The Latest News, Updates, and Rumors

(7/10/97) Well I'm still trying to scrounge up enough money to get an account at Simplenet. I've decided I'm sick of my page just being as it is. I've been brainstorming over the past few weeks and I want it to be diffrent from the rest of the POTF pages. I want the people who visit to have some part in the page. I want it to be a fun place to come. If anyone wants to throw in some ideas for the page it would be greatly appreciated. Also I'm looking for a Toys R Us 3-Pack, & a Cantina Showdown 3-Pack from Wal-Mart and if anyone can get one for me or is selling one please e-mail me Thanks for your time.

(6/21/97) First of I'd like to apologize to everyone for any inconveniences I've caused. I'm sorry its been so long since I've updated my page but I've been unbelievably busy. I also have used up my 10 megs at Geocities, so I have decided to move to Simplenet where I can get unlimited space for a fare fee. Then I will revamp the page and offer a frames version once I've made the move to Simplenet. I hope that you will forgive me for not keeping up my end of the bargain. I'll keep you posted as things change. Thanks. - Katy Walker

(5/13/97) Added pictures of Deluxe Snowtrooper carded, Rebel Fleet Trooper carded, Grand Moff Tarkin carded, and Admiral Ackbar carded to the Newest Pics page. Pictures courtesy of Joe Leung

(5/8/97) I added a "Release Dates" page with all the newest release dates of all the new figures! I've finished typing most of it but its not completely finished. I should have it finished by later tonight or tommorow. Visit the page by clicking here

(5/8/97) Added Pictures of Han Solo on Green Back and R2-D2 on Green Back to the Newest Pics page. Pictures courtesy of Shaun. You'll find his e-mail on the new pics page. Thanks.

(5/7/97) Added a new section which has pictures of promo stuff for the Special Editions. Go by clicking here

(5/7/97) Added pictures to the Newest Pics page.

(5/4/97) I was given this info today from a source: 4/13/97 (Collectors Series) Ast III: Boba Fett, Stormtrooper, Princess Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker in X-wing Gear. Ast IV: C-3PO, TIE Fighter Pilot, Admiral Ackbar, Revised 14" Chewbacca. *Exclusives* FAQ Schwarz: Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker / Bib Fortuna (2-Pack), Grand Moff Tarkin / Death Star Gunner with Interrogation Droid (2-Pack) Target: Luke Skywalker in Hoth Gear / Wampa (2-Pack) Toys R Us: Han Solo in Hoth Gear/ Taun Taun (2-Pack) JC Penny Christmas Catalog Greedo Kay Bee Luke Stormtrooper / Han Stormtrooper (2-Pack) Wal-Mart: Scheduled for exclusive but unknown at this time.

(5/3/97) Star Wars PEZ Dispensers released. See the pics of them by clicking here

(5/3/97) Rumored Figures are: 3-Pack with Resculptured Han, Luke and Leia, Leian in Ewok Dress (from ASWN), Leia in Bespin Gown and Leia (Bespin Escape). These from Josh Poley

(5/3/97) NEW RELEASE DATES! Due out for June 1997: Cantina Showdown Multipack (see below for details), Death Star Escape 3-Pack (see below for details), and A-Wing With Pilot. July 97: Rebel Fleet Trooper, ASP-7 Droud, Dengar, 4-LOM, Admiral Ackbar, Garindan, Grand Moff Tarkin, Ponda Baba, Weequay, Deluxe Hoth Rebel Soldier, Deluxe Snowtrooper, Luke Jedi F/X, Emperor Palpatine F/X, and Leia Endor on Speeder Bike. August 97 Jabba the Hutt with Han Solo, Dewback with Sandtrooper, Ronto with Jawa, Hoth Ice Playset, Endor Ambush Playset. September 97: Leia as Jabbas Prisoner, Han Bespin, Emperors Royal Guards, Snowtrooper, AT-AT w/ AT-AT Driver and Commander, and Millenium Falcon Carrying Case with Wedge Antilles. October 97 Nien Nunb, Saelt-Marae (Yakface), EV-9D9, Gammorean Guard, Malakili (Rancor Keeper). November 97: Taun-Taun with Luke in Hoth Gear. Thanks to Josh Poley for these Release Dates!

