        St. Clair
        Joseph      Conecuh
        Joseph      Lawrence
        Lucinda     Perry
        Margaret    Madison
        Richard M.  Lawrence
        Robert      Limestone
        Samuel      Butler
        Samuel C.   Montgomery
        Samuel W.   Conecuh
        Theodorick  Perry
        Whiting     Conecuh
        William     Madison
        William     Monroe
        William     Pike
        Peter G.    Madison
Patterson, C.S.       Tuscaloosa
           Edward     Lawrence
           George W.  Marion
           Hamlen     Lawrence
           Henry      Dallas
           James      Fayette
           Jane       Jackson
           John       Fayette
           John       Montgomery
           John       Morgan
           John A.    Franklin
           Jos.       Franklin
           Malcolm    Morgan
           Nancy      Mobile
           Nathaniel  Jackson
           Neill      Morgan
           Peter      Butler
           P. M.      Pike
           Richard    Franklin
           Robert A.  Fayette
           Samuel     Morgan
           Samuel L.  Henry
           William    Limestone
           William    Butler
           William    Jefferson
           William    Montgomery
           William T. Franklin
           Willis H.  Franklin
Patteson, Alexander   Madison
          Alexander   Madison
          Anguish     Madison
          Benjamin    Madison
          Elizabeth   Madison
          John        Jackson
          Stith M.    Limestone
Pattison, John        Butler
Whitten, Charles      Madison
         John         Jackson
Whitton, George       Walker
         Spencer      Walker

Miscellaneous Census Records of Patterson Families from 
Alabama Census Records.

Household Number
Head of Household    Title  Sex/Race/Age   Birthplace
                                         Self Father Mother
St. Clair Co., 1920
Patterson, James      HOH   MW-64 yrs.   Al.  Ga.    Ga.
           Emma D.    Wife  FW-60        Al.  Ga.    Ga. 
Patterson, Jesse T.   HOH   MW-38 yrs.   Al.  Al.    Al. 
           Missouri   Wife  FW-38        Al.  Al.    Al. 
           Kay?       Dau   FW-15        Al.  Al.    Al.
           Taft       Son   MW-11        Al.  Al.    Al.
           Hascal?    Son   MW-8         Al.  Al.    Al.
Patterson, Leonard    HOH   MW-40 yrs.   Al.  Al.    Al. 
           Evia       Wife  FW-34        Al.  Al.    Al. 
           Dwight     Son   MW-14        Al.  Al.    Al.
           Harold     Son   MW-10        Al.  Al.    Al.
           Willard    Son   MW-8         Al.  Al.    Al. 
           Emma D.    Dau   FW-3         Al.  Al.    Al. 

St. Clair Co., 1910
Patterson, Charles B. HOH   MW-37        Al.  Al.    Al.
           Cora A.    Wife  FW-20        Al.  Al.    Al.
Patterson, Mary E.    HOH   FW-63        Al.  Al.    Al. 
           Minnie     Dau   FW-22        Al.  Al.    Al.
           Roxie      Dau   FW-26        Al.  Al.    Al.

St. Clair Co. 1880
Patterson, James A.   HOH   MW-2?        Al.  Ga.    Ga.
           Emma       Wife  FW-21        Al.  Ga.    Ga.
           Graves     Son   MW-?         Al.  Ga.    Ga.
           William    Son   MW-3         Al.  Ga.    Ga. 
           Leonard    Son   MW-?         Al.  Ga.    Ga.
Patterson, E.         HOH   MW-&         Ga.  S.C.   S.C.
           Elizabeth  Wife  FW-45        Ga.  Ga.    Tenn.
           Wiley      Son   MW-21        Al.  Ga.    Ga.
           Barnett    Son   MW-12        Al.  Ga.    Ga.
           Joseph     Son   MW-10        Al.  Ga.    Ga.
           Charley B. Son   MW-7         Al.  Ga.    Ga. 
           George     Son   MW-3         Al.  Ga.    Ga.
Patterson, W.T.       HOH   MW-26        Al.  Ga.    Ga. 
           Arthur M.        MW-6         Al.  Al.    Al. 
           Walter           MW-4         Al.  Al.    Al. 
           ?                MW-3         Al.  Al.    Al.
           Dillon           MW-1         Al.  Al.    Al. 

St. Clair Co., 1870
Patterson, William    HOH   MW-57        N.C. 
           Lydia      HK    FW-28        Al.
           Bramlet, Lewis   MW-10        Al.
           James            MW-8         Al. 
           Lockley          MW-2         Al. 
           Nannie           FW-8/12      Al.
Patterson, James      HOH   MW-60        Ga.
           Rebecca    HK    FW-60        Ga.
           Rebecca J.       FW-16        Al.
Patterson, Jasper     HOH   MW-22        Al. 
           Ophelia    HK    FW-25        Al. 
Patterson, Evaline    HOH   FW-37        Ga.
           Texanna          FW-4         Al.
Patterson, Elias      HOH   MW-38        Ga.
           Elizabeth  HK    FW-35        Al.
           William          MW-16        Al.
           James            MW-14        Al.
           Wiley            MW-10        Al.
           Burnet           MW-3         Al.
           Joseph           MW-9/12      Al.
Patison, John W.      HOH   MW-46        Ga.
         S. L.        HK    FW-43        Al. 
         James A.           MW-19        Al. 
         John D.            MW-17        Al.
         Robert M.          MW-15        Al. 
         Albert G.          MW-11        Al. 
         George W.          MW-7         Al.      
         Willie A.          MW-4         Al. 
         Joseph S.          MW-2         Al.
         Biddy(retired)     FW-62        SC.

