5-23-04 : MAN O MAN!!! It's been a long few months for those of us here at the TS3K Productions. Lack of free time, combined with harsh work & IRL schedules make it harder and harder to dedicate time to creating AMVs. Sure we could just crank out any old thing, but then that wouldn't be fun, and probably wouldn't be any good. So, it's not that we've quit, we're just busy. TS3K has been busy with his retro-gaming sites and maximum work schedule. ZeWrestler's schedule has been full, congrats go to him and his 4.0GPA this past semester. Me, between a work schedule that's waaay too much, and some mounting medical issues.... I've been hampered in so many ways.
That being said.... WE'RE NOT GIVING UP!!! Sure, 2003 went by without releases from TS3K Productions, but 2004 will NOT show a repeat of the same. ZeWrestler has a final edition of his KANAMI'S SONG video waiting, nearly complete, and has his new TASKI'S ISLAND video well under-way. TS3K has promised to re-start MIDNIGHT IN THE GARDEN which has showed so much promise. Me, I'm going to restart my latest political satire video, hopefully having it out in time for summer, but certainly before election time rolls around. Sorry, but there is THAT much left to do, and so little time. The Olympiad may surface in time for the summer olympics, but no guarantees there. It was archived due to the destuction of a large piece of footage for it. I still lack a source for replacement of the footage.
Please bear with us and our schedules, it's the burden we all face. Gotta have the cash to get the stuff to make the amvs... but gotta also have the time to use what you get. The more you need of one, the less you have of the other. Heh!
Party on!!
Dr. Dude
ZeWrestler | |||||||||||||||||
7-21-03 : Wow!!! Has it been that long since an update? Sorry folks. Between working, dealing with some medical issues, and trying to find time for sleeping, updating the website or working on my videos has been impossible. I've spoken with the Doc, and he's been up to his ears in work. To top it off, he's also trying to buy a new house.... anyone who's done that knows it's ULTIMATELY time consuming. As the Doc hasn't been in communication with the rest of the group here, I don't have any word from ZeWrestler on his projects. >>Contact me ZeW<<
As things calm down for me, very soon I hope!, I will be taking time to restore the videos we had for download. Also, I will be adding my video I missed sending to Otakon possibly as well.
Best wishes,
2-19-03 : Well, we've not left, just not done much in the AMV world this year yet. Since my last posting, alot more real life issues have surfaced for the entire group here than any one of us can deal with. So, we're still in there pitching, but right now, its tough to balance work, life & hobbies. Bear with us, we're still in there. But we're going at our own pace. Hurried work is worried work as the old saying goes. Mostly, we want to keep it fun. If we feel rushed through our projects, it seems more like work. Trust us, we'll make a better video if you give us time. :-)
Bad news continues however. Our friends at SCOSU.ORG couldn't keep the videos up for very long, and they've been taken down as of early Febuary. We're working on getting new web hosting, but right now, it's only download by request. Contact me or TS3K at our email addresses (click CONTACT US) and we'll get you the video(s) of your choice via ICQ, AOL Instant Messenger or MSN Messenger Service. Please let us know which service will work best for you and a time (PST) you'll be available.
At last contact with members, here's the video status report.
Dr. Dude | Tom Servo3K | ||||||||||||||||
ZeWrestler | |||||||||||||||||
12-16-02 : We're baaaa-aack. Well, as best we can be. heh. We've had alot of problems recently. Randomvariable.net lost its file host, so our videos had to go off-line. Combine that with the loss of our original site, and things were looking pretty grim for MST3K NOW.
Jump forward to today. I was contacted by the webmaster at SCOSU.ORG. Aparently he's a big fan of our work, especially my work with the CLERKS animated series. He asked if I could send them, which I did. However, not only did he enjoy them, but has offered to host them for a while. So, with many thanks to him, some of our videos are back on-line.
They are :
So, right now, we're working on getting a site setup at a new host. Please bear with us. Between real life issues, AMV creating, and more, time has been short. Fans of TS3K's work will be happy to know that he has indeed agreed to return to publishing his videos for the web. No word on which will be first, but I dont think we'll see anything new from him until we get the new site. Good news still though.
Word from ZeWrestler is that he's still waiting on footage to be delivered before he begins his new project in ernest. However, it is out of the preliminary stages and should be ready to roll with production as soon as footage arrives and the holiday season is over.
All in all, good news abounds. Here's hoping it continues to progress this good.
Party on people!
Dr. Dude
11-16-02 : Today marks a new milestone for TS3K Productions. Today newest member ZeWrestler releases TRIGUN-IC PARK, quite a cute parody trailer. Check it out in our videos section.
Myself, I've resumed a bit of work on THE OLYMPIAD, between that and another project I've pretty much gotten back into my AMVs. Serious work is getting done on them now, we'll see if my schedule allows this trend to continue.
