All you never wanted to know about ME.
I grew up living every man’s dream, I pulled tits for a living. Well, teats actually. I spent my childhood on a dairy farm in the Pacific Northwest. In high school I was chosen to represent our county as the Dairy Princess pitching the positive aspects of dairy products through public speaking engagements, television and radio. Although I have been in the city for several years now, the old adage is true; you can take the girl off the farm but you can never take the farm out of the girl. (As a side note, I am sort of a health nut now but I will never give up my dairy products!!!)

After high school I began a career in property management which I still do on a part-time basis. Three years ago my friend Ray Litman introduced me to modeling and I found my nitch. I have had the opportunity to be published in several print ads and catalogs. Feel free to browse through my photo album. Life really changed for me about a year and a half ago when I received my Nikon N50. Wow, I love the veiw though the lense! Now I find myself doing as much shooting as modeling. I have shot anything from people to products, but animals, landscaping, Arizona sunsets are some of my favorites. The whole world of photography is simply amazing.

I have several hobbies which keep me pretty active. Of course, photography is one of my favorite past- times. I also enjoy rock-climbing, hiking, weight training and fitness. Last year I became PADI certified and have been to Mexico for some great scuba diving. I will try almost anything once.

Well, enough about me, tell me about you!

Hi, it's ME!

Come see my photo album!

Just slightly under-
While I continue moving in, you really should
visit my friends, well.... as long as you're here!

A fine young talent,Cheri Potter's Home Page
Another excellent musicianBrad Payne's Home Page
Dr Dude's,Magic Page
Cptn Kirk's Alien Conspiracy PageCptn Kirk's Abduction Page
ADULTS Only PLEASEPetra Verkiak's Fan page
C-SquirrelsHome Page
Dar's DabblesHome Page
Tyrae's Hang-OutThe "Ecco-Kid" Speaks

Oh yea, and don't forget to check back with me...I'll be seeing ya.

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Last updated: 10-19-97 Dr. Dude@*RLPG*

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