What's New

May 17, 2001
Did you think you would ever hear from me again? This site had gone into such disarray, it bothers me. It's falling apart I tell you. I thought I could let it sit just fine, but apparently, I can't let go of it so easily. Anyway, I don't know why some images won't show up but I've got ten minutes right now...see what I can do.

March 02, 2001
Who would've thought I would update so soon? Certainly not me! I still have some things to do, but as for now, I've added more fanart and I fixed a lot of broken links... I plan on changing a few backgrounds and there maybe a change in format along with some other additions... We'll see about that.

February 11, 2001
Visit "Dreams from the Past" to see a new contribution by Charles! I also added a new counter since my other seems to be out of the works. I haven't erase the other one in hopes it starts wroking again, which I highly doubt

December 27, 2000 b
In the call for more fanfiction, I present to you the longest fanfiction I have ever writtern: "In the Shadows of an Evening." It's a look into Dimirti's childhood, and I hope you enjoy it. I also updated my links. Well, I erased those which lost existence and hopefully, before the year is out, I'll add the recent Anastasia sites, particulary the pages of the people who signed the guestbook.

Ocotber 28, 2000
I would like to establish the fact that I'm still alive and though I promise you nothing drastic, I will try to fix a few of the various broken links and such as well as add something here and there.

July 07, 2000
If you like to see some fanart by Nancy, head to Dreams From the Past! For those Dimitri fans, I'm sure you'll appreciate her drawings. And they're colored too! I think these are the first I have recieved that aren't black and white so check them out.

July 02, 2000
Look for the new endings for "Man and Wife" at Lost Dreams with a continuation by new writer, Katie. I will also be adding new fan art by Nancy and hopefully something else if I don't get too lazy!

June 10, 2000
It only took about a month, but I finally have another update! Yeah! A new story from a new contributor: Janet. Go to "Lost Dreams" from the new addition!

May 13, 2000
So, I guess I've been a little negligent in the updating department. Well, I'll make an effort over the summer when things are less hectic and I'm bored to death. But I have new fanart from Amanda, and I'm offering any willing person to finish "Man and Wife" for me. Don't get me wrong. I intend to write my own ending but I thought it would be interesting if I have different endings submitted by fans. Any takers?

January 21, 2000
A month since updating! Well, there's another story to entertain you or not for the time being. From yours truly. Tell me what you think of it. It's sort of different from those introspective ones I've done in the past. I apologize if you see a lot of squares. It seems as though through Internet Explorer, one must figure out the missing letters, but in Netscape it looks fine. Anyway, enough rambles. It's called "Man and Wife," under Lost Dreams.

December 21, 1999
Go read the new stories at "Lost Dreams"! I think it looks much better than before, agree? I've also added new midi to some pages and you may control it however you like. Play it as much as you want or if you're sick of them, you've got the ability to stop it.

December 17, 1999
When I last left, I thought I would surely have more updates between these two days, but since that's too late, why not check out "Lost Dreams" for some new looks and stories?

November 12, 1999
Well it seems as though Ludmilla could pass for the 80s Madonna. I have posted a link to the new Bartok movie on my front page. The site offers you information and pictures to the movie which will be released in four days.

November 11, 1999
More updates! Yes, I'm even capable of get off my lazy butt to do something. If you visit the votecaster, you will find that it has gone under some renovation. New look and more questions.Actually, there are new pictures everywhere. I figured that staring at the same old things get boring and if you go to my forum or fanfiction page, there will be new stuff. But it won't end there!

November 09, 1999
All broken pictures fixed! Ha, at least I hope so...

November 07, 1999
This site is in want of improvement and so it shall have it, though it may take awhile. I plan on closing a few plaes up in hopes of opening it up again looking better, but one at a time. Being the 2nd anniversary and all that, I guess it would be a good time for something like this, sort of a special thing for this month. I have a new contributor for "Lost Dreams" and you'll see the distinct work within a few weeks.

October 30, 1999
Yes, I'm still alive. HAPPY HALLOWEEN! I finally found time to check my email and I had a request to add some pictures to the gallery so there they are, and I'm getting to that updating thing by the way.