TS3K says DARK PROPHECY is shelved for the time being. He just didn't like how it was shaping up. I personally liked it, but as always, never try to change an artists vision. You'll either just frustrate them, or end up with something they rushed. He's continuing work on MIDNIGHT IN THE GARDEN, I had mistakenly not updated the progress on this vid in the last update. Below is the correct progress for us.
As to new member ZeWrestler, he's already started work on his newest title, Kanami's Song. From what he's told me of his choice of music and anime, it could be VERY intruiging.
Here's the latest video status report.
Dr. Dude | Tom Servo3K | ||||||||||||||||
ZeWrestler | |||||||||||||||||
Party on people!
Dr. Dude
11-5-02 : Hey, finally another update!! Good news! Today, I'm releasing my new video. THE FINAL ADDRESS (formerly known as CIAL). Check out the OUR VIDEOS section to view it, or just click the name above.
Secondly, after long conversations, and several times we've helped him with vids, we've decided to add a new associate to TomServo3K Productions. I'd like to welcome ZeWrestler to the group. His vids show alot of promise, and are pretty darn funny. Hope you folks will enjoy his works as much as you do ours.
On the news of TS3K, he's still in the game. Samples he's sent of Demon Dreams are very cool. Could be very impressive.
Here's the latest video status report.
Dr. Dude | Tom Servo3K | ||||||||||||||||||
Party on people!
Dr. Dude
10-5-02 : Well, despite the lack of news updates, we're still here. Real life has been keeping the pressure on us. Work, work, then a side order of work. Work progresses on my videos, and while I haven't heard from TS3K in about a week, last info said he was well underway with a segment of his vid DEMON DREAMS thats been a sticky spot for him. He also mentioned a possible web release version of it, as well as restarting the shelved project MIDNIGHT IN THE GARDEN, which from the script I read, and few test segments he had ready looked like it would be quite cool.
As for me, I've had my work schedule changed so many times its amazing I have worked in time for sleeping. What time I spend on the net is mostly for decompressing from stress. However, with that being said, I have had time to push CIAL to near completion, and hope to get it done soon, barring an increased workload again.
Now, some of the coolest news. I WON AN AWARD AT ANIME WEEKEND ATLANTA!!!!!!!!!!!!! After much goading from friends, a little help from TS3K and despite the lack of e-mail response initally from the AWA reps running the show... I entered 3 vids. Clerks : The Lost animated Trailer Remix, Trouser Snake: The Trailer and EVA Science Theater. In a pleasantly shocking turn of events. TROUSER SNAKE won for Best Parody. I was even given a judges award for MOST OVERLOOKED ARTIST. I'd like to thank the judges for the awards. I seriously would like to have attended, but my schedule prevented me from doing so. I love to hear that people enjoy my work, but I even more like to see them enjoing it. After hearing the response that THE LESSON got last year at AWA, I was pleased to hear that people still enjoy the work we do.
Here's hoping we're able to get things back on track and continue to produce the kind of vids you folks have come to enjoy. Thanks for supporting us.
Party on people!
Dr. Dude
8-21-02 : Good news to report today, things have been progressing well, despite a harsh schedule for me recently. Expect a release sometime soon. Even TS3K says he's got one coming out despite his problems. Glad to hear that.
Also, two TS3K Productions videos have won awards at the MARTYR AMV CONTEST. TROUSER SNAKE: THE TRAILER won for Best Special effects, and THE LESSON won for best comedy. Thanks alot to the judges, and to all the fans who enjoy our work. Hope we can continue to make the kind of vids people will enjoy.
Party on people!
Dr. Dude
7-28-02 : Well, never assume you'll have free time. As soon as you do, others will let you know they have things they want you to do in that excess time. Some good and bad news to report this time.
First.. the bad news :
TS3K seems to have more to do than predicted, and also is having some health problems that are becoming a concern. Here's hoping its just something minor. Also, progress has haulted on his projects for the time being due to lack of time and energy. He has completed two projects and is hesitant to release them to the web, but perhaps he'll reconsider soon. I think he's holding out for a con release first, though with his current situation, I'm not sure even that holds high promise at the moment.
Myself, I've been in a constant search for the right footage. I've seen and remember so many animated programs, but even with my large collection, I own less than 10% of what I've seen in my lifetime. While I can envison and script what I want to do, finding the source video proves to be difficult. Eh, it makes it more challenging. heh. Due to this lack of source footage though, work on W.M. has been shelved.
Now... The good news :
Progress on other AMV projects has been moving along steadily. Actually, due to a recent aquizition, long archived project C.I.A.L. (working title) has been restored to active status and is coming along quite quickly. It's gone from a meger 8% complete to 70%. Gotta love that. Hoping to release it within the coming month of August. I've also fixed the link for MST OF THE STAR WIPE which was accidentally overwritten durring site transfer.
Also, I'm transfering over to this site my two versions of the CLERKS: THE LOST ANIMATED TRAILER. Look forward to an update for them in the near future as well.
Hope you folks will continue to enjoy our work and support us with emails and feedback at Anime Music Videos.org.
Party on people!
Dr. Dude