(5/3/97) Another Multipack has been confirmed! This multi-pack will include a resculptured Ponda Baba, a resculptured Ben Kenobi, and Dr.Evazan. It will be available as a Wal-Mart exclusive. The other 3-Pack which with Chewbacca Captive, resculptured Han Solo Stormtrooper, and resculptured Luke Stormtrooper is going to be a Toys R Us exclusive. Both will come with a plastic basr and a cardboard background. They should cost around $15 per set. This info from Josh Poley

(5/3/97) Added pictures of Emperor Palpatine F/X, and Dengar to the Newest Pics page. Pictures courtesy of >Mark Minicuci

(5/1/97) Added pictures of 12" Sandtrooper, 12" Han Solo Stormtrooper, 12" Luke Stormtrooper, and 12" Han Solo Hoth with 14" Taun Taun to the Newest Pics page. These pictures from Mark Minicuci

(4/20/97) Sorry to all those who have mailed me in the past week. I've been overwhelmed with e-mail and have not enough time to reply to everyone so please be patient. Sorry for the inconvenience but please be patient. Thanks!

(4/20/97) Added pictures of Luke Jedi on Green Card, and Yoda on Green back from Sir Steve and Shaun Adams to the Newest Pics page.

(4/20/97) Added pictures of ASP-7 Droid Carded from Joe Leung to the Newest Pics page.

(4/19/97) Cantina Band Members are now shipping and are reaching homes! They're coming fron the Fan Club this time not Lays. Keep your eyes peeled for yours!

(4/19/97) Added a Checklist. The 1st Checklist is a list of all of the figures that are available now, and the second checklist has the figures that are availble now, plus the future confirmed figures as well. Enjoy.

(4/17/97) Added diffrent pictures of Luke Speeder Bike to the Light Assortment Page

(4/13/97) Added new section where all the figures are listed with links to either the HTML about them or the pics of them. Now for those who just want to find a pic of one figure without searching every page for it you can find it here. Please tell me if I missed any figure because I'm sure I did. Enjoy!

(4/12/97) A lot of the earlier wave figures have been showing up on green backs.

(4/12/97) Another new coupon offer has been shipping with Ghost of Bens. This one is for a Pop Up Cantina Diorama.

(4/12/97) The Kool Aid Mail Away figure offer is a fake. There is NOT going to be one!!

(4/12/97) Added picture of the B'Omarr Monk Coupon to the Newest Pics page.

(4/9/97) There have been reports of A-Wings in Florida but this is just a RUMOR, and is not confirmed yet. I'll keep you posted.

(4/7/97) Added picture of Bib Fortuna Carded (Front View), Emperor Palpatine Carded (Front View), Han Endor Carded (Front View), Lando Skiff Carded (Front View) to the Newest Pictures section. Pictures scanned by Ariel

(4/6/97) Added pictures of Bib Fortuna Card back, Emperor Palpatine Card Back, Han Endor Card Back, and Lando Skiff Card Back to the Newest Pictures section. Pictures scanned by Ariel

(4/6/97) Added picture of Deluxe Hoth Rebel Soldier, Deluxe Snowtrooper and A-Wing Pilot to the Newest Pictures section. Picture from Joe Leung


(4/3/97) The Following Info from Josh Poley. Thanks. OK a rumored mail away figure is Sy Snootles will possibly be available from Kool Aid and it might take 110 Kool Aid Points and $1.95. Thanks Josh for the info.

(4/2/97) Updated Newest Pics Page. Unfortunately I had to take down the 14" Wampa and 12" Luke Hoth picture because Tomarts is cracking down on the usage of their pictures.