August 13, 1999
"You'll be in my heart... yes, you'll be in my heart..." Blaring on the radio when it woke me up. Sigh, I'm not a morning person! If it were up to me, I would be sleeping till noon. But anyway, I added a new banner. And... I'm working on the character page, story, and reviews. Maybe I should try to stick to one thing. Has anyone noticed that I don't have "Learn to Do It" on the music page. I didn't till today. I changed the votecaster... sort of. I'll do some more tweaking with that today. May add "learn" if I'm up to the task.

July 2, 1999
A month... what have I've been doing for a month? Sadly, I have to admit, I'm getting tired of the internet. Well, it was months ago, but now it's just... blah! But, I will finish this site before the millineium, which isn't too far off... I have been working on the story. (How many times have I said that?) It's actual work though. Enjoy the color change! I'll probably change it back, but for now, it stays.

May 31, 1999
I put up "Lost Dreams" again, so go read the stories that are there! I think I put up a new story. If you have any fanfiction, please send it in. =)

May 30, 1999
I fixed the broken guestbook link, as well as a little tinkering on the pets page. I'm working on "Lost Dreams" and it should be up and running from it's however many months absence soon.

May 29, 1999
My goal was to focus on the story, but as usual, I don't stick to one thing quite well. Anyway, check out the Anastasia Greeting Cards. I have new pictures from which you can chose from, and they are of better quality. Hope you like them!

May 7, 1999
Is it true? Yup, there is an update. Told you so! Well, you had to wait two months, but it isn't like you visited this place everyday for the last two months, right? Anyway, to the point, I fixed a few broken pictures, though not all of them so please inform me of any I missed. I'm also making an effort on completing the story, or rather start the story.

March 7, 1999
In an effort to complete this site, I've been trying to finish up what I've started months ago. Today, I opened "Dreams From the Past, " so take a look and feel free to send in some fanart!

February 9, 1999
Omigosh, is it possible? Yup, I made an update! Well, actually, I made one on December 31, 1998, which I totally forgot what I actually did. This update is on a page that has never been open so you'll just have to wait and see what it is! Hopefull, I'll get it done soon.

November 22, 1998
I updated my link page. There is still more to come. I think I'll take a peek at my story page. Hmmm... the last time I touched that was on... September 2, 1998 at 4:49 PM. Yikes...

November 22, 1998
Updating this site gets harder and harder. Simply put, I need time and money to get this thing right. Me? Spend money? Yeah right. But I do need a paint program... Well, the awards are getting nowhere. Neither is the page about me, so out they go! Perhaps someday I'll bring them back, but that could be a while... I added a link to the Anastasia Mailing List, so if you aren't part of it, join the experience with us!

NOVEMBER 21, 1998
Happy First Anniversary, dears! One year ago, "Anastasia" was released in theatres. It was the start of a magical adventure for many so we celebrate today with joy. Have a wonderful day!!! And don't forget to send an Anastasia Greeting Card to a friend. =)

November 13, 1998
I keep forgeting to change the date. Good thing I have that countdown banner up now. Ooooo, I saw Meet Joe Black. That was a funny movie. I don't think it was suppose to be, but it was ... It had its moments.

November 11, 1998
10 more days and counting... Well, since I was counting down, I decided to put some quotes from critics. Isn't it neat? The quotes are random so everytime you load the page, you don't know which one you will get. I also added another story to "Lost Dreams." I'll add more when I find time. I'm changing the page about me and working on the thank you page, though I have nothing there yet (not really, at least).

November 1, 1998
::sigh:: I update too much. I have NO life!! Ahh!! Too much Halloween candy. I saw a really cute guy. Yup, yup. He had a British accent. *Leaving so soon? Don't you want to party?* Oh yeah, updates... Um, my Voting Booth. I have a new question and I put links to the songs on my music page.

October 31, 1998
I wanted to put my music page up today... oh well. I only need "Paris Holds the Key" and "At the Beginning." Happy Halloween! Ha, ha. I'm going to get lots and lots of candy!!

October 28, 1998
I put up my Anastasia Voting Booth! So, please vote! I still need to work on it, but later... when I have time. I'm open to suggestions!