Marion County, 1870
Patterson, Caroline   HOH   FW-50        Al.
           Sarah A.   HK    FW-13        Al. 
           Martha E.        FW-11        Al. 
           John E.          MW-9         Al. 
           Laura J.         FW-7         Al. 

Marshall County, 1870
#?-768 pg.193
Patterson, Samuel     HOH   MW-26        Al.
           Margaret E.HK    FW-19        Al.
           Mary N.          FW-3/12      Al.
#?-834 pg. 198
Patterson, Thomas     HOH   MW-32        Al.
           Jane       HK    FW-32        Tenn.
           Virginia         FW-8         Al. 
           Thomas S.        MW-6         Al. 
           Mary             FW-5         Al. 
           Bazel            MW-3         Al. 
           Jennetta         FW-1         Al.
Patterson, George     HOH   MW-48        Al. 
           Amenoa J.? HK    FW-49        Al. 
           John B.          MW-24        Al. 
           Sarah J.         FW-22        Ky.
           A.  S.           FW-19        Al. 
           Frances E.       FW-7         Al.
Patterson, John       HOH   MW-21        Al. 
           Mary E.    HK    FW-20        Al. 
           Lucinda          FW-1         Al.
Patterson, Mary       HOH   FW-49        Tenn. 
           James            MW-16        Al.
           Philip           MW-12        Al.
   Barber, Mary C.          FW-17        Al. 

Tallapoosa County, 1870
#?-24 pg.4
Patterson, John       HOH   MW-24        Al.
           Lanear?    HK    FW-25        Al.
           Andrew           MW-7         Al. 
           Martial?         MW-6         Al. 
           Lewis            MW-4         Al. 
           James            MW-2         Al.
Patterson, John       HOH   MW-43        N. C.
           Delona           FW-12        Al. 

Autauga County, 1870
Patterson, Samuel J.  HOH   MM-46        Maryland
           Matilda    HK    FM-43        Al.
           Annie F.         FM-25        Al.
           Joseph J.        MM-23        Al.
           Richard          MM-21        Al.
           Martha           FM-19        Al.
           William          MM-13        Al.
           Asbury           MM-9         Al.
           Paralie          FM-7         Al.
           Lugenia          FM-4         Al.
           Ida              FM-2         Al.
Pressley, Harriet           FB-26        Al.
Pressley, Washington        MB-25        Al.
Patterson, Pinkey           FB-20        Al.
Patterson, Martha J.        FB-1/12      Al.

Coosa County, 1870
Patterson, Judy       HOH   FW-50        Al.
           Josiah           MW-19        Al.
           Loduska          FW-17        Al.
           Meary            FW-15        Al.
           William          MW-13        Al.
           Isam             MW-11        Al.
           Henry            MW-8         Al.
Patterson, James      HOH   MW-38        Al.
           R. A.      HK    FW-38        Ga.
           Susan            FW-16        Al. 
           Permelia         FW-14        Al. 
           J. J.            MW-12        Al.
           Josephine        FW-11        Al.
           George           MW-9         Al. 
           Malinda          FW-7         Al.
           Abraham          MW-4         Al.
#?-150 pg. 441 A
Paterson, Louis      HOH    MW-50        S.C.
          Mary       HK     FW-42        Ga.
          Wilborne          MW-12        Al.
          Mary              FW-22        Al.
          Nannie            FW-18        Al.
          Martha            FW-17        Al.
          William           MW-16        Al.
          John              MW-12        Al.
          Lewis             MW-7/12      Al.

#148-152 pg. 441 B
Patterson, Jane      HOH    FW-52        S.C.
           Martha    HK     FW-26        Al.
           California       FW-9         Al. 
           Missouri         FW-8         Al.
           Monroe           MW-7         Al.
           Woodrow          MW-4/12      Al.

#149-153 pg.441 B
Patterson, Wilson    HOH    MW-20        Al.
           Malinda   HK     FW-40        Ga.
           William          MW-16        Al.
           Elizabeth        FW-15        Al.
           J.W.             MW-13        Al.
           Silas            MW-1         Al.

#75-75 pg.423
Patterson, D.J.      HOH    MW-24        Ga.
           Sarah     HK     FW-23        Al.
           F.C.             MW-2         Al.

#76-76 pg.423
Patterson, D.C.      HOH    MW-51        N.C.
           Elizabeth HK     FW-45        Ga.
           Cardela          FW-18        Al.

#98-98 pg.424
Patterson, Jesse     HOH    MW-28        Ga.
           Sparta    HK     FW-28        Ga.
           Harry            MW-1         Al.