(4/2/97) Sorry everybody, I have been on Spring Break. OK new stuff. I added some new confirmed figures, from Josh Poley, to the Future Figs Page. These figures include. Chewbacca Captive (picture), Death Star Droid, Rebel Soldier in Endor Fatigues, Han Solo Resculptured (Picture), Imperial Officer, Labria, Lobot, Luke Stormtrooper (Picture), Paploo the Ewok in 2-Pack with Wicket, Leia Hoth, and Wicket with Paploo in 2-Pack

(3/26/97) It has been confirmed by Head of Promotions at Lays that Kenner did send them 200 Figrins and sent them out on accident. I'm going to try to get some scans up as soon as I can. Please be patient and check back!

(3/25/97) This is NOT confirmed but More news on the Figrin 'Dan situation. I found out that Kenner made a mistake and sent Lays 200 Figrin D'ans and they were actually shipped to people!

(3/25/97) Found out what the B'Omarr coupons say: "STAR WARS B'omarr Monk figure by Mail. When You Buy Any Three Star Wars Figures from Kenner!" Then the back says: Send: UPC Proof of Purchase from any three Star Wars Figures from Kenner, along with a dated cash register receipt and this original order form, (copies of order form will not be accepted). Mail To: Star Wars B'omarr Monk Figure Offer P.O. Box 6204 Young America, MN 55558-6204. It goes on to say that the "Offer expires 9/30/97. Offer limited to one B'omarr Monk figure per household, group or organization. B'omarr Monk figure only available with the purchase of three Star Wars Figures from Kenner, no exceptions. Offer good only in the USA. B'omarr Monk figure not available to ship until August 31, 1997."

(3/25/97) There have been reports that instead of recieving Ghost of Obi-wans, people are recieving Figrin 'Dan figures!! I'm currently checking into this so check back for updates!!

(3/22/97) Picked winner for banner contest. See the winning banner by clicking here

(3/22/97) Added pictures from the CNN Show.

(3/21/97) The latest wave has started hitting stores around the country!!! Keep your eyes peeled!

(3/21/97) There are going to be several exclusive 12" Figure offers for 1997. 2 being FAO exclusives. The first will be Luke Jedi and Bib Fortuna in one set from FAO and the other will be Grand Moff Tarking with a Death Star Gunner. Kay Bee will have one too. The Kay Bee 12" exclusive will be Luke Stormtrooper, and Han Stormtrooper. Best of all Toys R Us wil have a 12" Han Hoth and Taun Taun!! It will cost around $50. (Info from Adam Pawlus)

(3/21/97) People have started recieving their Ghost of Obi-Wans! Including me! The bad part is that it isn't poseable at all. Each figure comes with a coupon, and there are reports of diffrent amounts off on the coupons. Some are fot $5 off (mine are), some are for $2.50 off and there are even some are for B'OMARR MONK!! The coupon says get a free B'Omarr monk with 3 UPCs and and their receipts. Can you beleive that?! If you were one of those lucky people please e-mail me about it by clicking here (Info on coupons form Adam Pawlus)

(3/17/97) Added a whole bunch of new pictures from Josh Poley and Chip Cataldo to the Newest Pics Page

(3/16/97) Added picture of Hong Kong exclusive 12" Figures on main page.

(3/14/97) Added picture of Hong Kong Exclusive 3-Packs on Main Page

(3/12/97) Added new Summary of the First Wave to the First Wave Page Also this site got reviewed for Top Site by Adam Pawlus.

(3/7/97) The multipack with the Han Stormtrooper, Chewbacca and Luke Stormtrooper is confirmed by Kenner. The Han Solo Stormtrooper is going to be resculptured.

(3/7/97) Added pictures of the special packaged Luke Jedi that is going to be given out at selected screenings of ROTJ:SE to this section.

(3/6/97) The following info is from Josh Poley who maintains a wonderful Star Wars site, Yakface's Star Wars Figure Page. It is rumored that Kenner will be making a Carbon Freezing Playset and a playset of the battle scene with Vader and Luke from ESB with the window. It is also rumored that there are plans for a Deluxe figure made of R2-D2, 3PO, and Lando.