October 24 and 25, 1998
I dunno if this counts but I got a Greeting Card service and a vote caster thingy, but I didn't put the booth up yet and I took the card service down. Does that count as an update?

October 23, 1998
It's my birthday today... yeah... A friend went to the hospital yesterday... someone just... don't want to talk about that... a friend ditched me, well, she didn't ditch me, but she didn't want to do something anymore and decided to do something else and she told me, if I didn't want to do it, I could hang out with the "dorks" who wanted to do it... Let's just say I'm pretty ticked off right now... ::sigh:: I'm trying to look at the bright side of things for everyone's sake, but it's hard. I haven't finished it yet, but I decided to put my "Lost Dreams" page up today. What do you think? I'm proud of it... though it isn't complete. Technically, it never well because there are so mant lost dreams out there and more to come.

October 20, 1998
I've been working on the Music Page... There is nothing there as of yet. I need to link it to the songs as soon as I'm finished with them. Gosh! I'm working on my page a little obsessively. Actually, I don't do much when I work on it...

October 18, 1998
Alright, I have my Awards Page up, though it has very, VERY few awards... And the page about me...and I worked on my Music Page. I finished "Journey to the Past" and "Once Upon a December." Well...sorta.

October 11, 1998
The formation of the page about me! Not really, well, actually it is... But it doesn't tell you where I live, how I look like or anything like that. Just my interests and beliefs, why I decided to make my page, why I love Anastasia. I put some serious thought in it. However, I don't have a link yet! That's okay. nobody is too interested.

October 9, 1998
I fixed the problem with my email form. It's all good!

October 8, 1998
I'm working too much on this! Okay, I'm getting my "Win My Award" page going, but I'm having a problem with my email form so I have to work on it, but I'm too tired to do anything right now.

October 6, 1998
Ahh! I'm tired! Hey, what do you think about having a little bit of my site dedicated to FDR? I think I might...

October 5, 1998
A little tweaking to make it look better. Not to mention I added the links to the page so you aren't clicking and aren't going nowhere.

October 4, 1998
I decided to open my page early. Have no idea why! Just wanted to. So what if you can't do nothing, but admire its beauty and sign my Dreambook... Nobody's signing it, are they?

October 3, 1998
My own animation!!! Do you like? I'll have some more, but not for awhile. Got work to do!!!

October 2, 1998
I have been putting the rest of my "Lost Dreams" up, not much. And I have one from Gina and another one from Stefaine.

September 26, 1998
I've changed the name to "Lost Dreams" and put my poem up.

September 25, 1998
At about 11:54 PM, I created "Dreams from the Past." (Inserted October 10, 1998: Was this the day I shut down my site of the day after?)

September 19, 1998
Sign "Dimitri's Forum!" I know you wanna sign it, so sign it! Dimitri wants to hear all those wonderful things about himself! Not that he's egotistoc. I really don't think he is. Ohhh, you should see all the pretty banners I made! But they take up TOO much room! Ahhh! But they're so pretty. But I have to stick with this really UGLY one. ::sniff:: I'm not getting any mail from my mailing list because my box is all jacked up! =( *Stop Procrastinating, Ally!!!*

September 16, 1998
In the middle of procrastinating, I decided to create an "Ever After" page. Just for the heck of it. I was going to do "X-files," but it can wait. right now there's nothing there, but a picture, but look at it anyways. Looks promising...in a year.

September 14, 1998
I don't consider this an update...well, it is. I created a link to a non-exsisting music page. So, don't go there till it's done, which is...next month?

September 12, 1998
I changed the look of my Dreambook. Looks better, doesn't it? Well, sign it then! Sorry, I haven't done much at all. My teachers are so hard, but I guess no one is really looking at my page. Everyone's got to get back to school. All school sucks!

September 7, 1998
Messing with that Java again. I just don't understand it! I'll try to find some time this week to work on it. I also gave credit to Chookie for her quote. I didn't know it was hers, okay? But I do now, so she has credit for her lovely quote.

