Welcome to Kelli's NEWSIE Page

"In 1899, the streets of New York City echoed with the voices of newsies. Peddlin' the papers of Joseph Pulitzer, William Randolph Hearst, and other giants of the newspaper world. On every corner, you saw 'em carryin' the banner, bringing you the news for a penny a pape. Poor orphans and runaways, the newsies were a ragged army, without a leader. Until one day, all that changed...."

You will never believe what happened to me???? I got to meet my favorite newsie! Trey Parker (Kid Blink)!!!!!! Ahh!!!! He was SO hot. And really nice. And you know what, he was surprised when I said I'd seen Newsies? Can you believe it? As soon as I get my pix developed I'll try to get it on the page!

I've begun to write non-newsie stories (I know, I'm sorry), so if you'd like to check my first one out go here.

Guess what? I'm back. OK, I took a temporary (1 year) leave of absence. Sorry. But I'm here again. So, the page should be having some changes made. *Shouts, cheers, etc.*

Hey, where did all the links go?? They went here.

Wanna know about me? Go here.

Liked the movie Titanic? There is a great page devoted to the love story between Jack & Rose. To check it out, click the pic.

Guys, no one signs my guest book. Like, I've had a bunch of people come to the page and I have 30 entries! So PLEASE Sign My Guestbook

Guestbook by GuestWorld

To see what other studs have been here you can View My Guestbook

I got a new guestbook, but you can still View my old Guestbook

Here are all of my many newsie stories, in the order that I wrote them in. My very first story is working again. The later ones are better, though. Enjoy!

Me and Da Boys

Us and Da Boys

The sequel to "Me and The Boys"

Hello, Good-Bye

Fallen Roses, Shattered Dreams

Keep Out

A Month in Brooklyn One Night

Lost and Found

A Suitable Leader

The Princess and the Pauper

The sequel to "A Suitable Leader"
The Mysterious Suitor

Like the Mighty Ducks? Go visit my page here:

Look how many people have visited my page since...wait a sec...the counters broken...

*kick* There we go! Look how many people have visited my page since March 7, 1998.

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Me and Da Boys | Us and Da Boys | Hello, Good-Bye | Fallen Roses, Shattered Dreams | Keep Out | A Month In Brooklyn One Night | Lost And Found | A Suitable Leader | Princess And The Pauper | Mysterious Suitor | Sign the Guestbook | About Me | Links | Duck Page | Survey | Home |

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