(3/6/97) In case you hadn't already heard the "Exploding Death Star" from Taco Bell has been recalled. Supposedly a child was playing with it and a piece broke off while the Death Star was in motion and hit the child in the face. If any one has any extras please mail me. I never had a chance to get one :-(

(3/6/97) The following info is from ASWN! A rumor is that prototypes for a resculptured Han in Stormtrooper, Luke Stormtrooper and Chewbacca have been spotted in Hong Kong. It is very possible that these are in a multipack. There is also a rumore that FAO will be releasing an exclusive figure, 12" Grand Moff Tarkin! It is also possible that the wave after the wave which includes Han Endor, Emperor Palpatine, Bib Fortuna and Lando Skiff will include 2x ASP-7,2x Ponda Baba,2x Weequay, 2x Grand Moff Tarkin, 2x Ceremonial Luke, 2x Blockade Runner Soldier, 1x Yoda, Han Carbonite, 2-1B, Luke in Hoth Gear. Thanks to Adam Pawlus for this news. For a great newsletter about these figures be sure to click above and subscribe!

(3/3/97) Added pics of....12" Admiral Ackbar, 12" Tie Fighter Pilot, 12" C-3PO, Group Pic of new 12" Figs, New AT-AT Pic, New A-Wing Pic, Chewy's Bowcaster RP Toy, Endor Ambush Playset, Deluxe Hoth Stormtrooper, Deluxe Hoth Rebel Soldier, Hoth Ice Playset, Lukes Utility Belt Toy, Luke In Ceremonial Outfit Pic, Remote Control R2, Remote Control Speeder Bike, and a New Pic of the Millenium Falcon Carrying Case w/ Wedge Fig all to the New Picture Page!!!

(3/2/97) I added pics of a lot of new stuff!! Click here to view them!

(2/27/97) I added a new section which will have all of the newest pictures I recieve! I added quite a few today so you might want to check it out by clicking HERE! Enjoy!

(2/25/97) Someone got back to me on the price of the original AT-AT from the first round of toys. The original cost $49.99 and the new is going to cost $74.99. WOW big diffrence. There is a big diffrence in the new AT-AT though. Just thought you'd like to know!

(2/25/97) The Bad News for the day. Return of the Jedi Special Edition delayed till March 14th!

(2/25/97) This info courtesy of Josh Poley (Yakface) (His Page) The ROTJ:SE will be Luke Jedi in some special packaging. Supposedly there will only be 150,000 made. Thanks for the info.

(2/25/97) Look for credit on the page! Added picture of the new Ronto, Picture of Admiral Ackbar and some more surprises and a Digital Picture of Toy Fair Star Wars Toys to Future Page

(2/22/97) Good News came into today when I found out that Star Wars won the Most Popular Figure Line in 1996!! It really cleaned up by also winning Best Individual Figure for 1996 with Boba Fett at 1. Also recieving a place in that area was Luke Jedi at 2, Leia Boushh at 4, Han in Carbonite at 5, 12" Obi-Wan at 11, Boba Fett/IG-88 2-Pack at 23, and finally the Jawa 2-Pack at #27. It also cleaned up in the Best Vehicle, Playset or Accessory of 1996 contest. In this category the Slave I recieved 1st place, the Speeder Bike at 2nd place, the Snowspeeder in 3rd, in 4th was the Outrider, Millenium Falcon at 5, the Swoop Bike at 9, the X-Wing Fighters #12 and finally the Lightsaber toy recieving 16th place. Star Wars also scored well i the Figure Fizzle of the Year in 1996. A given, Princess Leia made the list recieving 2nd place, Chewy Snoova at 7, Prince Xizor at 15, and Dash getting number 17. This proves how succesful the Shadows of the Empire line was!