September 6, 1998
Updates? What updates? Was I suppose to have updates? Oh, I'm creating a music page! I should work on it, and tell those who don't read this page that I'm going on a little break. School's starting on the 8th. Thanks Gina for making me more comfortable about it, though I don't even know where you live, how you look like, etc., etc., etc...

September 5, 1998
Do you know how much room pictures take up? I went from about 600, 000 bytes (which is not a lot) to about 2 MB! But pictures make pages look so much nicer, don't they?

September 4, 1998
Did I do anything yesterday? Oh, yeah. Picture gallery. But my Netscape had a bug in it, (always does, but I dunno of any better browser) and it pissed me off! I usually don't get easily pissed off. (Just thought you like to know.) But it'll be on my site to view by tomorrow. I'll never start my "X-files" or "Ever After" site at this rate.

September 3, 1998
Did very little I'm afraid to say. Worked on my links page, and created a Dimitri page that is in serious need of work. Yup, yup.

September 2, 1998
What id I do? I watsed my time creating a banner I later deleted. That's what. Other than that, I created a links page with very few links I'm sorry to say. Oh well...

September 1, 1998
Let's see what I've done so far...I learned to create my own graphics. Yeah for me! So, now my site looks prettier. I kinda started on the story. It's really a page that leds into the story part, so it's kinda not. There isn't a link for it yet. Oh, I develpoed an entrance, but there is no link for it either, and I need to make it look better.

September 1, 1998
I have changed some of the backgrounds. I was wrong about using 1 MB of space. But I'm glad I was. Well, I have been messing around with the Java, and it still doesn't work. I haven't even started the story yet! Well, I'll do what I can before school starts.

August 31, 1998
I think I got a lot done today. Nothing interesting, but I'm making progress. I have finally used over 1 MB of space. That's a lot, isn't it? Especially when I have nothing. Well, what have I done today? I finished my quotes! All of them. Hooray!! (Hmmmm,I never used "hooray" before.) I also found out why I wasn't able to view my dreambook, and I figured that out too. I also found time to create a disclaimer, though I have to rewrite it. I would have done more, like change the backgrounds to the pretty backgrounds I found up except my sister was hogging the phone line. But I can do more tomorrow. There's only eight days till school starts, and I'm dreading my freshmen year. For one thing, only 4 of my 6 books fit in my backpack, so that means I have to carry 2 books and 2 folders along with my heavy backpack. Fun, huh? Anyway, that means as soon as school starts, there will be few updates, so that's why I'm trying to do a bunch of stuff at once.

August 30, 1998
I'm finally getting off my lazy butt and attempting to finish the quotes. Meanwhile, I'm going to write the story of "Anastasia," but I won't create a link for it till I'm finished, so you just have to wait.

August 28, 1998
In the little time I had yesterday between registeration and swimming, I joined three webrings, and created a page for them. Visit my webring page to see all the other Anastasia and Dimitri sites out there.

August 27, 1998
I finally got my EZ loadup to work and put some music on my website. Hope you enjoy it!

August 27, 1998
I'm getting lazy, but I decided to finish the quotes later. There have already been plenty of sites with quotes on them...and they also have been up months before I even started this site. So, I'll have to put up something different or at least interesting as soon as I learn how to do that...But, ugh! My EZ upload isn't working and it's pissing me off! I can't do anything! Why won't this stupid thing work?

August 26, 1998
I finished Anastasia's Quotes and Bartok's Quotes today! Three more to go...how can people do these things? Well, hopefully I'll finish another one tomorrow.

August 21, 1998
I found a pretty background! But I discovered with Internet Explorer, my site looks really bad, worse than it even is! So, I decided to link people to the Netscape site. Isn't that nice of me? :) I also have part of my quotes up. With all the quotes I'm writing, I'll have the entire script down when I'm finish!

August 20, 1998
Well, I haven't done anything for some time! I finally learned how to put a picture up. I didn't realized you had to have it in your directory before you could view it on your site. Dumb of me, huh? Anyways, I got it up, and I also added a counter. (After reading a bunch of confusing HTML guides).

August 4th,1998
I have my Guestbook up!

July 31st, 1998
I got my first webpage! And I have no clue how to create it.