(2/22/97) Also Due out this year are Figure Making Sets. There are two types of these sets. First, the Star Wars Collectible Figure-Maker, will have 3 diffrent sets. The Jedi Kits come with a book mold for making figures of Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Luke. The second set is the Droid Kit which will allow R2-D2, C-3PO, and R5-D4 figures to be made. The final set is the Space Creatures set. It has molds for Bib Fortuna, Gammorean Guard, and Tusken Raider. Each set includes 3 markers, 2 cans of Air Hardening Compound, and a collector card. The second kind of Figure Making set will make more then just figures. The Slave I figure making set is one set. The ship opens up into a hook mold for making Princess Leia, a Stormtrooper, and everyones favorite Boba Fett. This set comes with 2 cans of Hardening Spray, and 4 markes. The Millenium Falcon Maker is another. One side of the book mold will make a Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and Chewy. The other side will be the Falcons interior which can be sued to display the newly made molds. This come with the 2 cans of Hardening Compound, and 6 markers.

(2/22/97) The AT-AT which is due out sometime during the summer, will have poseable legs, lights and sounds, 2 projectile luanchers, a winch, and the cool part is that it willl have a "holographic" image of Darth Vader in the cockpit. The AT-AT will also include 2 figures, and AT-AT driver, and a AT-AT Commander. The AT-AT will run for about $74.99. Does anyone remember how much the old one cost?

(2/22/97) This info from the Pangea Toy Network. First off a little info about some F/X figures. Emperor Palpatone has lightning-strike energy bolts that light up! Not only can Darth Vader fit together with Obi-Wan F/X and battle, so can Luke Jedi F/X. The A-Wing fighter will have rotating laser cannons, a remote activation canopy and landing gear and it will also include an exclusive figure, the A-Wing pilot.

(2/18/97) Added picture of Luke with Speeder Bike boxed (courtesy of Brian Malnati) and a picture Luke from that set (courtesy of Joe Leung) in the Light Vehicle section.

(2/18/97) Added group picture of new figures which you can find by clicking here

(2/18/97) Added picture of the new A-Wing (courtesy of Yakface) to this section.

(2/18/97) Added picures of Deluxe Boba Fett loose and Prone Droid loose to the Deluxe page.

(2/18/97) Added pictures of the following Taco Bell Toys: Floating Cloud City, Exploding Death Star, Puzzle Cube, Darth Vader/Yoda Maguc Cube, R2-D2/Leia Playset, and the Yoda toy. View them here

(2/17/97) Added pictures of Boba Fett Deluxe Carded and Probe Droid Carded.

(2/15/97) THIS NEWS COURTESY OF BRIAN MALNATI! OK LOTS of new news!! Prepare yourself. A big rumor going around right now is that all of the previous figures and vehicles will be released on green cards but that is just a rumor. There is also a rumored release of Millenium Falcon carrying case which is to include WEDGE FIGURE!!! This item is due for release in June. Also due out in June is an AT-AT, and Luke Bespin. Also a strong possibilty is Darth Vader w/ Removable helmet coming out sometime in the future. Also the Ronto will be released in either late summer, or early fall. The jawa included with it will be all new. Another big rumor is that an exclusive figure will be given away at screenings of ROTJ:SE! The figure's name has not been released yet. As for Toy Fair news visit here. Enjoy the new info and you better starting saving your bucks, because Kenner is really putting it to us hard with all this news stuff! Happy Hunting!

(2/15/97) Tusken Raider 12" RELEASED

(2/15/97) Boba Fett Deluxe RELEASED!

(2/15/97) Added Picture of Darth Vader's Tie Fighter Boxed. Go here!

(2/8/97) New Pictures added to the Beast Assortment Page!!! Go here to check them out.

(2/3/97) Starting yesterday, Feb. 2, Kay-Bee toy stores will be having a Star Wars special throughout Febuary. I'll try to find out more info on like whats on sale.

(2/3/97) There is a rumor going around that Han Solo Stormtrooper is going to be released again, but not by mail order. Instead it will be released in a multipack along with a Stormtrooper and Princess Leia. Another multipack is rumored for release too. This multipack might include Dr. Evazan, Pomba Baba and Obi-Wan Kenobi. It is very possible that this multipack might only be avaiable to a certain store like the Sam's Wholesale Club multipacks were. (Courtesy of ASWN)

(2/3/97) The Premium Collectables on the Hasbro site are possibly going to be really detailed and really muscular figures. There are going to be three figures which are rumored to be in the works are Han Solo, Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader with another figure whose name hasn't been released yet. (This information from ASWN)

(2/3/97) Luke Skywalker on Speeder Bike and Cruisemissle Trooper Released!

(2/2/97) Added pictures of 4th Wave Figures carded. View the picture by clicking on the name. 2-1B Medic Droid Close-Up 2-1B Medic Droid Card Back 2-1B Card Front AT-ST Driver Close-Up AT-ST Driver Card Back AT-ST Driver Card Front Bossk Close-Up Bossk Card Back Bossk Card Front Hoth Soldier Close-Up Hoth Soldier Card Back Hoth Soldier Card Front Luke Hoth Close-Up Luke Hoth Card Back Luke Hoth Card Front ENJOY!

(1/24/97) Chewbacca 12" delayed AGAIN!

(1/24/97) Star Wars Toys arrive at Taco Bell! They are included in the Kids Meal and also available seperate. There are 8 diffrent ones. To get Yoda you have to be under 3. Argh! There is going to be a Balancing Boba Fett but it isn't out yet. The price for a a toy seperate are 1.50, but prices may vary depending on where you are.

(1/24/97) Wave 4 RELEASED! The newest wave which includes, 2-1b Medical Droid, Bossk, Luke Hoth, AT-ST Driver, and Hoth Soldier is shipping!

(1/18/97) Sorry I took so long posting this but the Ghost of Obi-Wan offer is now available. What I mean is Pizza Lays are out! Grap em up and start ordering!

(1/18/97) You can pre-order the Cantina Band Member. To pre-order one dial 1-800-TRUE-FAN

(1/18/97) The Skyhopper and Deluxe Probe Droid are now AVAILABLE!

(1/1/97) Happy New Year! Well anyway, as you can see a few lines before I said I had the new case breakdowns and I did, but dumb old me, thinking I had already posted them on my page, hadn't! I got a reminder today and I went and did it this time. I just want to apoligize for not posting it last time. After all these weeks you can really visit it by clicking.... Wait I have to thank once again the owner of the Australian POTF2 that took the time to send these to me. Without further ado click here.

(1/1/97) Added pictures of Emperor Palpatine, Han Endor, Bib Fortuna, and Lando Skiff. View them by clicking here.

(1/1/97) The news and pictures have finally arrived! The Ghost of Obi-Wan Kenobi figure is only going to be available on Lays Pizza Chips which are called "PizzaLays". To get the figure you have to send in 2 proofs of purchase from bags of Lays product, plus $1.99. There isn't an order form and there is no limit listed anywhere on the bag. That's the great part. The offer expires June 1st, 1997. If it supposed to come out around Super Bowl time, which only gives you only 5 months to get your figure. View the figure by clicking here

(12/16/96) Here is a list of rumored Toy Fair Vehicles and Playsets: AT-AT, B-Wing, Y-Wing, Tatooine Skiff, Taun Taun with new Han Hoth, Bantha with Tusken Raider, Wampa with Luke (hurt), Bacta chamber with Bacta Luke, and Darth Vaders Meditation Chamber with Darth w/ removable helmet.

(12/16/96) Rumored role playiong toys: Chewie's Bowcaster,Obi-Wan's Lightsaber, Anakin's lightsaber, Biker Scout Pistol,and Boba Fett's Wrist Rockets.

(12/16/96) Well, I hope you like Pizza Hut because that's who will in charge of the Ghost of Obi-Wan figure. Keep your eyes peeled!

(12/15/96) Todays my birthday! Here is the rumored assortment for the next wave: 2 Bossk, 2 Luke Hoth, 2 2-1B Medical Droid, 2 Rebel Hoth Trooper, 2 AT-ST Driver, 1- Hammerhead, Jawas, R5-D4, Tusken Raider, Luke(Jedi) and Yoda (What's he doing in there???)

(12/15/96) There is a confirmed variation for the Tatooine Stormtrooper. On one version of the card the figure is called a Tatooine Stormtrooper. Now it is called Sandtrooper. It has only been called Sandtrooper on the new green backs.

(12/15/96) Here is a list of rumored Toy Fair figures. My friend at Collector's Empire will be sending me pictures of Toy Fair figures when he returns. Here are the rumored figures, Wedge, Death Star Droid, Ewok 2-Pack, Luke Bespin, Luke Bacta Tank, Han Bespin, Imperial Officer, Lobot, Labria, Mon Mothma, Leia Hoth, Rebel Soldier (Endor), Zuckuss, and Chewie in Capture Gear.

(12/9/96) The newest wave figures possibly have a new look. Some have been seen on Green backs. It is rumored that this new look is for the Special Editions and possibly only availble for a limited time.

(12/8/96) There is a new look for the cards of POTF2 Figures. Instead of the red backing its now going to be GREEN!!

(12/8/96) Added a pic of the Bib Fortuna Prototype!

(12/5/96) I've got the breakdown of the cases of the newest figures!!! Thanks to Wayne, the owner of the Australian POTF2 Star Wars Site, which you can visit by clicking HERE To see what's in the cases go here.

(11/31/96) I've added pictures on my page of the following: 2-1b Medical Droid, At-ST Driver, Boba Fett Deluxe, Bossk, Cantina Band Member (Newer One), Darth Vader's Tie Fighter, Hoth Soldier, Luke on Speeder Bike, Luke in Hoth Gear, and a new picture of the Deluxe Probe Droid.

(11/31/96) There is going to be a new look for POFT2 packaging. The Star Wars Logo will be replaced with a gold-toned one.

(11/31/96) Been hearing about the Ghost of Obi-Wan eh? First of all its not going to be a Corn Pops mail-away figure which Kenner first said. It will be part of the 1997 Pepsi promotion. Frito Lay will offer it as a mail-away figure. It is also possible that Pizza Hut might get it or something else from Kenner. KFC might have a Death Star Box too!

(11/23/96) The next wave is available throughout most of the U.S. so keep your eyes peeled!!!

(11/18/96) Also the C-3PO carrying case has showed it's face (sorry bad joke) in parts of the U.S. It is pretty much the same as the old one and yes stickers to put on the compartments for figure! Kenner slipped this time by telling us what's confirmed for the next few months! Here it is: (the labels) Luke Skywalker, C-3PO, Chewbacca, Jawas, Greedo, AT-ST Driver, Grand Moff Tarkin, Mownaw Nadon, TIE Fighter Pilot, R2-D2, Han Solo, Stormtrooper, Death Star Gunner, Tusken Raider, Ponda Baba, Princess Leia, Lando Calrissian, Admiral Ackbar, Gammorean Guard, Darth Vader, Emperor Palpatine, Bossk, Yoda, Boba Fett, and finally Obi-Wan Kenobi. There are also 4 big compartments that I'm not sure what there for?? Happy Hunting!

(11/15/96) It is rumored that the new assortment has been released in some parts of the U.S.!

(10/26/96) Today I saw a commercial for Shadows of the Empire Toys. It only advertised 4 figures though. I think the reason for that is because they only wanted to advertise the most common ones and the easiest to find. The Vehicles they showed were the Slave I and the Outrider.

(10/25/96) This I heard about 2 weeks ago, I just forgot to post it, sorry. Anyways, It is now confirmed that there is going to be a Star Wars Insider Figure! Like a lot of you guys/gals though it is going to be a cantina member *yeah!* The limit for the figure is 5 per person. The Star Wars Insider says that the Subscribers will be taken care of first. The offer will began in the Spring with the Spring Issue of the Star Wars Insider. I now have a pic posted on my page of the figure!

(10/25/96) I have also heard that a Sam's Wholesale Club three packs are available. The first set includes R2-D2/Stormtrooper/C-3PO, the second is Luke Skywalker/Obi-Wan/Darth Vader and finally the third inlcudes Han Solo/Lando Calrissian/Chewbacca. They come in a special package together and inside that they are carded like normal.

(10/25/96) Next Wave spotted in Singapore???

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Katy Walker (